
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Rise Of The Evil God And Angel

After the God of Destruction Kessa took our heroes under his wing. They've been training immensely, and learning to wield the power of the gods! However, as things begin to escalate! Feelings begin to show, secrets are revealed, identities change, and blood begins to spill. What will become of our heroes, what will become of this family that was forged by bonds and love? Find out In the third installment of Fate Of Two Saiyans!

Foster_Tristan · 漫画同人
41 Chs

Chapter 27-Astrid And Salas

We find Astrid and Salas amongst a small town nearby New Westfall City. As Astrid examines the biomass that was once known as Cassa. He began thrilling with excitement.

"It's coming along nicely! The biomass of the Lyrx disease! The corruption it will cause. Yes! I can finally bring it to tuition. I can bring forth the beginning of the end!"

Suddenly behind him, Salas appeared still wounded from his fight against the heroes.

"What happened to your face? Your body?!"

"Those heroes were persistent that's for sure."

"They did this to you?"

"Yes, but it was with the help of these."

Salas pulled out the emerald and Amethyst gemstones.

"Incredible! You managed to gain two more of the seven gemstones!"

"It would've been three, but I lost track of the ruby."

"No matter, these two will do nicely."

Astrid snatched the gemstones from Salas and began admiring them.

"What beauties these are... Such history is held with seven gemstones. All scattered amongst the stars. Yet we're ever so lucky to find most of them on this miserable rock."

"Could you do something about this damn wound on my face?"

"Hmph if you insist."

Astrid taps his staff and a green glow encases Salas body fully healing him and reversing any damage dealt during his battle moments ago.

"Now then let me focus on my work. Go find something else to do."

"Ha, no thank you for bringing you the gems?"

"Please I would've had there moments ago if I could fight them myself. But I'm afraid that's against the rules on my existence."

"Why do you even seek these gems in the first place? You've never truly told me why even after..."

"After I rescued you from the destruction of your homeworld, that came from the previous God of Destruction? After I raised you and lead you into the most powerful position you hold now?"


Astrid sighed as he watched Salas drop his head.

"You will know within due time. For now, worry about the others that still stand in our way."


"You may have killed a few of the heroes, but you still have yet to finish off two of them."

Astrid tapped his staff to reveal Okara and Crimson walking away from the battlefield.

"They're still breathing... Wait!"

Suddenly going back to when Salas had murdered Arako. It all started making sense to him.

"Time... Time for his allies to regain power and live to fight another day..."

"You now realized that?"

"That bastard knew what he was doing, they died not a cowardice death, but a planned death."

"Go now, find them and get me that ruby. The sooner we have it, the sooner our visions will become reality."

Salas turned and walked away from Astrid, as Astrid watched him stray away for a moment. He returned to the biomass and sent his staff away. To place his right hand along it.

"Such a beautiful specimen, to think one gemstone could create such a core for destruction. That's in our very name, how fitting that you will be the reason this place experiences the apocalypse."

Astrid looks at the emerald and amethyst as they float around him.

"Such power these gemstones hold, an ancient race that could control, conquer, create, destroy. At the simplest motion of a thought of an action. That's why the gods fear these gemstones, these demons. Three together in separate hosts could do damage to a God of Destruction yet. I fear if it had been four Salas would not be standing, they're control of these gems was impressive even being able to wound him severely was an accomplishment. However, if they had fully mastered the control of these. I fear not only Salas, but I too would fall to them."

Astrid began formulating an explanation within his head. To help better understand the power of the Lyrx.

A single host with a Lyrx gemstone and full control of the gem can easily wipe out the universe. This hasn't been fully confirmed as no host has ever survived long enough to see it possible. However, it has been noted and seen by other gods themselves, that two Lyrx who have different controls on their gemstones can best a God of Destruction. While it might not be easy, it is possible. Then it comes to three Lyrx no god can truly stand against three Lyrx who have a superb grasp on their gems powers. Take Salas for example he was wounded physically but ended up the victor due to the three users not having good control of the gems.

Four users and more no matter what would take a God without a fight. It's been seen many times. When the Lyrx stood strong as a race they could annihilate gods at a moment's notice. Yet there was one who truly scared the angels. One who would truly never see the light of day again. The Kingslayer, a Lyrx who gained perfect control of all Seven gemstones. They merged into one is giving them the power to create, destroy, relive, expand. The entire multiverse as we know, this power has never come to light. If all seven gems were to be obtained in one place and merged with one host, it would create a being even I would fear.

Suddenly the biomass begins brightening as the Amethyst and Emerald surround it.

"It seems they wish to free their friend. However..."

Astrid restrains the gemstones with Ki bubbles and forces them within a sphere held above this little town.

"You shall watch and enjoy the show! For the corruption of earth is soon to begin!"

Astrid began laughing evilly as the biomass took root into the ground and began expanding outwards towards New Westfall City. As it rushed through the woods, corrupting anything he touched. The biomass began to take hold, trees rotted as their green leaves turned blood red, the green grass began turning dry yellow like it was dying. The soil slowly merged from its brownish color to a black tar-like color. The houses around the biomass crumbled and any lifeless body around it was absorbed into it. Giving it more strength to stretch further until it finally reached New Westfall City.

The roots began climbing the buildings busting through glass windows and cars. To touch anything it could and wrap itself like the parasite it was. This is the start of the end... This is the so-called apocalypse.