
Fox Fire, Fire Fox

On a storm ravaged night half a world apart two creatures of legend are born carrying with them an unforeseen destiny that will link them together. A Cherokee raised shape shifter, that the local, English speaking, missionaries have dubbed Kit Blaze Fox, sets out on his quest to be recognized through the ritual trials to become a Warrior Chief. He decides to join the US Army in a time of war against his clans wishes. He gets deployed to a small strategic island in the South Pacific where he takes pity on a small fox in a trap, not knowing at first that he has saved his own soul mate born on the same day as he.

bindedangel · 奇幻
24 Chs

#5 Tale of the Mountain Foxes (1)

In many Native American Tribes history, wisdom, and life lessons are passed orally. Such is also the teachings of morality. More often that not Animal spirits play a part in teaching life lessons. But some also hide the fact that some who can shape shift hide amongst us in the world.

As Little Fire Fox grew so did his curiosity and rambunctious ways. Now an energetic toddler it was time to include him in the teachings from the elders.

For generations the shape shifters had lived peacefully amongst the Cherokee people of the mountains. More oftentimes considered to be Holy People or Spirit Animals they would help and guide their friendly neighbors in times of need. When they would do trade or assist in aid to resolve conflicts with other tribes they always did so in human form. Sometimes even taking a human spouse to further blend in. Life in those times was ideallic. Living off of the land and working together in communal harmony. No tribesman, woman, or child went hungry. Every woman was Mother, Sister, or Grandmother. Every Man was Father, Brother, or Grandfather. Thus everyone belonged.

On night Snow Fox brought all of the young ones around and told a story to them about the Foxes of their Clan. "Little ones hear my story and remember it well", he began, " Many many Winters ago our people came from the North following the travelers hunting for food and the deer. Back then the miles were long and hard, ice pricked at their feet, cold set into the bones, and they were weary of the normal folk fearing that if hunger set in for too long that they would become the next meal for them. They Prayed to Great Spirit to help them survive. Upon waking in the morning they trembled in fear at the sight of one another, as they all except the children, had human forms. Smell was the only indication to confirm identity to each other. Quickly garments were assembled and baskets made to carry the children. When the other folk would not have a good hunt, our kind would share ours, building trust with them. And thus they would do the same for our people. One by one as the children learned to take on this form as well."

"Things went well for a long time this way for a long time. One day a young brave fell in love with a beautiful fox maiden. He would follow her every day in the forest thinking she would not notice him. His scent gave him away. Eventually she returned his feelings. Thinking it best she introduced him to her father and the Clan Chief. They were not at ease about this and worried for their safety. Brokenhearted she sent him back to his people. Running back to her own people's encampment in her sadness she took on her fox form and ran away fast. Little did she know she had been followed and seen by a jealous woman of her beloveds tribe. Once reported to him by the woman he refused to believe it. Following day he found the maiden and confronted her. She reluctantly revealed her form to him. Mystified he followed his heart and accepted her. But the jealous woman trailed behind and upon seeing the scene ran back to tell her tribe."