
Fleeing Royal Court

Dazzling and daring with unmatched beauty is Princess Zaria of Olympia. Promised at birth to wed King Vincent of Tario, a promise she has no intentions of honouring. Why should she when she did not make it? Hellbent, rebellious and risking starting a war with the most powerful kingdom, she will try to free herself from the treaty. Arrogant and mighty, with every kingdom at his mercy, King Vincent has never taken disobedience lightly. Moving heavens and earth, no stone left unturned, he will relentlessly ensure that the rebellious princess ends up his queen. Royal alliance and decrees will lead to passionate heartbreaks, plotting, betrayals and furry…..who will win?

Ole1 · Urban
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49 Chs

Royal treatment

Three months later in Geon, Mrs Bell walked into the Earl's mansion unannounced. Oscar was coming out of the boardroom from a meeting when he came across his fuming housekeeper. 

He flashed her his bribery smile, knowing exactly why she was there. 

"You have been avoiding me," the old woman accused. She was not impressed with Oscar for not coming out clean. She worried that the longer they kept lying to the princess the angrier she would be than if Oscar confessed earlier. 

He frantically shook his head. "I have been busy," he lied.

"Nonsense! Tell her the truth or I quit," she threatened. She had become very close to Princess Zaria and could not live with herself for deceiving her.

"No, please don't. Give me a week," he pleaded. He knew that Princess Zaria would be sad and even suspicious if the old woman she was so fond of suddenly quit.