
Fate: Forging my legend

Warning, this fanfic is not exclusively from the fate universe, but it is going to be a fanfic, crossed with several universes, as well as not exactly following the timeline of the fate universe. Cold is the only thing I feel. Cold that I gave my entire life for a cause. Cold knowing that I was deceived, for half my life, and that now I will die like this. Cold for knowing that I was betrayed, by the person I trusted the most. Some last words crimson sword. The truth is I didn't want to talk, even if I did talk no one would really make an effort to listen to me, but still a part of me wants to say some last words, for the people who still consider me a true hero. So I took courage and spoke. Just when I finished speaking several attacks were directed towards me, but instead of getting scared I simply looked them in the eyes, and put on the most sincere smile I could, happy to know that I could finally reunite with my companions. If reincarnation exists, I wish to be able to live that life however I want. [Charging] Loud was that sound and because I'm seeing everything slower. [Charge 1%, Charge 5%, Charge 9%, Charge 15%, Charge 29%, Charge 38%, Charge 54%, Charge 72%, Charge 92%, Charge 100%, Charge Finished] At that final sound something appeared in front of him, a blue screen. What I got myself into this time, was the last thing he said before he was murdered.

Sayes_OfDragons · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Prologue Chapter A reflection before the end

Unknown location, unknown time.

"Cold, that was the only thing I felt after the strong impact I received, or at least the last thing I felt, since now I no longer feel anything. Most likely, the clash of our powers caused us both to be in mutual agony although I can't see her anymore, since all I see is a completely blank glow, and a sound that is ringing in my ears, I wonder if This is what all people call a last look at their life, before leaving the afterlife. And if I'm honest with myself I would have wished that things would turn out differently, maybe if I had discovered his or her secret, the truth is I don't know, it's strange even now that we are both on the verge of death I find it hard to assimilate that my best friend turned out to be a she and not a he, it's hard for me to assimilate. But now it hurts me to realize that everything could have been different and that is why I believe that I also feel that I am feeling cold for knowing that I did not have to be deceived, betrayed by those closest to me, as well as by my ideals, but I also know that if that hadn't happened to me all of that maybe I would never have left my bubble in that sense I think I admire Arthur or should I call her now Arturia, whatever she is it's admirable why she wanted the best for all of us, In that sense it is very similar to the legend, however I really betrayed the family that I knew all my life by clinging to the words of those who were not my family, but at the same time I am happy as well as sad. From this, on the one hand I was able to prevent my family from harming the innocent people who did nothing, but on the other hand, perhaps if I had joined them, I would have managed to avoid all the disaster in the world if I had joined them, the I'll never really know because that never happened and that only lives in my imagination. And the only thing I can say towards that image is that it is more beautiful than seeing all the lights of the NeoTech city. But at the same time it also reminds me that I am a child who only wanted to be a hero, and who was sold by his own parents to an organization to change him genetically, to save himself from death, and when I thought I would find a father in the organization, he turned his back on me when the chaos began, in that sense I just want to cry, knowing everything I had to lose, to understand that maybe I could have done things better but now that doesn't matter anymore, I'm going to die and That cannot be avoided if there is life after death, how many beliefs believe that they exist, the only thing I would like would be to have a family and this time it does not matter if I have to move heaven and earth, I would do anything for them to be safe. . Therefore, if someone finds this flower of memory, in the remains of Arturia's and my fight, I ask that you do not make the same mistakes that I made, live your life as you want and do not become an empty shell, who only knew how to follow orders. , because before you know it, your life, I know that you may hate me, like everyone in my family, and for that reason I apologize for not having been able to do more, and I know that for many my words would be totally empty because I am Crimson Sword, I don't care if you believe everything I have said in this flower that I am creating, but I really ask you not to waste your life, live your life with your family, as with those closest to you, with only one person can To really do that I would be happy."

When Crimson Sword finished recording that, he began to channel his energy into his hands or what he believed were his hands, and a sphere of Blue energy began to form with parts in a pink color, and when Crimson Sword knew it was ready, he He threw it in the opposite direction to where he believed the clash of power collided, and when he felt that the sphere was moving away, he felt ready to leave the world of the living, without knowing that his path had not yet ended.


A robotic voice sounded in Crimson Sword's mind at that moment.

"Loud was that sound."

[Charge 1%, Charge 5%, Charge 9%, Charge 15%, Charge 29%, Charge 38%, Charge 54%, Charge 72%]

"What is happening, am I going because I feel weird?" Crimson Sword wondered, not understanding what was happening.

[Charge 92%, Charge 100%, Charge Finished]

Hearing that the charge had already finished Crimson Sword, he felt how his existence was taken to another unknown place, and at this Crimson Sword could only think of one thing.

"DAMN MY BAD LUCK." It was the last thing he thought before he fell unconscious, unable to hear the last thing that robotic voice had to say.

[Searching body, user compatible]