
Fate/Lust break

System, System, System, System, System, now a day everyone want's one, from the gamer system to the templet system, I really lapp at that, why because I find it funny, I thought if I had a system what will it be, behold my shock when I got, and it is harem system who gave to me, I didn't need to think she came to my room, kissed and said she's now mine, what is my life, anyway now I am stuck with a goddess and this system ---- Don't ask why I am doing this, I was too bored and started to write this so yeah enjoy, also no NTR in this story, I hate NTR wait a passion MC: Ritsuka Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · 游戏衍生
41 Chs

Morgan skill

With Ritsuka he saw looking at the system and summons Morgan weapon, and activate the skill The Holy Lance Rhongomynaid.

Kama just looked at him. "Ok which poor soul pissed you of"

Morgan looked at Ritsuka. "Um husband I don't think you should use my weapon"

Ritsuka gripped the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad tightly, feeling its immense power coursing through him. The weapon glowed with a divine energy, ready to be unleashed. He had summoned it through the system for practice, but his expression was intense, as if something—or someone—had truly angered him.

Kama, lounging nearby, tilted her head, her voice laced with curiosity. "Alright, darling. Who pissed you off this time? You look like you're ready to take someone's head off."

Ritsuka's eyes flicked to Kama for a brief moment before settling back on the lance. "No one. Not yet, anyway," he muttered, though the edge in his voice suggested otherwise.

Morgan, standing by, glanced nervously between her husband and her own weapon now in his hands. "Ritsuka, you do realize that Rhongomyniad is not something you should just wield casually, right? It's a sacred weapon of balance. If you're not careful, it can cause... more destruction than intended."

Ritsuka let out a deep breath, still staring at the weapon as if lost in thought. He nodded but didn't release his grip. "I know, Morgan. I just... I need to understand the power behind it. With everything that's coming, I can't afford to be weak. And besides, this is for more than just training."

Kama floated over, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure this isn't some over-the-top attempt to impress your ever-growing harem?" she teased, but there was a hint of genuine concern in her voice. "You know, I like chaos as much as the next goddess, but you're not exactly known for reckless moves, Ritsuka."

Ritsuka finally lowered the lance slightly, the glow dimming as he regained control of his emotions. "It's not about showing off. I just... feel like I need to be ready for anything, and sometimes, the best way to learn is to push limits."

Morgan sighed but walked up to him, placing a hand on his arm. "I understand your desire to grow stronger, husband. But just know that wielding such power comes with great responsibility. You don't need to bear it all alone."

Kama, floating next to Morgan, grinned. "Yeah, you've got all of us, after all. We'll keep you on the right path... mostly."

Ritsuka chuckled lightly, the tension easing as he handed the Holy Lance back to Morgan. "You're right. Thanks, both of you. I guess I got a little carried away."

Morgan smiled softly, taking the lance back. "Anytime, husband. Just remember, you don't need to face everything head-on. We're in this together."

Kama smirked, hovering close to him. "Yeah, just leave the overpowered divine destruction to us. You can stick to being the charming leader who keeps us all in check."

Ritsuka laughed, the heaviness lifting from his shoulders. "I guess I'll leave the over-the-top stuff to you two then. But don't worry, I'll be right there beside you when things get tough."

Ritsuka then looked at the system. "Chamuel show me all the skill I got from Morgan, I need to recheck and train them in Kama domain".

[ **Excalibur Galathea (Skill)**

- **Effect**: Summons a powerful, mystical sword imbued with the essence of Excalibur. This sword can deliver devastating magical attacks and is capable of slicing through almost any defense. It also grants a temporary boost to Ritsuka's attack power by 50% and increases his defense against magical attacks by 30% for 3 turns. Additionally, this skill can summon a protective barrier around allies, reducing incoming damage by 20% for the duration.

**Enchanted Aura (Passive)**

- **Effect**: Creates an aura of enchantment that boosts the morale of allies and confounds enemies. Allies within the aura gain a 15% increase in attack power and a 10% increase in defense. Enemies within the aura have a 10% chance to be confused, lowering their accuracy and making them more vulnerable to critical hits. This passive also enhances Ritsuka's resistance to debuffs and status effects by 20%.

