
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Rise Of The Evil God And Angel

After the God of Destruction Kessa took our heroes under his wing. They've been training immensely, and learning to wield the power of the gods! However, as things begin to escalate! Feelings begin to show, secrets are revealed, identities change, and blood begins to spill. What will become of our heroes, what will become of this family that was forged by bonds and love? Find out In the third installment of Fate Of Two Saiyans!

Foster_Tristan · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Mega Chapter 26-Crimson's Stand Against Salas!

Crimson arrives just in the nick of time to save his friends from utter annihilation.

As Salas's body digs along the ground. Crimson lands in his previous spot and stands tall in his new blue form.

"Are you guys alright?"

Okara leans up off the ground to happily see Crimson's arrival.

"C-Crimson you did it..."

"Yeah, I did it."

Okara instantly fell back and Crimson swept in to catch him before he could hit the ground.

"You did well for what you guys could do. It even seems you managed to badly wound his face."

"W-We used the Lyrx's help. Aoa, Orthos, Crimsa. They were the only reasons we managed."

"Aoa? Orthos?" Crimson questioned.

"T-That's the names of the emerald and amethyst Lyrx. They're just like Crisma."

"I didn't know you guys could manage control over the lyrx? I swore they attempt to take over your bodies and minds if you had used them."

"Well, thanks to Crisma they didn't. It's almost like he was their leader. Speaking of which, Crimson. I think it's time you took back your friend."

"Hmm, hold off on that Okara... I wanna see what this bastard can do against me alone, with my newfound god power!"

"C-Crimson, don't do anything drastic now." Okara said worried his friend was overconfident in himself.

"Oh come on, you know me... You know what I can do."

Crimson turned and began walking towards, a now standing Salas. Anger fills his eyes as he realizes how many times he gets kicked in the face.

"You mortals really know how to piss off a deity!!"

"Please, as if you hadn't pulled the trigger first."

"Get smug all you want Crimson... But you'll die sooner than you think!"

"Hmph! Bring it." Crimson waved Salas on cockily, causing him to furiously explode with power.

A slight sweat drop appears on Crimson's left temple as he notices Salas's seriousness.

"Fuck it, bring it, you ugly bastard!"

Crimson swept his right arm across his chest and as his hand opened he vanished. Salas quickly turned and drove a heavy left punch into the air, hoping to hit Crimson. However as his fist phased through an afterimage, a sudden crack was heard. Salas's head shot back as Crimson appeared backflipping from an attack. Salas stumbled back as Crimson landed, crouching to prepare for another takeoff attack.

Salas swung his head forward and as he stared at Crimson's last position, his eyes moved down, locking onto Crimson who's smirking with both of his arms to his hips. Salas attempted to pull his arms in front of him, however as his wrists touch. They are suddenly blown apart and his body was fully exposed. Crimson had unleashed a shockwave from his eyes that broke through Salas's guard. Allowing him to begin delivering a rapid multihit combo. As Crimson begins unleashing a salvo of left, right punches. Salas's body begins lifting off the ground, only being held up by Crimson's blue ki-covered fists.

Then with one furious pull back, Crimson's entire right arm encased itself with his godly blue Ki, just to unleash a vicious uppercut, that sends Salas flying back. While its blue wind-like visibility dispurses at the crashlanding of Salas.

"Oh yeah, this feels good."

Crimson stands staring at the clouded area where Salas had landed. Watching and waiting for him to stand up.

"N-No way, Crimson's pushing him back!" Okara exclaimed as he continued watching the fight.

Beside him, Kytel and Arako leaned against a nearby mountain to keep themselves up as well.

"This doesn't feel right, Crimson's too cocky something's bound to go wrong!" Arako shouted at Okara. Causing him to look back at Salas's landing spot. Then suddenly chills breakthrough everyone's bodies. From the dirt cloud glowing oranges eyes glisten. Brightening as the clouds separate from Ki pressure. Salas was standing, and he was pissed. Crimson stood ready in his fighting stance, but before he could move Salas appeared before him. Looking down at Crimson, while he slowly looked up. Another sweatdrop slid down his cheek as Salas's eyes locked onto him.

"Crimson! Get out of there! Run!!" Okara shouted causing a chain reaction to occur.

Crimson's body listened to the commands and attempted to escape, however before he could even get a foot behind him, Salas grabbed hold of his puffy blue hair and jerked him back in.

"I won't rest till you and the rest of your mortal allies are turned into dust!"

