
Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

A world with magic, mythical creatures, mystical herbs, labyrinths, and treasures. A world where the strongest adventurers get to be the ones to enjoy fame and riches. A world where various rankings decide your worth. This is the world where Shye Crowley and his sister were born. As the children of two fairly known diamond-ranked adventurers, Shye and his sister, Maia, enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle. Unfortunately, after departing for a mithril-ranked quest in hopes of ranking up, their parents couldn’t return. Years passed and life went downhill fast for the siblings. Fortunately, a fateful encounter bestows him a system that could change their fate.

Meowder · 奇幻
656 Chs

The Legendary Battle

"What? Let me see too!"

Even the usually lazy Reginald's eyes widened at Shye's words. He quickly sprinted over to Shye, eager to watch.

This hunt was the most celebrated one in the entire world. 

Unfortunately, the WAA permitted only a hundred copies of the full battle to be sold in select shops, and they were priced extremely high.

It was simply impossible for youngsters of today to purchase one as all one hundred copies had already been sold long ago.

Shye didn't expect that the old baldy would whip one out as though it was nothing.


Dark clouds loomed over what had once been a peaceful and prosperous city, while black lightning struck unpredictably—fierce, violent, and terrifying, filling the air with the acrid smell of burnt flesh and concrete.

Skyscrapers collapsed, clouds of dust billowed, and rubbles flew everywhere as though a doomsday meteor.