
The Human Attempt

2 years into terraforming Venus. I was well into the plan. As after a year and a half. Plant life as spread all over the planet due to mass seeding. Forests have been made. The water within landmasses was all purified too. The ocean and sea waters were almost purified. It was time to begin the growth of some embryos.

A year later, I was holding a newborn in my arms. One of a group of five. I started small, so the new generations are taught by people rather than machines. I will raise these five to adulthood first. Then leave the next generation to them and so forth.

The humans were in the 1960's of their calendar. They had satellites which allowed them to take some pictures of the happenings on Venus. They were about the launch a mission to land on their moon. Their space age was just beginning.

In a few months, they achieved the moon landing. A massive milestone for any species.

Jump forward in time another 20 years. It was 1989 on Earth. The five children I raised are now 20 years old and have just begun taking care of the next generation. With their complete education, it won't be hard. The 2nd generation will be 10 babies. A fair load of responsibility for the five.

The five I have raised are, Floating Soul, Northern Wind, Skipping Across Rocks, Blooming Flower, and Rising Wave. Two males and three females.

The Martians have continued to be quiet. The humans always had their satellites trained on Venus. Some even tried radio communication. I usually took the time to answer. Why should I not?

Then the humans tried something a little crazy. Well, the small group of humans. My existence on Venus spurred the Space Race on Earth. Which resulted in private entities popping up. One such entity called Manifest Destiny were the most daring. Although I will say they have the most amount of talented employees. They decided to make a private spacecraft and then launched it with 10 astronauts to Venus.

I facepalmed after I scanned their space rocket. It was well built for the design. However, the design isn't good enough.

4/5ths of the way to Venus. Their rocket experienced serious breakdowns and malfunctions. Their landing system was botched and life support was failing.

They would make it to Venus, but make it with a fatal crash at the end.

I sigh, "Should've taken some more time. The young are often eager to their own detriment. I can't just let them blow themselves up on my planet. Now can I?"

I decide to save them. I did not use the Continuity. I am going to use a frigate called Prevalence to intercept the rocket. Then I'll transport the crew to the frigate and fly them back to Earth.

I let the children now and then take off.

I quickly leave Venus and intercept the rocket in a minute. I capture the rocket in a holding ray. Then bring the rocket close so I can connect the main hatch to the Prevalence. The human crew cautiously leave the rocket and board my ship.

I then have a drone escort them to the bridge where I am waiting.

When they come together they are excited to see me. I am in my full armor of course. The Captain of the crew barely keeps himself from stuttering.

"Hello, thank you for saving us. We would have had a fatal crash on Venus otherwise."

"You are welcome. Your engineers and and scientist should have taken some more time to make sure the design was appropriate for the task. Then the mission would have been a success. As a young species. It is important to learn patience and not rush the path to the stars.", I say,

The Captain is thrown off that I speak his language so well, "Um, thank you. We will take the advice to heart."

"Good, now you all may take a seat. I will get you back to Earth in a few minutes. Then you can try again.", I say.

They all take a seat with winder in their eyes as they look around the bridge. Such level of technology is still beyond their imagination at this moment in time.

We arrive on Earth and I drop them off in an open field via teleportation. They didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Then I left Earth and returned to Venus.

Hopefully the humans take the proper time on their next attempt.


thanks for reading