Crimson was ripped from the ground by his hair in a matter of seconds, his body hanging while his scalp screamed in agony. While Salas held him up, he began attacking with his fists and feet. Trying to break Salas's grip, however with just one hand. Salas pushed back every oncoming attack with his left hand.

Salas stared and stood quietly as he continued brushing off Crimson's attacks. Then as Crimson began growing tired Salas struck. With Crimson gripped in his right hand, Salas began throwing him around like a ragdoll. Slamming Crimson into the ground around him, digging multiple craters around them. Each variety between size and shape. Salas ran around while holding Crimson behind him his body slightly lifeless, as the wind blew around his body. Salas reached a mountain he spun and slammed Crimson into it.

Creating a body crater for Crimson's body itself. While Crimson was restrained, Salas began to deliver devastating blows to his body. Pushing him deeper and deeper into the mountain. As they tunneled through rapidly, Crimson felt his body being jabbed and cut from multiple angles as the mountain's formations were being turned into deadly weapons.

Then with a mighty strike, Salas breaks Crimson through the mountain entirely, firing him out like a cannonball. Salas watches as Crimson flies away badly damaged. His anger only increased at the thought of Crimson still being alive after all that.

"O-Okara, you gotta get Crisma back to Crimson... They might be able to do something together than separated." Kytel said as he held himself up from his badly inflicted wounds.

"Y-You're right, but if I even tried to get close... Salas would attack on sight."

"That's true, but..."

Suddenly a burst of blue light shined from above the mountain Crimson was thrown through.

It was Crimson himself flying high, yet badly wounded. Salas wasn't letting up though causing Crimson to raise his guard.

From afar Salas opened his mouth and suddenly a beam of energy glistened from it. Consuming Crimson at a moment's notice. His body burned from the intensity of the beam. Then as the beam dispersed Crimson's body began to shut down. His blue form quickly deactivated as the toll of the form was stamina drain.

Crimson's black hair flows in the wind as his body begins to rapidly descend. Blood flowing upwards from his body, until in an instant he crashlands.

Looking around Salas begins to breathe and his guard is let down.

"Your bright shining light of hope has fallen! How does it feel knowing your final stand was brought to utter defeat by the likes of me! A one true god!"

Salas held out his arms in an expression of his deity-like posture.

"Okara, go! We'll distract him while you get to Crimson." Kytel stood still beaten badly.

Arako also stands and they prepare to fight with the little reserved energy they regained.

"You guys..."

Arako and Kytel smirked.

"Don't worry about us, If we die... We'll know we died for a good cause!" Arako said with a smirk.

"Please, don't die on us guys..."

"Shut up and go!" Kytel shouted causing Okara's eyes to glisten as he got up and ran with immense pain.

"D-Damn it..."

Kytel and Arako held each other up as they looked up at Salas.

"Are you ready Arako?"

"Ha, I wouldn't necessarily say that. But we do what we can to make sure earth survives."

"Yeah, even if that means. We die for it."

"Then let's make sure Okara completes his mission."


Kytel and Arako begin flying upwards in sync. Making sure of each other's stability. If one were to break off then both would falter back to the ground. As they slowly raised into the sky reaching Salas's field of view.

Both warriors inhaled and shouted together.

"For a God of Destruction, you sure do lack in the destroying part!"

Salas turned to face the two bad-mouthing mortals.

"You insects are still alive? I thought you'd bleed out by now. No matter you can no longer fight, yet you still persist in causing a scene. Do you really believe you two can do anything else?"

Both laugh weakly as they look at Salas.

"Not one bit..." Arako says

"Then you two will die a cowardice death."

"Not if we fight back!"

"Then, by all means, show me what little fight you have left in you."

Salas quickly appeared before both of them and grabbed hold of Kytel's face, ripping him and Arako apart. As Arako began falling hastily, Kytel tried to land some blows to Salas's body.

However, as Salas held Kytel's head in his right hand, he quickly added his left hand as well. As Kytel whaled on Salas's body, Salas began closing the gap between his palms. Kytel's head felt the pressure of Salas's pressing. Until everything went blank, slowly Kytel's fists began drifting off and stopped attacking. Leaving Salas's hands to drip crimson blood. As it drooled down his forearms off his elbows. Bits of skull and brain matter splattered along his chest, face, and arms. From below Arako watched, staring up as Salas held a lifeless Kytel. Then in that same moment, something moist hit his face, between his eyes ran a drop of blood as it slid down his nose. Arako knew it was over...

