
Day Four With A Gold Digger: The Date

"You know, mon chéri, last night was so intimate I was almost considering, having you to myself. I wish I wasn't so hesitant, maybe we could've gotten naughty~" Clarissa smiled as she held her purse.

I placed my hands on the back of my head as we walked together. I smirked and closed my eyes. "Really huh? Well maybe if you're still up for a naughty night we can do it."

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 102}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 907}

"Ooo la la~ Tu sais vraiment où pousser~" Clarissa blushed and held her cheek with her left hand then closed her eyes. "We shall see~"

I opened my eyes then looked around and stopped to look at a sign that read Musical Hearts. Clarissa stopped and looked at me then looked at the sign I was looking at. "You do like to sing correct?"

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 100}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 1,007}

"Oui! I've loved to sing since I was a little girl~" Clarissa smiled.

I held her hand then looked both ways then crossed the street. We went into the building and I paid for a room.

{-$400 Spent}

{Current Money Owned: $209,600}

I took her inside the room and she smiled. There was a long couch against the wall and a table in the middle. I sat on the couch watched her. She looked at the microphone and I turned on the TV screen on the wall using the remote. Kyu-Pit appeared beside me, but only was visible to me. "The stage is all yours, mon amour."

She picked up the microphone and selected a song she knew by heart. She dimmed the lights and began to away from side. It was a romantic french song. I looked at the artist on the screen and read the name. The name was Constance Saint-Yze.

Clarissa began to sing and the lyrics, although I could only understand a few words, were very sensual and direct. Hearing those lyrics brought me physically pleasure and caused me to blush. She looked at me while she sang and walked to me then sat beside me, crossing one leg over the other. Her words became more passionate, more beautiful. She leaned against and smiled as she sang.

The song ended and I wished it didn't. Clarissa's voice was possibly the best thing I've heard in my 21 years of living. She smiled and set the microphone down then placed her finger on my lip.

"How was it..?~" She asked.

I looked into her eyes. "C'était incroyable..~"

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 111}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 1,118}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 82}

"Ahh ma chérie, tu as tellement aimé ça?~" She giggled and stroked my cheek with her thumb.

"It was probably the best thing I've heard in forever since your little noises from last night." I smiled.

{Love Trait Level Up! Flirtation Level 5!}

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 100}

{Reached Best Friends Status!}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 1,218}

"Oh mon chéri..~ I can't with you and your flirtatious words~" Clarissa blushed and looked into my eyes.

I chuckled and held her hand. "Who made that song you sang?"

"My mother..~ I wish to be like her, a singer. She's a lover, not a fighter~ She divorced my father for a man who was an artist, someone who was below my father~ She chose love over money..~ I want to be like her, but I must admit I love money..~" Clarissa smiled and looked at the screen. "How about you sing something, mon chéri."

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head. "I don't sing...I actually can't sing..."

"Come on, at least try." Clarissa smiled.

"Alright, alright.." I smiled then stood up then picked up a microphone then scrolled to pick a song.

It was a lofi-beat. I didn't know how to sing, but I used to freestyle all the time with my old buddies on Earth.

Clarissa watched me intently and smiled.

"A couple of friends who thought they were all cool

But one noticed he became the biggest fool

Sacrificed into another world, and they thought it'd be pretty cool

At first it was the furthest thing from the truth" I started.

"Ooo la la, a freestyle!" Clarissa smiled excitedly.

"He wandered around then met a friend

Encounter wasn't good as he almost met his end

He got away and noticed everyone was different,

He didn't fit in

He met a couple of friends who helped him begin,

A new life, he met a wife.

Soon they grew close and they had a night, an experience that would change his life."

"Mhm." Clarissa snapped her fingers.

"A couple days later

He ran into a prankster

Then she got kidnapped

And he had to trace her

After that, he ran into a academy cat

After she left he ran into a spoiled brat."

"Oui, oui." Clarissa smiled as she swayed to the music.

