The Forerunner that realized the truth of his civilization and history. A forerunner who wanted a new beginning for himself. Here is my discord for readers of my books. Patreon link if you want to support my writing.( I don't put chapters behind paywalls. Only for support.)
A week into the terraforming directive, I have been contacted. I as I am now face-to-face with an old man of an alien race. They look human, but are not human.
We were on the surface of Venus which was now 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
"Who are you?", he asked with his spear in hand. He had an unfamiliar energy to him too.
"I am the Trifect, last surviving member of my species.", I answer.
He raises an eyebrow, "I have never see nor heard of your race in this galaxy. A species as advanced as yours, would be on my radar. An extinction event that could wipe you out would have been known to me too."
"I am not from this galaxy, nor this universe.", I say.
His interest is piqued. Then we have a good talk where I eventually invited him inside my ship to sit as we converse.
I told him of the Flood, and the battle we fought. About who we were and what I had to do.
His expression is solemn, "Detecting lies is a skill among the divine I have gained over the years. Everything you say has been truth. I am saddened that you had to fire the rings. You were left with a heavy burden. Asgard protects Midgard, and I would like to extend this protection, or rather promise of defense to you. Nobility should be rewarded, Star Forever in Luminance ."
"Thank you Odin Borrson. I will take the help I can get.", I say gratefully.
We part as friends, and I continue my work in peace.
As I was to be apart of the solar system. I kept tabs on Earth and Mars. The Martians were aware of the changes of Venus. I was in their communication and information network. However, the subterranean people were isolationist. They did not care much as long as it didn't affect them.
Earth was a different matter. The space agencies and governments were anxious and scrambling for information. There was even talk of sending astronauts to Venus when it became safe enough for humans in space suits.
Which would be in another week. In a month, the planet will be suitable to begin plant life. In 8 months, I would have plant life spread across the planet. Then I'll be able to begin the resurrection of my people.
In the meantime, I was educating myself on the universe. Long range scans had revealed many space-faring civilizations. The provable existence of gods was uniquely interesting to me. As my universe had no such entities with non-scientific abilities.
"It seems I may like it here..."
thanks for reading
RIP short chap