
Attacking Merchants

"The intel?" the droid asked to confirm what he just heard.

"Yes, the intel," James casually answered as he sat at his seat while muttering, "she has grown up already, hehehe."

Since the unlocking of his true potential, he never stayed as much far away from women like he had this time. This made him quite sensitive, and wanted to pump any of his ladies much eagerly than anytime before.

And so at this moment, Dora seemed quite appealing to him, arousing all his suppressed desires.

"Nah, have to wait," he tried to control himself before adding, "I have a war to fight first."

He tried to sound reasonable and quite normal to that witch watching his back. She had been low on his nagging radar lately, but everytime she spoke she proved to him she wasn't that negligent to his actions.

And so he didn't lower his guard, not now, not against someone as cunning as her.

"The fleets are about to arrive," the droid said after four hours of waiting.