"Aye, then he went off

He ran into a French babe

She said it was time to pay

First it was cliche

But then he hit a lead way

Then he spent three days

Impressed her

Then she changed." I said then stopped.

Clarissa opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled and clapped her hands together. "Bravo ma chérie~ I didn't take you as a lyricist~ It was pretty good!"

I sat down and smiled. "Thank you. It was something simple."

She nodded and giggled. "Simple but enjoyable."

We stayed at the karaoke for another hour singing and having fun.


We left the karaoke and went to continue our date. I took her by the mall so I could buy her gifts. She held my arm as we walked together. I noticed some men looking at me with confused looks.

"How did he score her..?"

"Isn't that Arthur Saint-Yze's daughter..? What is she doing all cuddled up against a peasant like him..?"

"I don't think people approve of us at all." I said to Clarissa.

"Oh ignore-les ma chérie~ It's us time~" Clarissa smiled then looked up at me.

I looked at her then returned her smile. "You're right."

We walked inside the mall and went by various stores. I allowed her to buy whatever she wanted. She got a new purse, new shoes, and new jewelry.

{-$101,450 Money Spent}

{Current Money Owned: $108,150}

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 1,300}

{Reached Friends With Benefits Status!}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 2,518}

"Merci ma chérie~ I will cherish my gifts~" Clarissa smiled then her phone began to ring. She took her phone from her purse and answered it. "Bonjour? Ahh oui, c'est elle. Hein? Maintenant? Mais- D'accord...j'y serai bientôt. Au revoir."

I looked at her and tilted my head. "Something the matter?"

"I have to go...Business calls." She looked at me sadly. "I had a fun date with you while it lasted. Hopefully we will meet again soon.."

I nodded then she kissed my cheek and walked off.

{Clarissa Locked!}

{Unlock Requirements}

Lust Level 10

Passion Level 10

Romance Level 10

Flirtation Level 10

Charming Level 15

Funny Level 10

Tenderness Level 10

Money Owned: $3,500,000

I looked at my Love Finder then sighed. I searched for who was available.

{Nearby Available Girls}


"Eh..? Oh right, Florence is busy with the hotel, Aubrie, Dilya, and Victoria are busy with the restaurant.." I sighed then looked at the name. "Alright...let's see."

{Location Found}

Chloe - Locanoka City


I arrived at Locanoka City and looked around then walked forward. I noticed a girl reading a sign and had a finger on her chin.

"Uhhh...What day is it again..?" She asked then stood up straight. "Oh! It's Tuesday! I'll take a Tuesday Special!"

I rose an eyebrow and looked at Kyu-Pit.

"She's your woman." Kyu-Pit said. "One of the Generation One Destiny Harem Women. Chloe Wise."

"Uhm...miss. You don't have enough money. You're like $4 short." The man said.

"Eh..? I was pretty sure I brought enough.." She said then checked her wallet then noticed me put money on the counter.

"You're welcome." I said.

{Chloe's Affection rose by 12}

"Ooo! Thank you sir!" She giggled and took the Tuesday Special from the man's hands. "Oh, my name is Chloe! What's yours good-lookin'"

I noticed her strong southern accent and smiled. "I'm Leon. Leon Gray."

{Girl Unlocked: Chloe Wise}

{Chloe's Stats Acquired}

Name: Chloe Wise

Age: 31 Years Old

Birthday: December 23

Species: Human

Occupation: Instructor

Status: Stranger

Affection Points: 12

Intimacy: 0

Bust: E

Hobbies: Going on picnics, Listening to hip-hop, Taking sexual pictures, Stripping

Favorite Love Trait: Lust

Least Favorite Love Trait: Luck

Favorite Personality Trait: Funny

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Rebel

Favorite Food: Brownies

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys

"Patience is key with this girl. Seven years ago she used to be a cocaine addict, but she stopped doing cocaine and gotten over her addiction, but she is still hypersexual and forgetful. Her brain has matured even more over the years, but she still does act like a kid from time to time." Kyu-Pit said. "Good luck~"