
Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

A world with magic, mythical creatures, mystical herbs, labyrinths, and treasures. A world where the strongest adventurers get to be the ones to enjoy fame and riches. A world where various rankings decide your worth. This is the world where Shye Crowley and his sister were born. As the children of two fairly known diamond-ranked adventurers, Shye and his sister, Maia, enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle. Unfortunately, after departing for a mithril-ranked quest in hopes of ranking up, their parents couldn’t return. Years passed and life went downhill fast for the siblings. Fortunately, a fateful encounter bestows him a system that could change their fate.

Meowder · 奇幻
656 Chs

Insanely Sharp

Clouds of dust swirled as the forest echoed with the sound of footsteps—one light and agile, the other slow and heavy, both carrying an air of aggression.

After noticing Shye, a mere human, charging at it, the Bloodskin Ogre roared in fury.

Contrary to its appearance, the red-skinned monster wasn't stupid.

It knew it was being "hunted" by an audacious little human.

Hence, it quickly picked up its giant wooden club, brandishing it towards Shye as it charged forward to meet him in combat.

"Hmph! Fast, but not fast enough!" Shye snorted, jumping up and landing atop the club.

He then sprinted towards the ogre, bloodthirst apparent in his eyes.

Shye wasn't sure why, but his new weapons seemed to stir an urge to kill within him—perhaps a side effect of the bloodstone. 

He didn't mind, though, relishing the sensation.

The Bloodskin Ogre realized that its attack had been evaded and that the human had no intentions of backing down.