
Calculation Error

He finds the old man training. But, After seeing what the old man Was doing he was shocked.

He was Using 1 finger to burst through trees with magic.

he mustered up enough courage to get out of hiding and ask who he was.

The old man replied "heh so you found me, Well.... I am....."

Their meet was interrupted by two people. The two people wore a mask which was white in colour and had orange strips on the sides.

The two people fiercely started attacking the old mysterious man. They thought Kiriko was Acquainted with him so they started attacking him as well. The old man Used a spell and shouted "Petrifcation Barrier" which created a barrier around them. Kiriko used a Defensive spell which was a 5 tied magic "Fire screen" around his barrier which became the second layer of shield for them.

kiriko was confused and thought in his mind "Why are they not attacking us?". The old man Sat down and didn't even care about the assassins. Kiriko says "What spell is that? Who are you?". The old man laughed awkwardly and says "Don't worry kid" he adds "You still have a long way to go"

The assassins lost their patience and Decided to attack. Due to kiriko's Magic analysis power, he analyzes the Element magic the assasins had and he gets to know that one of them had a Water Element and other had grass element.

They both Casted their attacks and Kiriko uses a counter spell for Nature magic. Suddenly he realized the attack was strange. The Water and grass element mixed with each other. He Uses 'Icy frost' a 7 tier spell which hit the Assassin's combined attack. The Water element neutralized the fire element and The grass element kept going.

Kiriko Thought they were as good as dead but to his surprise when the Attack touched the old man's Barrier, It got deflected and returned to the grass User. The moment the attack touched him he got petrified. The other assassin got scared and ran away

Kiriko was too shocked and was unable to move temporarily. The old man removed the barrier after 5 mins. kiriko says "You have got some explanation to do!". The old man Says "You don't need to know who I am and about the spell, The spell is known as 'Petrifcation Barrier'. It deflects any attack Below eight tier to its own user and petrifies them." he continues "Any magician can learn it But he/she Must be an A rank Magician"

Kiriko says "Then you must be...."

The old man disappeared without a trace.....

To Be Continued