
Spiritual Cultivation in Real world

The old man disappeared without a trace.....


Kiriko Was confused about where the old man went. He was Unable to find him and decided to to go home. Since he was tired he slept until the morning. before that he thought a lot about the old man and his identity.

Next day, He got ready and went to his school. Normal Lectures were conducted and there was a special evening class, though they weren't informed about what was going to be taught.

While walking in the halls he met Lara, He tried to wave his hand to greet her but she stared once at him and ignored which made him feel really bad.

He was informed that the special class would be a join class session for 1A and 1B.

During evening time everyone assembled there and a man was standing in front of them. It was obvious that it was their teacher.

The teacher introduced himself and said "Hello My name Is Ding Wu, It's a pleasure to meet you all"

he continues "So now that I have introduced myself, let's begin the class"

He asks them about their understanding of magic and was quite satisfied with all the answers

"were you taught about mana? The energy currency of your magic? if not let me talk about it" he sayd

There was a total silence in there which totally meant they didn't knew about it.

"Very well then, let's talk about mana a bit. As I told its an energy currency of Magic. Without it you can't cast magic."

Everyone was listening attentively to Mr. Ding when he called A random child expected to be a 3rd rate magician and Whispered a spell in his ears.

The Student center the spell, He shouted "Sunofication Proximas"

This spell was basically an 8 tier Light element Magic And Was Not suitable for someone who was expected to be a third rate magician.

When the magic caste was over the Student who used it looked very tired.

Mr. Ding asks him to perform a basic Light magic spell 'Sun burn'

He tried to caste it but it wasn't working he shouted the names of the spell and their chants but all went in vain.

"Why aren't you casting the magic? Or is it that you can't?" Says Ding. He continues "But, Isn't a magician who can't use magic Is useless?"

He sent that student back to his seat and Asked lara to come. Mr. Ding whispered a Spell again in her ears and she used it. She shouted "Ice Frost" but she wasn't tired at all. He asked him to use it 4 more times and exactly after her 4th time she collapse getting unconscious.

Mr. Ding Requested for a fire magician to take her to the infirmary and Help her, Kiriko Took the initiative and took her to infirmary. He used fire magic to warm her body.

after ten minutes he fell asleep while sitting next to her as she laid in the bed. She she Regained Consciousness she saw kiriko and flushed and kicked him hard behind his back. She asked "Wha- What did you do to me?!" she asked as she was losing her patience. Kiriko got back to his senses and said "No- Nothing, I did absolutely nothing. You collapsed during the training and you were cold so I used my fire Magic to Warm you.

"Oh..... I see" she said. She continued "Thank you" with a cute smile on her face. Kiriko embraced himself from giving in to his desires and said "You are welcome" and they both left for the class

The whole Class was waiting for him and Lara. Mr. Ding continues "So that now everyone is here let's continue"

"Today we will learn about Cultivation the way you can use martial arts and increase your mana storage" he said.

Someone interrupted him and said "Can you show exactly what benefits will it give you?"

He said "Sure, Why not?" He pointed at a forest and Loaded his punch from there itself. He launched it and the land approximately 100m in front of him had been completely wiped out.

everyone whispered "Wow How cool" or "Wish I had that power"

"Now that I showed you the benefit of this, Can we start?" asked Ding.

The student sat down in complete silence

"Cultivation has different ranks the First rank is Divine Foundation Stage, After you unlock it the major ranks will come which from best to worse are the Spiritual God, Spiritual Wheel stage, Spiritual great Saint, Spiritual King, Spiritual Wheel Stage" he continued.

"No one except for one person has ever reached the Spiritual God Stage" he added further.

The practise went till The night. All of them successfully established their foundation after intense training.

Kiriko now has the knowledge of cultivation and can use martial arts to struggle out through difficult circumstances.