
Asura's Rival

I watched as Asura curiously looked around Damselt. I smiled as I watched her wander around. As we walked, I placed my hands in my jacket pocket then closed my eyes. "Don't wander off too far!"

"I won't!" Asura answered back.

Kyu-Pit watched us and floated next to me. "Your entire prospective changed after that event an hour ago. I've never seen you genuinely smile this much..or at all for that matter."

"Really? Well I guess you can say I've turned over a new leaf after our talk earlier. I have been a bit too stuck on the past and I should just let go and enjoy the life I have now. This...Sex Crazed, Magic Filled life. Besides looking at Asura now, really shows my mom wasn't always evil back then. I mean it's still weird I'm dating my mom, but hey she's not blowing things up." I chuckled and placed my hands on the back of my head.

Kyu-Pit smiled and looked at Asura. "Plus you stopped Auguste. He's not gonna be bothering you or your friends any time soon. So how long do you plan to hang around Asura? I mean you have other girls to pick up as well."

"Ah..let me take my time from here on out. I've been running around and moving to fast as of late. I should enjoy just a bit of slice of life." I responded with my eyes closed.

"Well that's your choice. I'm not here to judge how you get the girl so take your time, superstar." Kyu-Pit nodded.

Asura stopped walking as she saw a cat sitting on a bench. Her eyes sparkled and she quickly hurried to the cat. She reached her hand out to pet it, but the cat woke up and hurried off. "Hey wait up!" Asura ran after the cat.

"Hm? Eh?! Asura! Hold on!" I ran after her.

The cat looked back and noticed Asura chasing him. The cat stopped then turned around and glared. The cat generated dark aura around his body. Asura noticed and looked surprised then quickly ran the other way.

"Eh?" I noticed Asura running in my direction. "What the-"

I looked surprised seeing the cat and ran the other direction, this time the cat chased us.

"I just wanted to pet it!" Asura cried out as she ran away from the cat.

I stopped running, realizing it was just a cat. I turned around and my eyes shined. The cat grew in size and a bead of sweat rolled down my face then I began to run away once more. I grabbed Asura and flames surrounded my body. I picked her up bridal style then flew off using my flames.

The cat stopped running noticing I had flew away. The cat reverted back to normal size and began to lick his paws.

I landed in Damselt Plains and set Asura down. Asura laughed a bit after I had set her down on the bench.

{Asura's Affection rose by 46}

{Asura's Affection Points: 1000}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 500}

"You should have seen the look on your face when the cat chased us." Asura said.

"Oh yeah? Why were you about to cry when the cat chased us?" I asked and poked her cheek.

Asura looked at me and blushed, smiling. "No I think that was you."

"Your brain has an F minus for memory because you definitely were the one whining when the cat chased after us." I said.

Asura giggled softly and looked at the sky. "I think I'm gonna like being here as long as you are in this world with me."

I looked at her then nodded. "I hope I can continue to make you feel that way."

She closed her eyes then her smile turned into a nervous smile. She and I felt some off putting aura. I looked over to my left and stumbled back and fell on my butt. Kyu-Pit looked at the woman who loomed over me.

"F o u n d y o u. Heh heh heh." The woman let out a creepy chuckle.

I looked at the woman and scooted back a bit. The more I scooted back, the more she walked closer to me. "Who the hell are you?!"

She tilted her head and her unnaturally blue eyes shined. Her white hair with blue highlights flowed in the wind. "I am known as Final Melody, my real name is Medusa Nox..."

My Lover Finder beeped.

{Girl Unlocked: Medusa Nox}

{Medusa's Stats Acquired!}

Name: Medusa Nox

Age: 20 Years Old

Birthday: October 30

Species: Fallen Angel

Occupation: Witch

Status: ???

Affection Points: 0

Intimacy: 0

Bust: B

Hobbies: Killing, Cooking horrid food, Making potions, Stalking, Expressing her murderous intent, Loves Leon with a harmful obsession, Singing, Witchcraft

Favorite Love Trait: Flirtation

Least Favorite Love Trait: Charisma

Favorite Personality Trait: Mysterious

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Charming

Favorite Food: Apples

Favorite Gifts: Anything that she can curse

I looked at Medusa and looked at her attire. She was dressed like a doll. It was almost surreal. I stood up and she watched my every move.

Asura grabbed her shoulder and Medusa smacked her hand off her.

