

It was another beautiful summer's day in Tario. Princess Zaria sat at the patio enjoying the sunshine and reading a book on pregnancy. 

The sound of someone yelling caught her attention. She lifted her head up and listened carefully but there was nothing. Snacking on the salt and vinegar chips she consumed like food, thanks to her pregnancy cravings, she continued focusing on the book in her hands. 

She was on the last page when she sensed that she was no longer alone. Lifting her eyes up again, she completely froze. 

"Your Highness,"a man greeted respectfully. 

Princess Zaria's heart almost leaped out of her mouth. She took quick shallow breaths, walls closing in on her and making it hard to breathe. Her hands shook, sending the book tumbling to the floor. 

"It is time to go home Your Highness," Petros announced respectfully. The other guards with him only bowed their heads but did not utter a word.