
Who did it?

The past month has been weird, to say the least. My best friend lost her memory and now she is to be wed to a man she doesn't even like because her father says so; I have been going out with said man's best friend; I got attacked in my own house and the identity of the man still remains unknown and lastly I have been living with Jordan ever since!

It really has been a full month...

My mind is going to explode if I keep thinking about what has happened. That man haunts my dreams and I feel scared to stay at the house by myself, let alone leave. I can't complain though... Jordan has been amazing and supportive. He makes me feel safe and secure when I'm around him.

The only downside of living with him is Max. I swear that dog has made it its mission to scare me. I go to the bathroom and when I open the door he's there staring at me. I'm cooking and he is sitting at the edge of the kitchen glaring at me for not giving him food!

And then there's Evie...