
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · 漫画同人
27 Chs

Bounded Field

(3rd POV)

It's been a few days after Shirou 'met' Mio and it was getting closer to the day of the first quest.

During this time, Shirou acquainted with every tenant in Sakurasou and also trained inside his sacred gear with Albion every night. Shirou also started making preparations for the quest. He bought a few things from the Dimensional Shop, and much to Shirou's suffering, it ended up emptying his savings, but they weren't spent in vain.

[Item: Multiversal ID]

[Description: Allows the user to have an already prepared identification in every world.

[Price: 25 coins]

[Item: Sun Breathing Manual]

[Description: A manual that allows anyone to learn the Sun Breathing technique, which is the origin and the strongest of all Breathing Styles. It is a technique in which the user inhales a large amount of oxygen within a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental capabilities to their utmost limits, the Sun Breathing style is a Breathing Style that mimics the sun with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.]

[Price: 350 coins]

Everyone in the chat group also bought the Multiversal ID under Shirou's advice as it will be very convenient during the quests.

Shirou also bought the Sun Breathing Manual to improve and widen his sword techniques. Although Amakusa Shirou's swordsmanship was already honed with his battle experience, it still couldn't rival a Saber class servant, and the technique of the strongest Demon Slayer who almost killed the Demon King effortlessly was the best Shirou could afford to improve his swordsmanship, for now, and not to mention if it was combined with magecraft.

Currently, Shirou walked peacefully in the quiet streets of Tokyo with the moon at its highest point in the night sky.

Normally, he wasn't allowed to be outside of the dormitory at this hour without a valid reason, but Shirou easily sneaked out of Sakurasou while everyone was asleep.

"It should be here…" Shirou said as he raised his head from the phone in his hand.

Shirou arrived at an abandoned building located in the outskirts of Tokyo, and if Shirou were to describe this building, he would say it came directly from a horror movie.

'This place is huge…' Shirou thought as he looked around. 'Was this a factory or something before?'

Then Shirou walked towards the building and felt demonic power inside it, and instead of the calm, but powerful feeling like Yahiro's, it felt as if the demonic power inside the building was going to rampage anytime.

'So this is a Stray Devil…' Shirou thought, but instead of being scared like how people normally react when faced against a stray devil for the first time, Shirou felt indifferent, aside from a little excitement.

But the main reason to fight the Stray Devil wasn't to test his abilities, it was to collect some materials to make a bounded field around the Sakurasou Dormitory.

Shirou wanted to make sure that the dormitory was at least minimally safe from the supernatural world as he would feel guilty if they were targeted by the others and used as blackmail material to Shirou, especially from devils or the Hero Cult Faction.

And to make the bounded field, Shirou needed a material that has a good circulation of mana, and the best option, for now, is blood, and it would be better if it was from a supernatural being.

Shirou entered the building and felt the demonic power getting more intense, but suddenly, his Mind's Eye (Fake) started tingling and he jumped back and assumed a stance immediately, dodging a giant gorilla arm that came out from the wall.

"Oh, I didn't catch it?" A voice came out from another side of the wall, which slowly started crumbling and revealed the appearance of the Stray Devil.

He was about 3 meters tall and had the upper body of a gorilla and legs of a cow, with tentacles in his butt. He was currently looking at his hand in surprise without even looking at Shirou.

'He is underestimating me' Shirou thought.

Shirou opened his hand and used projection to make a regular katana, but if anyone was to hold it, they would notice that it was hollow from inside.

"You aren't a normal human after all," He said with a surprised tone, but he was still underestimating Shirou.

"Even better, you will be more delicious then" The Stray licked his lips as a droll fell from his mouth.

Shirou didn't reply as he reinforced his whole body. The Stray Devil sensed the mana flowing inside Shirou's body and tried to finish this immediately, so he launched a punch in Shirou's direction.

Shirou kicked the ground and jumped over the Stray's arm and slashed it, making a wound across the arm, but it ended up breaking the katana.

"AAAHHHH THAT HURTS, YOU BASTARD!" The Stray screamed in rage as Shirou landed on the ground.

The Stray then started sending a barrage of punches at Shirou, creating a cloud of dust in the process.

The Stray started breathing heavily after he stopped his rampage and waved one of his tentacles to clear the dust and widened his eyes when instead of seeing minced meat of a human glued to the ground, he simply saw nothing besides the holes that he made on the ground.

The Stray immediately looked around in panic and the fear started slowly growing inside him.

