
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Rise Of The Evil God And Angel

After the God of Destruction Kessa took our heroes under his wing. They've been training immensely, and learning to wield the power of the gods! However, as things begin to escalate! Feelings begin to show, secrets are revealed, identities change, and blood begins to spill. What will become of our heroes, what will become of this family that was forged by bonds and love? Find out In the third installment of Fate Of Two Saiyans!

Foster_Tristan · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Chapter 30-Crimson Horizon

Both warriors held opposite sides of Salas as he kept both of them in his peripherals.

"What did you do to them! What did you do to Kytel and Arako!"

Salas turned fully to Okara, his head slightly tilted with a calm smile on his face.

"Blood and bones at the touch of my hands. Organs and shards created at a pierce of the back! Their lives were meaningless just like yours. Your allies were nothing, but meat bags ready to be put into the ground. So I did just that! I crushed your friend Kytel's head between my hands as he tried to fight back with no effort, I removed Arako's heart like it was just a simple operation that required the finest surgery. I showed them what it was like to fall at the hands of a merciless god!"

Okara's hair shadowed his face, his anger fuming at the words. The arrogance of Salas's disregard for human life.

"Crimson! Know if you attempt to fight him here and now, you will not be able to save your planet! You will fall like the rest!"

"You say that like I don't already know that Crisma!"

"Listen to me, both sides of the coin have a horrid end. But at least you can live with one of them. For now, let me show you how to use your new powers and create that opportunity!"

"My new powers? What do you-."

"It comes with the benefits of being a Resonance! A half-breed of Saiyan and Lyrx! Crimson to save your life I was forced to bind myself to you. You are no longer a full Saiyan... In fact, you are far superior you are what we call a Resonance!"

"But I feel and look the same?"

"That's because it differs amongst the chosen! However, one thing is different about you and if you allow me to show you and guide you... You will see it before your very eyes!"

"Then guide me Crisma!"


Crimson stood ready in his base form, waiting for Crisma's orders.

"First, we'll need some blood... Our blood."

"Wait you mean my powers come from bleeding?"

"Partially correct, your powers are in your blood, so they come from your veins. Though you and I are formally bonded we are not truly together. So you are limited to them. But now, right now you can do quite a bit and I'm about to show you!"

"Then let's see what we've got!"

"Y-You keep taking everything from me... First my friends, next my planet, and soon to be the rest of my family! When will it end! When will you stop this madness and leave us alone!!"

Okara exploded and burst at Salas attempting to fight back once again. His punches push Salas back one step at a time. Okara drives a right hook across Salas's face, leading him into a roundhouse kick against Salas's left hip. As his foot connects Okara reaches for Salas's head and pulls him in, driving his left knee into his face. While his knees press against Salas's face, he throws himself over Salas, his grip still intact as he attempts to lift him off the ground. He finds himself stuck behind him with his arms held in place his back to Salas's.

"No need to get so angry Okara... You'll join them soon."

Without hesitation, a sudden crack could be heard as Salas breaks both of Okara's arms. Pulling them down further than they should or would go.

Okara deforms and screams into the cloudy gray sky.


Okara laid on his chest arms unmoveable, unfunctional. Tears filled his eyes as he knew he couldn't fight back. Then to add salt to the wound Salas picked him up by the back of his head and held him out to Crimson.

"Are you really going to let your friend die Crimson? I mean aren't you two supposed to be an unbeatable duo?"

"Crimson, get some of our blood on him now!"

"Just hold on Okara... I've got a ticket out of here! Alive!"

Crimson raises his left forearm to his mouth and bites down into it. Opening two puncture wounds of blood. As he held the skin in his mouth he quickly ripped his forearm away. Tearing a piece of flesh off in the process. Blood quickly flowed from the patch missing in his arm.

"Bleeding? That's your way out? Self-inflicted damage, what could you possibly gain from that?"

"Just watch and find out!"

Crimson began running at Salas, no tricks, no flying, no super speed. Just unadulterated sprinting. Blood dripping from his arm, being flung around to different spots as he approached Salas. In an attempt for a joke, Salas tossed the broken Okara at Crimson. In a simultaneous moment, Crimson ducked under the flying Okara. Grabbing hold of his clothes as he floated over him for a split second. Then ripped him to the ground so he wouldn't fall off the building. All in the same motion to keep himself charging at Salas. Once in distance Crimson leaps at Salas his blood still dripping randomly.

"What an interesting tactic!"

As he closes in on Salas, Salas reaches out and grabs hold of him with both hands. Holding him up like a toy.

"Was this your plan?! To fall into my arms and save your friend!"

Crimson quickly spat into Salas's eye, causing him to redact. As Salas squints Crimson gets behind him and quickly places Salas into a chokehold.

"How dare you spit into my eyes! You mortal! You're going to suffer a slow and painful death!!"

Without notice, Crimson opened his mouth and instantly bit down into the right side of Salas's neck. Puncturing two holes into his neck.

"GAAHHH!! What on earth are you attempting to do! Filthy mortal!!"

Salas reached back and ripped Crimson off of him, causing the two puncture wounds to become gashes along his neck. As Crimson's blood and Salas's blood-covered different parts of the fighters' bodies. Crimson was finally in position.

Crimson rolls off the ground and got ready for Salas to attack in anger, Salas swung quickly with his right arm, Crimson ducked and cocked his head up while Salas's arm hovered above. Staring at his face with a smirk.


"Crimson now! Cause your blood to heat up, just like you were to increase your ki!"

Crimson inhaled and felt his body getting warm, then it happened. A visual of Crimson's new power.

Spikes shot up from the ground from Crimson's blood drops. His forearm created a giant spike as well. But what really got him smirking, was Salas covered in spikes. His arm, neck, even chest had spikes coming out of him. They all pierced Salas's body holding him in place with shock.

"This power! T-This-."

"What's the matter... Lyrx got your tongue?"

Crimson stood up, moving out of the way of Salas's hovering right arm.

"You bastard! What did you do to me?!"

Crimson gripped hold of the giant spike that emerged from his forearm and ripped it out. Holding it like a dagger.

"It's not what I did to you... It's what I'm about to do to you. For all the people you keep, and the planets you've destroyed, I'm going to make you wish you never set foot on earth!"

Crimson reverse gripped the shard and raised it to the gashed area in Salas's neck. Instantly jamming it into the same location. Before jumping back and reaching his right hand out at Salas.

"Now! Expand on your powers! Use them how you see fit! The possibilities are only limited to your thoughts!"

"Ha! That's good to know! Then let's see what I can do with this!"

Crimson opened his wound more and caused a puddle of blood to form before him. As it was enough he placed his left fist into the puddle and began allowing it to symbiotically encase around his left arm. Causing it to form a gray-like armor around his left arm reaching out to his peck like the roots from the topaz.

"I hope your ready because I'm just getting used to this."

Suddenly Salas burst from the shards holding him, then slowly he reached for the dagger-like spike and ripped it out. Holding it in his left hand. His orange eyes glowing as he was getting fired up.