
Floating through the multiverse

What do you love? Why makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you...human? And...what would you sacrifice to achieve your goals? Embark on this journey alongside a fellow man , who might or might not become something else along the way towards greatness. And make no mistake , he will get there. Using whatever means necessary... . . First world - Game of thrones (current world) Second world - Avatar The Last Airbender Third world - Cyberpunk . . The power system will be a combination between Reverend insanity , Lord of the Mysteries and Soul of Negary. The first 12 chapters are spent in a hell similar to the hell from Custom Made Demon King , only more advanced as a society. “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

FangYuan1234 · 电影同人
85 Chs

Avengers level threat

Do you mean to say that....Five deities turned into Seven in the last three hundred years?"

I asked , very intrigued by the prospect.

"Yes " the wooden girl said . "The ones who hunted us in the past were only The Father , The Smith , The Warrior , the Mother and most importantly, the Stranger" she continued , a bit of venom now present in her otherwise serene voice.

"They blessed the Andals's weapons to cut through our bodies like butter , and then they waited for our souls to exit our mortal coils , only to feast on them..."

Damn , that's quite hardcore...Also quite weird.

Why would only five of them eat the living trees?

Was the Maiden on a no-children diet?

Was the Crone too old to chew through their bark?

Or...maybe they weren't part of the gang yet.

"Do you know how the faith idolizing them was called back then?"

"They were known as just the ,,Pointed Star Deities,, , and they added ,,seven,, to their name only about a hundred years back" Leaf responded easily , probably having anticipated my question.

Hmm , I will need to check if what she said is true , because If it is....I might just be facing an Avengers Level Threat...

"As much as I like talking about mythology..." I said , signaling the end of that particular discussion...for now at least. " I believe we should begin discussing about the deal I made with the Three Eyed Raven"

"As per the recount from the Raven, your pledge entailed a commitment to contribute to the cause against the encroaching darkness of the Night King, in correspondence to the value you attribute to the magic wisdom bestowed upon you by the Children of the Forest. "

Very good discount Pinocchio, very good.

"Fantastic" I said , smilingly

"And what exactly do you plan on ,,bestowing,, upon me , oh great guardian of the forest?"

At that , it was Leaf's turn to crack a smile , even if a small one.

I sure hope you have something good , little Ent girl .

Or , I might just slip and your soul just might end up completely drained.


Mistakes happen after all...





My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined....

I thought as I tried for the hundredth time to make a tree move.

It turns out the wood people have wood magic.

Incredible, I know , I know.

Well , to be honest I didn't expect all that much to begin with.

If they had some super strong magic at their disposal, they wouldn't be damn near extinct.

Sure , they had many , many rituals for all kinds of purposes (mostly useless ones), but those were usually used by tens or even hundreds of Children at the same time , each focusing on a small section of the ritual.

So they basically used more CPU's instead of using threading like I was trying to do.

I can't deny it was a viable approach, just not all that scalable.

Still , their rituals were a bust (for now), and I was left with wood magic , the only type they were proficient in.

And it turns out their proficiency was mostly due to their traits as tree people, not because of research or extreme training.

Still , I learned that I could ,,take over,, lesser souls , and yeah , it turned out even plants have a semblance of soul.

Anyway , I could take over them and manipulate them as I wished in two separate ways.

1 - complete and utter suppression , using my stronger soul power , but as the name implied, I needed a much stronger soul than the one I was trying to bend to my will.

As in ten thousand times stronger.

Hmm , now that I think about it , a baby's soul strength is about a tenth of an adult...

So someone would only need a soul strength in the nine hundreds or so to convert them into say....frozen zombies .

2 - Infiltration.

This option was more open in it's application.

One could camouflage their own mana and then try to mold the target's soul without it even knowing, but it was hard to do with beings more complex then plants.

It was also what I was now trying and failing to do with the tree in front of me.


Infiltration would also be much easier if the target allowed themselves to be infiltrated , at least in part.

A good example would be Warging , or animal sight , when someone forged a bond with an animal and then managed to use it's senses as one's own.

Maybe even the Targaryen's ability to control dragons was related to this branch of take over magic.

I'm sure I will find out in due time, but now...

"You need to become the tree , and it needs to become you. You are not trying to bend the tree , you are the one bending" my smol green teacher said with a calm and collected tone.

"Of course, master Yoda" I said , completely straight faced.

"What?" my green master seemed confused.

But I refused to elaborate further.

"Stay here for a moment"

We were in the Godswood at the moment, and Leaf was still in her spectral form as if not afraid that the avatars of the Pointed Star would find her to finish the job.

But then again , I was also spending a lot of my time in soul form and I didn't plan on changing that.