"I am here," Shirou said while looking down on the Stray Devil.

The Stray immediately raised his head and saw Shirou flying above him with a pair of white wings on Shirou's back.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" The Stray screamed in fear as he couldn't understand how the human in front of him survived his attacks and due to panicking, he forgot about the essential information about Sacred Gears, especially Longinus classes.

Shirou thought briefly before a grin appeared on his face.

"I am just a normal Dragon Emperor passing by," Shirou said calmly as he flew towards the Stray.

"DON'T GET CLOSED TO ME!" The Stray screamed in panic as he attempted to attack Shirou by piercing him with his tentacles, but Shirou easily dodged all incoming tentacles with both [Mind's Eye (Fake)] and [Mind's Eye (True)].

Shirou arrived in front of the Stray and reinforced his arm at its limit and punched in Stray's chest, which created a hole in the middle of his torso.


Blood started spurting out from his mouth as the Stray fell on his knees and collapsed on the ground. Shirou landed on the corpse and took his phone out of his pocket.

'If my theory is correct, then…'

Shirou then used the 'Inventory' function of the group chat and focused on Stray's blood.

Instantly, the corpse became paler and smaller than before and there was a 'Middle-Class Stray Devil's Blood: 3L' icon inside his inventory.

Shirou grinned as he retracted the wings and snapped his fingers as the Stray's body immediately started burning until it disappeared.

Shirou then put his hood on and walked away from the building.

'Oh right,' Shirou thought when he looked at the photo of a toddler inside his inventory.

'I have to pick her up at the train station next week' Shirou thought while remembering the request/order from Chihiro.

"Mashiro Shiina...It seems it will start soon,'' Shirou muttered as he walked toward the dormitory.

After some minutes of walking, he arrived and immediately started his preparations. He went inside and made sure that everyone was asleep, after all, it would be unusual to see someone drawing symbols with blood and they would immediately call the police, so it would be best when everyone isn't here or asleep.

After checking, he grabbed a pair of gloves and a huge bottle and filled it with Stray's blood. Once he finished, he went outside again and started inscribing the symbols on the wall, it took him an entire hour and a half to complete the bounded field.

"*Sigh* I am finally finished with this" Shirou said as wiped his imaginary sweat from his forehead.

"Now to activate it"

Shirou placed his hand on top of the magic circle made of blood and channelled his mana. It started shining for a second and all of the traces of the bounded field disappeared as if it had never existed.

Shirou made the bounded field to be unnoticeable by beings lower or equal to the higher class. The only function of the bounded field is to alert Shirou when someone with hostility enters the area of the dormitory, adjust the quantity of mana inside the bounded field to the same as in the surroundings and prevent the direct teleportation to Sakurasou besides him.

Shirou only managed to do this with his limited resource and time so he will use it to its maximum effects possible.

Then Shirou returned to his room and immediately fell asleep, even though with his pseudo-servant constitution he could be awake for several days, but who doesn't like sleeping?


A magic circle appeared inside the living room and a young man appeared at the centre of it.

"Oh Lars, you are back nya!" A young woman said while laying on the couch and watching TV.

She was Kuroka Toujou, a voluptuous young woman with long black hair in split bangs and hazed-golden eyes while wearing a black kimono, but the notorious feature was that she had cat ears on top of her head and a pair of tails in her ass with the same colour of her hair.

Lars nodded as he saw a young man coming through the door. He had silver hair and hazel coloured eyes.

"Where are others?" Lars asked since he didn't sense other members of his team inside the house except three of them.

"Le Fay left to make preparations to get a new familiar and Arthur tagged along. Bikou is probably wandering somewhere." Vali said but then noticed that Lars was happier than usual.

"Did something interesting happen in that human school?" Vali asked.

Lars chuckled and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, I found your destined rival and as by fate he is in the same class as me," Lars said, which made Vali widen his eyes for a moment before smiling like a maniac.

"Is he strong?" The descendant of Lucifer asked as he felt his battle maniac side asking him to fight his rival immediately.

After hearing what the two were talking about, Kuroka perked her ears in interest, as she had a mischievous smile on her beautiful face.

'Maybe I should visit him?' She thought.

"Maybe," Lars said as shrugged off his shoulders. "But I can guarantee that he isn't weak either."

"I can't wait to fight him," Vali said excitedly.


A/N: Also don't forget to join my discord server where I will post the image of the majority of characters and polls for the next chapters!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Heartless1190creators' thoughts