**Mystical Confluence (Skill)**

- **Effect**: Channels the magical energies of the fae realm to heal and bolster allies. Restores 25% of the maximum HP to all allies and provides a 20% increase in NP generation rate for 3 turns. This skill also cleanses all negative status effects from the party and boosts their magical resistance by 15% for the duration. This is all the skills

King of the Fairy**

- **Effect**: Grants temporary access to Morgan Le Fay's magical abilities and knowledge for 30 seconds. This includes high-level fae magic, such as powerful enchantments and curses.

. The Holy Lance Rhongomynaid

- **Effect**: Allows Ritsuka to summon Morgan's weapon, a black demonic spear resembling a halberd with an Excalibur-like blade. This weapon can be used to perform holy spells and unleashes a smaller version of Rhongomynaid's destructive power. ]

Ritsuka stared at the list of skills Chamuel presented to him, his mind calculating and strategizing. Each ability granted by Morgan had immense potential, but he knew he had to master them through training and practice in order to wield them effectively in battle.

"These are some serious skills," Ritsuka muttered to himself, feeling both the weight of their power and the responsibility to use them wisely.

Kama floated closer, her eyes gleaming with interest. "You know, if you're going to train all that, there's no better place than my domain. Lust may be my specialty, but it's also a place where desires manifest as power—perfect for pushing your limits."

Morgan, standing nearby with a calm smile, nodded. "Kama is right. The chaotic nature of her domain will provide unpredictable challenges, and mastering these skills there will prepare you for any situation. But remember, the power you're wielding comes from me, so take care not to push too far. Rhongomyniad is especially dangerous in the wrong hands."

Ritsuka nodded in understanding, determination burning in his eyes. "I'll make sure to control it properly. Chamuel, initiate the transportation to Kama's domain."

[ **System activation confirmed. Transporting to Kama's domain for training.** ]

As the familiar glow of the system's teleportation enveloped him, Ritsuka felt a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness. He knew Kama's domain was unpredictable, chaotic, and filled with the raw essence of desire—both empowering and dangerous.

When the light faded, they stood in Kama's realm—a vast, surreal landscape that seemed to pulse with the energy of desires, both light and dark. The ground shimmered like liquid gold, and the sky was a swirling mix of colors, constantly shifting like the emotions of those who ventured into it.

Kama stretched her arms, feeling the power of her domain flowing through her. "Welcome to my world, Ritsuka. Let's see how well you can handle all that power from Morgan. I'll throw a few surprises your way—just to keep things interesting."

Morgan, ever composed, placed a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "Stay focused. Train with intent, and don't let the environment cloud your judgment."

Ritsuka smiled, confident in his abilities. "I'll be fine. Let's get started."

With that, he summoned **Excalibur Galathea**, the mystical sword appearing in his hand, glowing with an ethereal light. He could feel the power of the legendary blade hum through his veins, its weight comfortable yet imposing.

Kama grinned, summoning shadowy figures from the mist of her domain. They appeared as twisted reflections of enemies Ritsuka had faced before—distorted, exaggerated versions that seemed more dangerous, fueled by the desires of those they represented.

"Show me what you've got, darling," Kama purred, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Ritsuka charged forward, swinging **Excalibur Galathea** with precision, slicing through the shadowy enemies with ease. Each strike felt empowered, the blade cutting through even the strongest defenses with ease, just as the system described.

The ground beneath him rippled with Kama's influence, making his footing uncertain, but Ritsuka adapted quickly, using **Enchanted Aura** to boost his strength and stabilize himself. He could feel the effects immediately—his attacks were sharper, his senses keener, and even his magic was flowing more smoothly.

"Not bad," Kama called, watching as he dispatched the enemies one by one. "But you're not done yet."

The realm itself seemed to fight back, a wave of pure energy surging toward Ritsuka. He raised the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad just in time, unleashing its destructive power. A wave of holy energy shot forward, obliterating everything in its path and restoring the balance of the battlefield.

Morgan watched with approval, her confidence in Ritsuka growing. "You're learning quickly. Keep it up."

With the enemies vanquished, Ritsuka stood tall, breathing heavily but victorious. His control over the skills was improving, but he knew there was still much to learn.

"I think that's enough for now," Ritsuka said, sheathing the Holy Lance. "I'll continue refining these abilities, but I'm starting to understand how they work together."

Kama smirked, floating over to him. "Not bad, Ritsuka. You're getting stronger by the day. Just remember, power like this can be seductive—don't lose yourself in it."