If one of the Seven Deities came chasing after me as I was now , I had no Illusions of escaping , with or without my flesh golem.

As I thought deeply about anything valuable I had to offer in exchange for my life if someone exceedingly strong wanted me dead , I reached my destination.

The village just in front of Winterfell, where soldiers turned peasants in times of peace lived and reproduced.

As dawn's gentle light began to spread across the land, the village came to life.

It was a modest yet bustling community, with quaint houses constructed from wood and thatch, standing in close proximity to one another. Smoke rose from chimneys as hearths were stoked .

The village had an air of camaraderie, with villagers greeting one another as they went about their tasks.

The soft hum of life echoed through the streets, painting a picture of unity in the shadow of the grand castle that stood sentinel over them.

I didn't spare any of it a second glance .

I had my path to tread , just like they had theirs.

I kept floating through the village, entering hoses at random by phasing through the walls.

Within the village's houses, warmth and comfort greeted those who crossed their thresholds.

The interiors were simple yet cozy, with walls adorned by wooden shelves, some holding well-read books and personal mementos.

In one home, a roaring fireplace served as the heart of the dwelling, its crackling flames casting a warm glow on the worn rugs that covered the wooden floors.

In another house, a pot of aromatic herbs hung from the ceiling, releasing fragrant scents that mingled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread.

Shelves along the walls held rows of neatly labeled jars, each containing carefully preserved ingredients for the upcoming winter.

The third house had a distinct air of creativity, as the walls were adorned with vibrant tapestries depicting intricate scenes of nature and adventure.

Shelves were filled with all manner of artistic tools, from brushes and pigments to intricate woodworking implements.

Here, creativity flowed freely, and the space seemed to hum with the energy of inspiration.

Each house carried a unique touch, reflecting the personalities and passions of its inhabitants, yet collectively weaving a tapestry of camaraderie within the village that nestled in the embrace of Winterfell.

"Bingo" I whispered inside my mind as I finally found what I was looking for.

Nestled within the village, there stood a humble house that seemed to carry the weight of countless years within its aged timbers.

Time had left its mark on the structure, etching lines of wisdom into the very walls.

The thatched roof sagged under the burden of years, but it had weathered countless storms and stood resiliently against the passage of time.

Within the house, a cozy hearth emitted a gentle warmth that filled the air with a comforting embrace.

The flickering flames danced in harmony with the countless stories that had been shared around this very hearth, tales that spanned generations .

Books and scrolls lined the shelves, bearing witness to a lifetime of accumulated knowledge and wisdom.

Their pages were worn from frequent perusal, each page turned carrying with it echoes of long-forgotten secrets and timeless insights.

In the soft glow of the fireplace's light, an old man sat in a weathered armchair, his form slouched in peaceful repose.

His silver hair caught the flickering flames, casting shadows that danced across his features like whispered secrets from the past.

The lines etched upon his face told tales of a life well-lived, each wrinkle a chapter in a story that spanned generations.

The book he clutched in his frail hands had slipped down slightly, evidence of a gentle slumber overtaking him in the midst of its pages. The fire's warmth seemed to cocoon around him, wrapping him in a blanket of comfort as he dreamt, perhaps journeying through memories of days long past or weaving new tales within the realm of his imagination.

The room's hushed atmosphere resonated with the tranquility of his sleep, as if the very walls paid homage to the wisdom he carried within him.

Time seemed to stand still, as the old man's presence became a link between the present and the countless stories that he held close to his heart.

"Perfect" I thought as I neared the old man.

With a single though, I permeated him with my mana .

With another , I localized the posterior communicating artery in his brain , the artery most likely to suffer from an aneurysm in old age.

With a final thought, I severed it.

It was easy , his old soul weakend by the passing of time didn't provide enough protection against me.


And the man was dead.

Just like that.

As I perused his soul for useful memories, I thought about the ,,unforgivable,, act I have just committed.

I didn't try to argue about the morality of my choice.

I didn't think about how he only had a few years to live at best , and how his soul would then dissolve into the atmosphere, making the final outcome of his soul no different than being used by me.

No , those were excuses.

For the fact that I had just killed an innocent man.

For the fact that I have left two men without a father , and five kids without a grandpa.

For the fact that there would be no one left to put flowers on his dead wife's grave anymore.

But I didn't make any excuses.

Sure , it didn't feel good.

It didn't feel good at all actually.

But I couldn't afford to care.

I was not arrogant enough to believe that I was special , that I was the ,,chosen one,, , or the protagonist of this world.

But I decided long ago that I would sacrifice everything for the sake of my goal.

My rest.

My happiness.

My love.

