
Fated Flight

What do you do when your world has been turned upside down? Can you do it? Could you do it? Can Lizzie fight or will she take her fated flight?

caterasmith16 · 科幻言情
11 Chs






She couldn't believe she was mixed, she has always been so proud of her black features and ancestry and all this time she has been part white!!! And her father was white white too for that matter! She slid a curl through her fingers and then touched the smooth brown tinted skin on her arm. She had always wandered why she never had regular black girl hair problems, why all she needed to do to her hair was wash it and apply a small amount of moisturizer and her hair looked like it came out magazine. Why her skin was milky and when she was an adolescent why her acne was a crime. Her mother had bright shiny skin, it was smooth an perfect an unblemished but hers was speckled with light freckles and previously damaging blemishes. Of course she was half white!! Ugh she should've known, she burned in the sun and flushed at romance movies!!! She groaned in frustration. One minute she was lizzie Mack, African American, almost 17 year old, band and dance fanatic nerd who just wanted to go to college and make her mom proud. Can someone please explain how all that changed into Lizzie Mack, daughter of an angel and not just any angel, apparently The archangel, Gabriel, 17 year old angel half-breed, and orphan. She went from knowing exactly who she was to not having a damn clue! It's sad that she has to learn who she was from a dusty ass book and totally bat shit ass crazy strangers. She glanced over at the worn out faded book that mark gave her. It was currently thrown into a pile with the earlier discarded clothes. With a huff and a disappointed look at the pile she decided that everything that caused stress in her life would be thrown in the corner. All she wanted to do was lay back on her bed and take a nap but as much as it pains her to admit it, this is a part of who she is and its better to be ahead than behind. She walked over to the book picking it up and dusting it off, she tossed it on the bed then decided to clean up the discarded clothes in the corner. As much as she hated them, they were a gift and they at least deserve to be hidden in a bag in her closet, so thats what she did. After cleaning up she sat up on her bed and picked up the book. She admired the gold trimmed book, it had a sort of old inner beauty look to it, she could tell that despite the dust, it was well taken care of and often read. Cracking it open the gold letter almost seemed to float off the page before her eyes, it was almost like being read a story instead of reading one. She leaned back against the head boards and let the words come to her. "Angels originate from God's golden fountain, they are nothing but pieces of god's everlasting soul. A piece of him broken off to make a perfect being. The soul is dipped into the fountain of gold along with the blood of Christ to form flesh and wings. Everyh angel is born different, with multiple talents and skills, they are ranked through multiple tests and challenges of perseverance and loyalty". Lizzie couldn't help but become immersed in the story and she couldn't help but wonder what her father must have been through to achieve the rank he did. What challenges and tests did he endure to be an arch angel but most of all, was it worth it? Waterfalls of tears flowed down her silky cheeks as she thought about all the things her mother had been put through and all the things her father must have gone through and all the things she is going through. She could've had a father, her mother could've had a husband. she could've had a normal family, the only reason she worked so hard and sacrificed so much was because she was alone and she didnt have to be. She had someone who loved her, she had someone who wanted a family with her. God was suppose to be kind, he was supposed to be understanding and loving!! Where was that God when it felt like she was burning alive on her birthday, where was the oh so amazing God when she cried herself to sleep begging for her father!!! He heard her prayers! He felt her pain, he felt her depression! Where was he when he mother was gunned down right in front of her face? God wasn't amazing and powerful, he was a cruel and a coward. She found the Bible in the pale brown shiny nightstand and threw it against the wall. She ran up to it and stomped on it then proceeded to rip it apart page by page. Her tears showered the torn cover while she cried out in pure rage. The door cracked open and she whipped around with slanted eyes. At the door was the platinum blonde with her slim hand on her cocked hip, she tossed her long hair over her shoulder and smacked her lips looking at Lizzie strewn on the floor, in disgust. Lizzie cocked her head and pursed her lips with her nails ready for this fight. "What do you want?!" She screamed at her with a wild look in her gray eyes. "Listen I don't want to be here anymore than-" She started before lizzie cut her off "Then don't. Turn around and get the hell out of my FACE!!!". The blondes face grew red and her fists bawled up "You're being a fucking child!". Lizzie banged her fist on the ground and gave her a deadly glare "I'm being a child?! You have your mother!! You have your father!! You know what I got? NOTHING!!!! I AM BY MY FUCKING SELF! MY MOTHER WAS MURDERED AND MY FATHER IS M.I.A AND IM BEING A CHILD!? WELL GUESS WHAT BUTTERCUP I AM A FUCKING CHILD! GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE DARKEST DEEPEST HOLE YOU CAN FIND AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She shouted out. She was breathing heavily and her face was lit with fire and her fist balled up ready to knock her blonde head through the wall. Kily took a deep breath and a look of understanding crossed her face. She stepped inside and closed the door then walked over to Lizzie. Lizzie jumped up ready for a fight but a punch was never thrown. Instead muscled thin arms wound themselves around her small frame and hugged her close. She gasped at the surprising contact, stiffening in her arms at first. Then finally she melted into kilys arms in a crying mess. Kilys strong arms tightened around her and they collapsed to the floor wrapped in each other's arms. "Lizzie I'm sorry. I've been nothing but a bitch to you and you don't deserve it. I won't say that I understand because you're right I have both of my parents but I will say I can feel your pain because I don't know what I would do without my family. You are so brave and strong. I don't want to bring you down, I really want to help you but I need you to be a strong for just a little longer till I can turn you into an ass kicking machine" she whispered into her curly hair. Lizzie never realized how much taller Kily was than her, she had at least two heads over her. Kilys words sunk into her head and she took a shaky breath finding the long lost strength she needed, channeling her inner Lily Mack. Lizzie never realized how much taller Kily was than her, she had at least two heads over her. Kilys words sunk into her head and she took a shaky breath finding the long lost strength she needed. Slowly she raised her head from kilys shoulder to looking into her eyes searching for something. Then it hit her and boy did it hit her hard. The blonde was truly gorgeous, she had sparkling blue eyes, littered with gold flakes surrounded by a thin rim of green popped with thick eyeliner winged towards the end. Her skin was sunkissed and smooth, silky to the touch with small piercing holes under her plump light pink lips that seemed to always lie in a natural cocky smile. Her nose was slender and turned up a bit at the end with a small dimple in the tip that flared out lightly to her delicate cheekbones. When she smiled small dimples laid on the bottom of her cheeks on her graceful smile lines. She had a long slender neck that flowed flawlessly to her slightly smaller than average breasts down to her rock hard abs. She had small warrior hips and long strong legs that went on for miles. Lizzies eyes crept back up to her hips then breasts then neck till they rested on her full lips for a moment more then back up to her breath-taking eyes. A strand of her long natural platinum blonde hair slid from behind her shoulder resting down her face blocking her eyes. Lizzie reached up tentatively and slid the long satin lock behind kilys small ears. Surprise glittered in her eyes before she reached her hand up and softly brushed the tears away from Lizzie's cheeks then rested her hand on her cheek. Kily gently cupped her face and stared deep into her grey glittering eyes. Neither one of them noticed the distance between them slowly disappearing till the door creaked open and they jumped apart. Kelly poked her honey blonde head inside and looked over them noticing lizzie flushed tear streaked face. "Kily if your back on this shit I swear I'm gonna kick your ass my self. And get your damn hands off the girl, personal space!" she said while glaring at kily. "No tricks this time sis and no fighting. We were just... Talking. No fighting this time but maybe soon" Kily said as she rose from the floor and stretched her muscles. She glanced back down at lizzie before sauntering past her sister knocking into her shoulder "plus you couldn't whoop my ass if I let you" she called back as she disappeared down the hall. Kelly finally let go of her breath and turned to lizzie who still sat in a daze on the floor. It amazed her how much they looked a like yet they were so different too. Kelly had natural honey blonde hair that fell to her shoulders in flattering waves with the same dazzling blue eyes yet hers was flecked with brown giving them a more hazel appearance. Her face was fuller than kilys and she had pale unblemished skin with no dimples. She was about a head shorter than Kily with average breasts, a slim waist, wider hips and fully shorter legs. She was more comforting and beautiful, more model like, while Kily is more of a badass gorgeous. She clucked her tongue at Lizzies disheveled appearance then grabbed her hand pulling her up with some effort. "Kily is supposed to be starting your training in about an hour. That is if your up to it?" She said as she looked in her eyes. "Yea I'm fine, I need to start now before 1 am" lizzie said as she stretched her body, getting up. "I almost forgot your birthday is tomorrow, I'm sorry" Kelly said with genuine sorrow. "It's fine, I'm use to it by now. Hopefully I'll be so tired from training that I will sleep right through it" lizzie said lying through her teeth, she definitely wasn't use to the unbearable pain and she knew from experience that no matter how tired she was it wouldn't stop the torture but she didn't want the sweet girl to worry so she followed through with the lie. She was soon rewarded by Kelly's award winning smile "Fingers crossed" she said while tying her fingers together "I brought some clothes for training. They should be your size, come to the living room when your done, I'll bring you to the arena" Kelly beamed at her setting a black duffle bag down on the bed. "Sure, thanks" lizzie muttered before kelly skips out the room.