

The forbidden love between Marcus and Maria bored a son. Come along as we see how an abandoned Prince struggled to live and fulfill his destiny. please guy am new here so some comments will help THANK you.

Manasseh_Ofosu_2197 · 其他
6 Chs

The Reason Behind Maria's Attack

Maria leaned on Marcus' chest and slept soundly, she woke up and found herself in Marcus' office "ah was that a dream" "no Maria whatever happened was real" Marcus said as he came towards her. "Now you are only mine" Marcus said caressing her cheeks " Marcus" "ha" "you know am the princess of the wolf bloodline so this relationship will definitely won't be a smooth ride" "Maria don't worry we will go and see your parents tomorrow to see what lies in the future for us okay" "okay, you seem tired Marcus" "oh me, I just wanted to get some paperworks done before resting" "so you stayed up all night!!?" "Maybe" "you need to rest now, no resisting" Maria forced Marcus to sit down, she made him lie on her lap "Now close your eyes and sleep" Marcus wanted to resist but as he breathed in Maria's scent his vampire side calmed down, he closed his eyes an eventually fell asleep.

Marcus woke up late in the afternoon and Maria was not around "Maria!!" Marcus panicked "I am right here Marcus I went to get some lunch for you" Maria entered "Maria please never desert me" Marcus said runing his hand through her hair "I won't Marcus" Maria replied and kissed him passionately "Now eat your food before it gets cold".

"So what's up for today" Maria asked "hmm what about you get to know the people who you are about to become their queen" "oh that's not a bad idea okay" "let me finish my food first. Maria and Marcus walked through the clan house as Marcus explained things to her, "as you already know the vampire bloodline has been divided into seven clans that's the five leading clans with the purest bloodline and the final two whose bloodline has diluted through multiple mating with other bloodlines, my clan is the first of the leading five clans the Silvermoon clan. Literally we are about 1,500 in the clan house" "so many" Maria gasped "haha after me comes Daniel a vampire leader then the clan is sub divided into families, the head of every family is a vampire noble. So when I introduce you to them as my mate you are going to become a vampire queen "oh what about we tell them now ah Marcus" "relax we will inform the clan after we visit your parents tomorrow okay".

"Marcus meet me at the office right now!" Daniel mindlinked him "Maria I have to meet up with Daniel to discuss something important with him so you have to continue alone" "okay you can go" Maria replied. Marcus walked towards the office hurriedly "Daniel what's the problem" " Marcus do you remember the rogues we fought earlier" "yes" "lately I made some of our men station at the site of the fight for any movement and I just got an update about four cloaked men appearing at the scene and they seem to be looking for something" "can our men handle them" "yes they can" "okay let them capture them and bring them over for interrogation".

Later that day in an underground prison "Marcus there they are" "okay" Marcus eyes started glowing he immediately used his influence skill "who sent you and what were you looking for?" "it was the Lord of the seventh clan that sent us, we were looking for clues regarding the sudden disappearance of the test subjects" "the rogues" Marcus asked surprised "yes" "what test are you talking about" " it is the combination of bloodline genes to produce a serum which can give a short time boost in strength when injected, so we inject it into them and study their behaviour" "why were they soo wild" "their batch failed the they became like that" "so how are the genes acquired" "the genes used for the experiment must be of the purest of its kind so we mostly capture royals of the corresponding bloodline" "it was them that attacked Maria" Marcus said furiously. "Where is your base", suddenly the captive's head exploded, "that must be a defense mechanism to make sure their whereabout are not discovered"Daniel said. "Daniel stay on high alert and double the security, I am having a foreboding feeling" Marcus said and walked away.