
Fate/illusionary speed

It was just an ordinary day, I took my brother to school, I did a few chores for my parents and while mowing the lawn I'm hit by a car. For most people that would be the end however due to a twist of Fate this is just the beginning of my new life, with a few upgrades.

OmegaDragon · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 48

It's allliiiiiiiiivvvvvvveeeeeeeee. So yes, not dead, just busy. I'll keep doing updates, they will just be a bit slower. Sorry about that, but life tends to get in the way of things.


Sitting in the hotel room, I look out the window staring at the city. I can sense a magical fluctuations in the city, It's not anyone we have met so far so it someone else.

"What are you looking at. You seem pretty focused on something"

Looking to my side I see Arcueid standing there.

"I'm fine, I just sense an unknown magical signature, two to be exact"

"Really, I don't sense anything"

"I can create an area around me to seve as a detection system. I am aware of everything in that area"

"Wow. That's an impressive skill"

Looks back out to the city, I continue to stare. Thinking about different thing's, from the grail war, other worlds and finally, the massive fluctuation of primordial energy I just sensed entering this multiverse.

This particular energy is something I'm familiar with. Axle, the wielder of primordial soul. I wonder what he's doing here, he's heading here.

"Hay, girls"

Hearing me, all the girls.look over towards me.


"We're going to have a guest here soon"

Being to one closest to me, Arcueid is the one to speak.

"really, who"




Out of nowhere, Axle appears in his full slimy glory, right behind Arcueid, who then screams, which then prompts everyone else to start screaming. Seeing the result of his prank, Axle laughs like a madman.

"Hay Axle, what brings you here"

"Nothing. I just came for a visit. So how are things"

"Pretty good, made some new friends, vaporised a vampire, almost accidentally destroyed the planet"

"Sound like fun. Mind if I stick around for a while"

"Sure, You can sleep on the couch"

"Damn, that's cruel"

"What do you want, you didn't give me a heads up. How am I supposed to book rooms for people when I don't know their coming"

"Good point"

"Excuse me"

looking to the source of the voice I see Arcueid looking at us with what I can only describe as a look of utter confusion.

"Yes, what up Arcueid"

"Who, or what, is he"

"This is Axle, I know he may look like a slime however he's actually a soul. You know the third magic, heaven feel, Materialisation of the soul"


"He's basically that on steroids"




"Really, that's it, no, nothing"

"Well, after spending so much time with you, you kind of grow numb to things"

"okay, makes sense"

Axle looks at Arcueid with curiosity. I think, he's a slime.

"Hay, girl"


"What's up with that lump on your soul"

"What lump"

"Well you have this limp on your soul. From what I can tell, it's natural to your soul, but unnecessary and works like tumor causing you to feel something you don't need. Give me a look"

Having said that he moves closer to her, touching her and examining her from all sides.

"Okay, got it. From what I can tell it causes you to experience a thirst for blood. Seeing as your a vampire, it makes sense, but still unnecessary"

Hearing what he said, I can understand, so I'm not surprised. I honestly expected something like this, I would be more surprised if he couldn't figure out the thirst. The others are extremely shocked. This is their first time dealing with someone who has absolute power over souls.

"Can you remove it, can you solve the problem plaguing all True Ancestor's"

"Sure. done"

As he says that, nothing happens. No flash light, power fluctuations, nothing. Altrouge however seems the most on edge.

"How do you feel. TELL ME"

"I feel fine, nothing, no thirst, nothing"

Arcueid and Altrouge fall into a moment of silence before Altrouge acts up.

"MEMEMEMEME. Do me please"

"Sure, done. And you girl"

Axle points a Satsuki as he speaks

"Ha, um, yes"

"You are similar to them but different"

"Well, I'm just a Dead Apostle and their True Ancestor's"

"Cool, I don't care what that means, your like them now"


"Your in a good mood Axle"

"Yeah, I'm feeling generous today"

"Yeah, I noticed"

Yes, I really did notice. He seems to be in a really good mood, however, he also seem pretty eager to please. He wants something.

"So what bring you here"

"Didn't I already say I just came to visit. Can't a guy come and visit a friend without needing questioned"

"Okay, how did you find me"

"HM, oh that easy. I tracked the dagger. Using that I found you pretty easy"

So that's how he found me. It makes sense, the damn thing is made by him out of soul energy. It only makes sense he can track it.

"Well, in that case you can stay as longling as you want. In fact I'd your willing to keep helping me and doing stuff without wanting anything in return, or wanting anything from me, them"

"Okay okay you got me, I need a favour. I need you help with a certain something. Or to be more accurate, I need you to do something for me"

"There it is, what do you need"

"So you know how I have been searching for my home"


"Well, I have a lead. A few weeks ago I met another like us. We got to talking, and it turns out she knows my home world after I told her some stuff about it. And she has a marker there"

"That's great"

"Yeah, but she won't take me there unless I beat her"

"Your extremely powerful, I doubt you'll need my help to beat her"

"It's not a fight. If it were a fight I could manage, however what I need to beat her in is something I'm unfortunately rather weak in. A race"

"I'm sorry, what"

"A race. I need to beat her in a race for her to take me to my home world"

"Aren't you extremely fast. You managed to catch me, I mean I wasn't running my fastest, but still"

"I only managed to catch you because I caught you unaware, and use my power to manipulate your soul into moving slower. While you thought you were running max speed or something, you were actually moving closer to my speed, not even a fraction of how fast you thought you were"

What. Damn so that what that was. I was wondering how he was keeping up with me.

"Damn, I don't know whether to be impressed or annoyed about that"

"Anyway, that's the situation. Can you help me. I'll owe you a favour"

Hmmm, he is extremely experienced. A favour from him could be pretty valuable. With that thought, I look at my phone, more specifically a certain app. Oh yeah, that will do.

"Okay, I'll help you. In exchange, I want your help with something"


"Making one of these"

With that I show him a certain something on my phone.

"Why the hell would you want that. It's pointless for us"

"Who said it's for me. Besides, that my price. Take it or leave it"

"Fine. Deal"

"Pleasure doing business"

With that we shake on our deal. I can't wait until we make that. It's going to be so fun.