"Asura Gray. This time, the man is mine. I love him more than you could ever love him. I've been interested in him ever since he came to this world..heh heh heh...Seeing him kill...seeing him hurt others...seeing him bring pain into everyone else's lives. It fuels me. It turns me on.." Medusa said and let out another creepy chuckle.

She lunged herself at me then was blown away by an invisible force. We both looked surprised and I looked at Kyu-Pit.

"She's a fucking lunatic! Get out of here!" Kyu-Pit said.

I grabbed ran to Asura and grabbed her hand then ran off. Medusa giggled softly and stood up. I looked back and noticed her standing there in place.

"Leon...I want to be with you.." She said then dashed to me, laughing maniacally.

I pushed Asura forward and my eyes shined orange then I turned around and went for a punch. She ducked my punch and I looked surprised. She grabbed my arm and flipped me over her shoulder. I groaned as my back hit the ground. She was way stronger than she looked. She quickly mounted me and placed her hand on my neck with her claws digging into my skin.

"You can't run from me, my love. I want you more than anything. Let me add you to my collection..." She said then was kicked on her mouth. She looked surprised then was sent backwards.

I looked up to see Asura and her hair had turned into blue flames. She tapped into her Azure Empress form to save me from Medusa. I sat up and looked at Medusa. Medusa wiped her lips and glared at Asura. Asura got into a martial arts stance.

"Asura..!" Medusa yelled then stood up and dashed towards Asura like a wild animal.

I quickly stood up and got out the way. "Kyu-Pit, what the hell is this?!"

"...Asura and Medusa are long time rivals. Although Asura doesn't remember who Medusa is, she can sense that she is a threat to you. Asura wants to protect you." Kyu-Pit said.

Medusa yelled and slashed her claws at Asura wildly. Asura blocked the attacks and ducked one of her slashed then struck the area between her chest and stomach with her stomach. Medusa groaned a bit and stumbled back. Asura dashed to Medusa and poked a pressure point in Medusa's shoulders then palmed her stomach.

"Spirit Arts: Spirit Bullet!" Asura bellowed then a magic circle appeared on Medusa's stomach. She turned her palm upwards then blew Medusa away with massive spiritual pressure.

I looked surprised as I watched. The power from Asura was unreal. It had me thinking about how much Asura was holding back on me when she was evil. "Asura is amazing...what kind of fighting was that?"

"Your mom is the creator of five types of Martial Arts. The one she used was Kiatsa. That type of Martial Arts uses your spiritual energy to weaken the opponent then sent them flying with a spiritual attack." Kyu-Pit said.

I looked at Asura and my eyes shined. Asura turned around and smiled at me giving me a thumbs up. She turned normal and walked towards me. I smiled then noticed Medusa dashing to her. I ran to Asura and reached my hand out. She looked confused then turned around. She looked surprised that her technique wasn't enough to keep her down.

"Asura!" I yelled and my body turned into flames and I pushed her out the way.

Medusa thrusted her hand through my stomach and I coughed a bit of blood. I grunted and Medusa looked up at me. She noticed my eyes shining blue and looked surprised. I grabbed her wrist and took her hand out of my stomach and coughed more blood.

"Seems like your attack pierced through my invulnerability.." I smirked. "But I have more tricks up my sleeve."

She watched and noticed I made a duplicate of myself. I bellowed and caused my original body to heat up so much, my insides began to destroy itself. I groaned then my body melted slowly and my spirit entered the duplicate making that my new body.

Medusa looked impressed and stepped away from the crimson flames on the ground. I held out my hand and those flames turned into a sword. I turned normal then made my sword disappear.

"You never cease to amaze me, Leon. Alright, I know when I've lost." Medusa said and her aura disappeared. She walked away.

"Hey wait!" I called out.

She turned around and looked at me. "Hm?"

I crossed my arms. "You came all this way to see me. Why not hang out with us?"

"Eh?" Kyu-Pit and Asura said at the same time.

"Wait really?" Medusa said in excitement.

"Leon, you have officially lost your marbles. Who are you? I don't know you anymore! How is this a good idea?!" Kyu-Pit asked.

"But we must set up some ground rules! One...if you try something devious, you will be my next victim. Got it?" I asked.

"Mhm." She nodded and let out a creepy chuckle.

"This isn't gonna end good." Kyu-Pit sighed.