
Chapter 47

Arriving at our destination, I ring the bell on the door.


After a short wait a man opens the door.

"Hello how can I help you"

"Hi, I'm here to pick up a package"

"Ah, so your the one. Please come inside"

After the man invites us in we start walking in. I'm pretty sure this guy is the one who loves Shiki, it's been a while since a watched the anime but did they get married, I don't know. Frankly this guy is boring and forgettable, what is his purpose other then Shiki's love interest.

Ignoring the main character mob, we walk into the main room. Sitting at a table, I see Touko Aozaki. She currently doing, something. She's just staring at a blank piece of paper. leaning against the wall is Shiki, and the look she's giving us is hilarious. More specifically the look she's giving me.

I don't know if it's because of my magic or speed, but I lack points and lines of death. Arcueid and Altrouge have lines, but with how much experience she has with them, she can tell something about them is different. As for Fou, enough said. Frankly Satsuki is the most normal person in our group. Considering she's an instant turn vampire with a reality marble, enough said.

"Wha what the hell are you people"

Shiki's outburst gets the attention of mob guy and Touko.

"What's wrong Shiki"

"Them, what the hell are they"

"Hmmmm, what wrong with then Shiki"

"Well for starters, he has no death, I don't see a single line or point. As for the girls, they aren't human, and those two are even weirder then the third. Lets not even talk about that, squirrel, thing, with them"

Shiki pointed at each of us through her little rant. This however causes Touko to look at us with caution. I take this moment to speak up.

"Well, this is a wonderful greeting, let me introduce myself, Nicholas, wielder of the sixth magic, nice to meet you. Behind me are my current travel companions, Arcueid and Altrouge Brunestud, the other girl is Satsuki Yumizuka, and this little guy is Primate Murder, I have taken to calling him Fou"







"So, my package"











Touko just fell on her table, Shiki has he knife and eyes ready and mob is at the other end of the room.

"Enough, Shiki, put the knife away. Even with your eyes it won't do you any good"

"You sure"

"Yeah, these people are out of our league"

With that Shiki put away her knife, and the situation calms down a bit.

"I believe this is what your here for"

Touko pulls out the case and passes it to me.

"I have no idea what you want with it, but whatever"

"I don't even know what this is. I'm just picking it up because dad asked me to"

"Seriously. Whatever"

"Well now I have the package, I believed that's all. Unless there's something I'm forgetting"

"Nope. please never come again, especially with people like them"


"I get it. By the way l, I have been meaning to ask you something"


"Whats with mob number 1 over there"

I say while pointing to mob 1. Touko, Shiki and mob 1 look at me with wide eyes, while the vampires just laugh.

"I'm sorry what"

"Well, I don't know is name, he's not a mage or anything. He is a completely ordinary, mundane person with nothing special about. An ordinary mob character that nobody knows or cares about. Or am I wrong"

Shiki seems really annoyed by my words, Touko just grunts in agreement and mob just looks down ashamed, before looking back at me in determination.

"It's true I'm not a mage or have any special powers, but I'll do what ever I can to help"

"Those are some good words there. Unfortunately the world isn't that kind to the weak. You for some reason, are in the know about the moonlit world. For someone like you, that will do you more harm then good"

"What do you mean"

"What I mean is, when your not aware, you can live in blissful ignorance about the truth of the world. That there are beings out there who can wipe out an city like this in a night. Can make your worst nightmares real. Can kill you and everyone you care for, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it"

"It can't be that bad"

Rather then me, it's actually Touko who answers him.

"Your wrong, it's exactly as he says. I told you long ago this world wasn't kind to people like you. However you said you were willing to accept the risks. Infact there are some who take pleasure out of torturing people like you for entertainment. Lest not forget the mages who will kill you and everyone you know and care about to prevent you from revealing what you know"

Hearing what we have said, he looks down, clenching his fists, trying to come to terms with what we've sayings and the implications of it. It kind of reminds me of Shiro in the anime where he learns about the truth of the war.

"Well, we have done what we came here to do. It was a pleasure meeting you, goodbye"


As we're about to leave mob speaks up.


"Is it really true. What you said"

"All of it. There are people who will have you killed on sight for what you know. Infact they will torture you for information on who told you and who you told. They will most likely kill everyone related to you just to be sure. As for beings capable of destroying a town. look at my group, each of us could wipe outlet this city in a night easy.

Satsuki is the weakest, lacking our level of firepower l, but she could turn the whole city into dead if she wanted, Arcueid and Altrouge have the raw power needed to erase this city easy. For is Primate Murder and capable of killing all humans here with a roar. I can just erase the city with a thought.

Look, I'm not saying this to attack you or anything. Personally I believe its best for you mundane people to not get involved in this side of the world. For both your happiness and health get out, have you memories wiped, and like a peaceful life"

Having said my piece we leave. Walking through the street I think over what just happened and cont help but think.

"Do you all think I went to hard on him"

The first to speak is Satsuki.

"I haven't been in this world for long Soni can't say, but from what I know. I don't believe you were hard on him, everything you said we're facts"

"I agree as hard as it was for him, he needs to understand the world he's in"

Arcueid follows after Satsuki, who is followed by Altrouge.

"It for the best that people like him get out while they can"

After that we walk through the town in silence.