
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · 漫画同人
247 Chs

Are you a fun person

New Chapter bebeh!!!

Let's get it!

Oh yeah go to my Patr eon, chapter 54 is out there.

Go to: https://www.patre on.com/RedVoidDoragon

Or search: Doragon


Outside of Shino's. Alfie is leaning on his car with Roberto. Both of them are looking at Rindo stuffing her face to the front glass door.

"Your daughter is pretty weird, isn't she?" Alfie looked at Rindo with a funny expression. From the moment she stepped out of her dad's car, Alfie felt her carfree aura radiating. Her expression was that of a hunter that searches for its prey. In Rindo's case, the prey here is something fun.

"Yeah, she is. Just like her mother" Roberto scratched his side cheek as he laughed nervously. He is praying that everything goes great and Rindo establish a good relationship with Alexander

"By the way, you're pretty late aren't you?"

"From your first impression, do you think that she is the type to listen to orders" Roberto pointed at his daughter to which Alfie smiled and shook his head

"Sorry for asking." He said

After a moment, Rindo opened the door and entered "Helooo~" She said with a high pitched voice.

Koujiro returned her greeting and left to the kitchen.

Rindo sat down in front of Alexander and scanned him with her Cat-like eyes.

Alexander packed his cards and spoke with Rindo "Did you just got out of school?" He asked her, she was still in her Totsuki's school uniform so he assumed she was in school all this time

Rindo smiled as she tried to remember where has she seen Alexander "Yeah, and you?"

"No, I was here... about an hour ago." He looked at her sharply, blaming her for his wasted time

"Scary!" Rindo pretended to be scared when she saw Alexander glaring at her "What is your name?"

"Alexander Helmet." Said Alexander, he finally put his cards in his inside pocket

"Hmmm" Rindo put her finger on her chin "No, you're not the same person that I've heard about."

"What person?"

"Someone in my school...I was wondering if you were the same person since you both have the same first name" Rindo shrugged her shoulder in a nonchalant manner

'That is me.' Alexander realized that the person Rindo was talking about is him.

"I've told you my name, now it is your turn"

Rindo raised her hand cheerfully "Yesss! My name us Kobayashi Rindo or in our case, Romano Rindo, nice to meet ya♪" she sounded like an 8-year-old girl introducing herself to her class for the first time.

"Well, Rindo, I think you have an idea about what you're here for" Alexander wanted to get straight to the point and not waste any time.

"Yeah, my dad said you're my fiancée but...only if I agreed," Rindo added the last part with a serious expression making her playful aura disappear right away.

Koujiro and his staff brought the food and placed it in front of Alexander and Rindo. The table became full immediately with all kind of dishes from Shino's special menu

"Then, let's keep it short, do you agree or not?" Alexander asked and returned her serious gaze with a more intense one.

"I can agree but...Only on one condition." The atmosphere turned cold and all sounds faded, only Rindo and Alexander's voices could be heard.

"Are you a fun person?" All the serious atmosphere Rindo had around her faded and her playful self appeared again, Alexander facepalmed himself for believing that she was going to ask for something unbelievable or something like that.

"What?" Asked Alexander. His face has a funny expression on it from Rindo's previous question

"You see, I can't handle boredom, this is my last year in school and I have experienced everything that school can give. And I want from my last year to be the most exciting year of my life." Rindo told Alexander with cheerful and happy expression her reason for that question "And If our marriage can add some fun to it then I have no problem with that."

Alexander sighed and looked at the food in front of him, he took the fork and ate some of the duck liver in front of him, he was thinking about his answer. If he said he is a fun person then he would sound like some arrogant kid who is full of himself, but if he said he is not, Rindo may refuse the marriage.

Rindo was waiting for Alexander's respond with eagerness. Her eyes are wandering around his face trying to get something from his expression.

With the fork in his mouth, Alexander stopped what he was doing and smiled "Many people go around looking for the right person, fun person, reliable person, responsible person, but they never stop to look at themselves." Rindo was confused at his words but her smile never left her face

"In your case, you're looking for a fun person to be with but what about you?... Are you a fun person to with?" His words hit Rindo in her chest making it feel like a rock fell in her stomach. She had never thought about that, she stopped to think for a moment as her face started twisting in a thinking expressions

"You want to be with someone fun, then, me too, I want to be with someone who can make me laugh, make feel that life is easy. I can't be with someone who only demands and not gives." Alexander finished his dish and stood up shocking Rindo who did the same as him

"Take a few days to think about what I've just said, and we will surely meet later." He turned around and stopped at the counter where Koujiro is waiting, Alexander brought out his black card and swiped it at the paying machine.

"See you later, Koujy~" He then left the restaurant and met with Alfie and Roberto.

"Is everything okay?" asked Roberto

"Yeah, she will be thinking about the proposal for a few days. Until that time, don't try to influence her." Alexander ordered Roberto "By the way, get your wife and pack your stuff, your flight will be leaving after two days to Russia. My men will take you there."

Roberto nodded and bowed a little, Alfie opened that car door for Alexander to enter and Vlad turned the car on. A second later, the parade of cars left Shino's area with Only Roberto's car waiting for his daughter.

A few moments later, Rindo came out from the restaurant with her expression still in deep thoughts, she is still thinking about Alexander's words

"Baby girl, are you okay?" Roberto hugged his daughter tightly

"Yeah...I just need to think about something." Rindo entered the car with Roberto and they left to Rindo's Tokyo apartment that Roberto bought for her.

Inside the restaurant, Koujiro and his staff were cleaning the table.

"Phew, I felt like dying."Lucie leaned on the wall as she let out a deep sigh. Her blue eyes were on the verge of tears

"Yeah, the tension between these two was so high." Abel agreed with Lucie.

Alexander and Rindo may not have realized that or not, but the tension between them was so high that it affected the staff except Koujiro who was used to this. The air between the two felt like it would be mayhem if one wrong word was spoken

"Stop blabbering and go back to work, we need to open early tomorrow." Koujiro's scary and terrifying voice came from behind the two.

"Y-Yeas!!" They shouted and cleaned as fast as they could. Koujiro was thinking about what he had just heard from the conversation between the two earlier, he didn't mean to Eavesdrop on them but they weren't trying to conceal their conversation

'The 2nd seat of the elite 10 is getting married to Alexander and She doesn' know he goes to Totsuki too.' He let a smirk creep out of his mouth ' Now this is interesting.' Koujiro giggled creepily scaring his workers to death thinking he was planning to murder someone


chapter 54 is out there.

Go to: https://www.patre on.com/RedVoidDoragon

Or search: Doragon