My very essence.

For the sake of my goal.

I will keep on climbing.

No matter the obstacles.

No matter the cost.

No matter how dark the night.

No matter how high the the mountain.




I am.....














As I made my way back towards the Godswood, with pieces of a soul which was once Jacob's , the old man which I killed , I thought about my gains.

The Old Tongue

I chose that over Jacob's meagre skills in fighting.

The old man seemed to know it for some reason, maybe someone is his family tree was a wildling that managed to reach beyond the wall , who knows.

The point was , I was now barely able to communicate in the Old Tongue.

That's gonna come in useful later...


As I reached the clearing where me and my smol teacher were making trees dance , I saw her seamlessly wave her mana into a small sprout , moving it slowly, as if pushed by the wind.

Why only a small sprout, you may wonder?

Well , because her soul was injured.

She seemed all right on the surface , but after I spent a bit of time with her , I could feel that frailty of her soul body.

She had the same black cracks on her that Amelie used to have , even if for her they were barely noticeable.

I believe that she was at one point almost eaten by one of Five Deities but I didn't ask.

If she wanted me to know , she would have told me when she was narrating the Children's story.

"Leaf , come here and then stay still" I said , not bothering to explain why I had a fragmented soul in my hand .

She seemed like a smart wood gal , she could figure it out.

I also knew that she was aware of the deal I made with the Raven about strengthening Bran's soul , so it shouldn't come as as surprise that I needed to test my method first.

"How will this work?"

She asked , seemingly unperturbed by the fact that I was about to mess with her soul body.

Maybe she's just jaded?

"That's for me to know treeling" I said with a small smirk. "Tell me where else I can learn magic and I might just give you a few pointers"

I didn't have high hopes for her to know anything though, with her being hunted by gods and having to hide for who knows how long, away from the world.

As I directed my focus towards Leaf, a detached sense of purpose guided my actions. Utilizing the shattered remnants of the old man's soul, I channeled the energy contained within those fragments and directed it towards Leaf's ethereal form.

It was a process of harnessing raw energy, devoid of memories or experiences, and infusing it into Leaf's spectral being.

With each fragment I directed towards Leaf, a surge of energy flowed from the shards of the old man's soul and merged with her essence.

The energy acted as a catalyst, enhancing the vitality of Leaf's spectral form and imbuing it with a heightened luminance.

The fragments of the old man's soul intermingled with Leaf's being, each piece contributing to the overall resonance.

The effect was tangible, as Leaf's spectral form began to emit a gentle glow, an indication of the energy infusion taking place.

The fragments of the old man's soul were like puzzle pieces, fitting into the intricate pattern of Leaf's essence and strengthening it in the process.

The energy flowed in a harmonious rhythm, a fusion that transcended individual boundaries.

As the connection deepened, I observed Leaf's ethereal presence expanding, a result of the energy infusion.

There was no exchange of memories or experiences, only a merging of energies that created a unique synergy.

It was a neutral and detached process, guided solely by the intention to enhance Leaf's spectral form with the energy contained within the shattered soul fragments.

Sure , the conversation rate was quite low , sitting at about 50% effectiveness, half of the energy having dissipated into the surrounding forest , but that could be fixed with practice.

I watched Leaf look in wonder at the dark cracks that lined her palms , cracks that had receded quite a bit I might add.

She was quite cute , gaping at me as if I had grown a second head.

"Heh" , that's all I said as I floated away , towards the room my J01 Golem occupied.

I wonder if today is the day we leave for King's Landing...


A.N :

"I'm a Warrior

Don't bleed of fear

Armed and ready for battle

Anytime Anywhere

Don't look for trouble

But if trouble be

Skies of lightning and thunder

Strike my enemies

I am a Warrior

No one's too Big

To be cut down and defeated

By Grace of GOD they will

I'm the Warrior

Its win, Win or Die

Stand up for LOVE be not afraid...

Raise Swords up high"

- Some Warrior on cocaine

I plan to make this ark a long one so you can expect at least another 50 chapters of GOT , maybe more.

The options for the next world are as follows:

Cyberpunk - hard to write because it's such a complex world ,but Is the reason I even started this fanfiction in the first place so it will definitely be visited soon.

RWBY - Maybe as hard as cyberpunk and I have many fun ideas

Avatar the last Airbender - this one might be quite easy , and while I will try to keep things balanced , it might turn into a curb stomp quite fast.

The familiar of Zero - a complex unexplored world , with interesting concepts and the one I gravitate towards the most as far as second worlds go.

Tell me your opinions in the comments.

If you have any Ideas of for low-power level worlds , tell me as well.

FangYuan1234creators' thoughts