He couldn't move as he watched Kytel's body being released from above. As Kytel's body fell, Arako tried to move to catch his ally, however, his fragile body resisted and caused him to fall onto his stomach. In an instant, Kytel's body crashed before him creating a giant dust cloud around him and the area.

While the cloud covered the area Arako continued crawling forward. Gripping every rock and piece of dirt to pull himself forward while his legs refused to work.

"I have to get to him... I have to..."

Suddenly as his right-hand gripped hold of something it felt different, it wasn't stone, dirt, or even grass. It was a shoe, a shoe of...

"Found you, crawling amongst the dirt... How pitiful, weren't you going to show me your fighting resolve?"

Salas grabbed Arako by the back of the head and held him up. Facing him to the sky. His back was presented to Salas.

"Say now Saiyan... What is it you wished to accomplish with no ability to fight?"


"Really? A little time to see if your allies would win? Such arrogance! You are a pure and utter fool. You must have seen this coming."

Salas pulls back his left hand forming all his fingers together like a dagger. As Arako closed his eyes he pictured Bell's face one last time. Making it the last thing he saw before. The red took over, blood squirted from Arako's chest as his spine was broken, and his heart pushed through the front of his chest. All functions of his body shut off and his life faded away quickly.

Salas held Arako's body up longer waiting for his heart to take its final beat within his hand. Once Arako's heart stopped completely. Salas ripped his arm out of Arako's body and dropped him to the ground. Along with his heart.


In Salas's arm were a few shards of bone that had lodged within his arm during the penetration.

"No matter..."

Salas simply pulled them out and tossed them aside excited for his real prize.

"Now then come to me! Lyrx!"

Above their lifeless bodies, their Lyrx gemstones appeared. Floating in absence detached from their hosts. Salas smirked evilly as he held out his hands and created two balls of orange energy. Encasing both gemstones within them.

"There now you won't be able to take over my body without permission. Hell, you won't be able to do anything till Astrid gets here."

Salas begins laughing out loud in excitement and then suddenly... He teleports from the area.

As we reach Okara we see he's finally arrived at Crimson's landing site, and quickly he rushes to his aid.

"C-Crimson! Come on... Say something!"

Crimson didn't respond...

"Crimson come on! Please wake up!"

Okara shook Crimson trying to wake him up. Yet nothing...

"Okara, release me... I can merge with him, but it won't be by the necessary means of agreement."

"W-What do you mean Crisma?"

"We Lyrx tend to find hosts due to our captivity in these gemstones, which is why they require an agreement amongst both host and Lyrx. But we Lyrx had come up with a contingency plan, where if the host was to be incapacitated. Then we would willingly take control of the body and flood their body with our essence."

"Wait, do you mean..."

"After this procedure, Crimson will no longer be full Saiyan, he will become one of us. He will become a half-blood. Known as a Resonance."

"A-A Resonance?"

"Yes, this title is given to those who are granted blood of a Lyrx, by a Lyrx themselves."

"What will happen to him?"

"It's hard to say, for many races appearance differ, he may not even change. Yet that does not mean he will be the same."

Suddenly Crimson coughed harshly causing blood to leak from his mouth.

"Quickly now! Before it's too late! Save Crimson, Okara! Release me and let me grant him a second life!"

"A-Alright! Crisma save Crimson! Save my friend!!"

"Then by the Lyrx Index, code thirty-two of article sixty-four. I Crisma hereby grant this mortal Crimson! To be given blood of our sacred race and become a Resonance!"

Suddenly Okara's eyes widened as Crisma ripped himself from Okara's body. As the ruby pulled itself above the dying Crimson. It floated dormant for a moment.

"N-Nothing is happening." Okara worriedly said as he held his burning chest as Crisma had forcefully pulled itself from him.

Then it began, suddenly the ruby began losing its light, and a crack formed within it. The crack stretched from the center to the bottom point. Then from the crack, an orange liquid began emerging from the crack all sliding down to the bottom point to begin dripping onto Crimson. As the orange liquid began soaking into Crimson's body.

"With the merging of my blood and Crimson's body... A new being has been created one beyond that of a normal race. One that cannot exist without two being one. This race is known as Resonance and from now on Crimson. You will forever be known as a Resonance until the end... Until the very end."

Then to finalize the merging Crisma's cracked ruby floated down and inserted itself back into its original host.

With a harsh and painful cough. Crimson's eyes open and his body feels different. Yet familiar... As he looked to his side he saw Okara staring at him intently.

"W-What happened?"

Okara's eyes glistened in happiness as Crimson was finally awake.