Ritsuka smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I won't. With both of you by my side, I know I'll stay grounded."

Morgan smiled softly, proud of her husband. "We'll always be here to support you. Now let's head back to Chaldea—there's still much to do."

Ritsuka then looked at Kama "hey kama where are you clones, normal when I get here they"

Before Ritsuka could even finish his sentence, he was suddenly engulfed by a wave of ecstatic voices. Hundreds of Kama clones descended upon him from all directions, their arms outstretched, and every one of them shouting in unison, "Husband, you're back!"

Ritsuka was immediately buried under the swarm of Kamas, their enthusiasm overwhelming. They hugged him tightly, their faces beaming with delight as they clung to him, seemingly unaware of the concept of personal space.

Kama, the original, floated above the chaos with a smirk, watching the scene unfold with amusement. "Ah, there they are. You always seem to bring out their best behavior, don't you?"

Ritsuka groaned under the sheer weight of affection. "I-I forgot how intense this was…"

Morgan, standing nearby, simply crossed her arms and sighed, clearly used to this display. "It's like this every time you visit. I'm surprised you didn't expect it."

Ritsuka tried to free himself from the swarm of affectionate clones, but every time he moved, another wave of Kamas would latch onto him, giggling and calling out his name. He gave a pleading look to the original Kama, who was floating overhead, casually watching.

"Kama, a little help here?" he managed to say, his voice muffled by the sheer number of clones hugging him.

Kama, still smirking, finally floated down. "Alright, alright. Let him breathe, girls."

With a snap of her fingers, the clones reluctantly backed off, still pouting as they reluctantly let go of their "husband." Ritsuka, now free, took a deep breath, shaking his head as he looked at the crowd of Kamas who were still eyeing him with affection.

"Every time…" he muttered, though a small smile played on his lips.

Kama chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What can I say? You're just too popular here."

Morgan then looked at him. "May I ask why does it happen everythime"

Ritsuka just looked at Morgan. "Each of Kama clones are connected to her, emotionally and physically, what ever kama feels, they do as well, but it times 100 sense they don't see me everyday like kama does"

Morgan raised an eyebrow, processing what Ritsuka had just said. "So you're saying… each of these clones experiences Kama's emotions but amplified? And since they don't see you as often, their reaction becomes more… exaggerated?"

Ritsuka nodded, scratching the back of his head as he looked at the remaining clones still watching him with eager eyes. "Yeah, pretty much. It's like they've been storing up their feelings, and when I show up, it all comes out at once."

Morgan sighed, shaking her head slightly. "That explains the chaos every time you enter her domain. It's a miracle you're still standing."

Kama, who had been listening with a sly grin, floated over and leaned in close to Ritsuka. "Well, husband, they do miss you, and you know, I can't stop them from being excited." She winked, obviously enjoying the situation.

Ritsuka chuckled softly, though his face betrayed a hint of exhaustion from the overwhelming affection. "I just have to brace myself every time, I guess."

Morgan glanced at the lingering clones again, some of whom were whispering among themselves, still looking longingly at Ritsuka. "At least they're not causing actual damage. But I wonder how long this routine will go on before they calm down."

Kama floated gracefully beside them, shrugging casually. "Oh, probably forever. They're all me, after all."

Ritsuka then looked at Morgan. "And hey it is not like I don't love them all, they are still kama and I love all of them. Ritsuka then looked Morgan who was Jealous. "I love you as will, I love all my wife's Equally"

Morgan crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing slightly as she gave Ritsuka a skeptical look. "You say that, but I still wonder how much 'equally' really means when it comes to the hundreds of Kama clones hanging off of you."

Kama smirked, clearly enjoying the banter. "Oh, don't be jealous, Morgan. He's telling the truth. Besides, I don't mind sharing with a fellow wife, do I?"

Ritsuka stepped between the two, his expression softening as he placed a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "I mean it, Morgan. I love all of you equally. You, Kama, and everyone else are important to me. No one's love means more or less."

Morgan sighed, her jealousy fading as she met Ritsuka's earnest gaze. "Fine, I believe you. But if I see any favoritism, I won't hesitate to remind you of this conversation."

Ritsuka laughed lightly, relieved that the tension had eased. "I'll keep that in mind." He turned to Kama with a wink. "And you too, no encouraging the clones to stir up trouble."

Kama waved him off playfully. "No promises, darling."

To be continued