
Fate: Forging my legend

Warning, this fanfic is not exclusively from the fate universe, but it is going to be a fanfic, crossed with several universes, as well as not exactly following the timeline of the fate universe. Cold is the only thing I feel. Cold that I gave my entire life for a cause. Cold knowing that I was deceived, for half my life, and that now I will die like this. Cold for knowing that I was betrayed, by the person I trusted the most. Some last words crimson sword. The truth is I didn't want to talk, even if I did talk no one would really make an effort to listen to me, but still a part of me wants to say some last words, for the people who still consider me a true hero. So I took courage and spoke. Just when I finished speaking several attacks were directed towards me, but instead of getting scared I simply looked them in the eyes, and put on the most sincere smile I could, happy to know that I could finally reunite with my companions. If reincarnation exists, I wish to be able to live that life however I want. [Charging] Loud was that sound and because I'm seeing everything slower. [Charge 1%, Charge 5%, Charge 9%, Charge 15%, Charge 29%, Charge 38%, Charge 54%, Charge 72%, Charge 92%, Charge 100%, Charge Finished] At that final sound something appeared in front of him, a blue screen. What I got myself into this time, was the last thing he said before he was murdered.

Sayes_OfDragons · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 1 A stormy day

Human Kingdom, Japan, Fuyuki City, Fuyuki Hospital, January 1995.

It seemed like it was another normal day in the peaceful city of Fuyuki, students were going to school, adults were going to work, birds were singing in the sky, but without knowing that this day would be a before and after in history.

From a window he could see a hospital room, he was lying in a hospital bed as well as connected to a monitor, a boy no older than 10 years old with white skin, reddish brown hair, dressed only in a hospital gown. white hospital

Next to where he was lying, there was a large bunch of flowers in a basket, and there was a small note that said: "Get well soon Emiya, and she will return to class soon, you are missed at school." Most likely, the child's classmates were the ones who brought the flowers to the child.

But what his companions knew is that that day his companion would undergo a metamorphosis, which would change him and he would no longer be as they once knew him.

At that moment the clouds covered the clear skies, and from a pure white they began to turn into black storm clouds, at that moment the rain, the wind and the lightning began to sound frantically throughout the city, the residents of the city began to panic for not understanding, how it was possible that one day, where everyone thought it was going to be clear, so suddenly became a thunderstorm, of course this surprised the normal residents, but for those, related to the illuminated world By the moon, they realized that this storm was not normal at all, but rather that it was caused by something or someone or something.

This caused curiosity, fear, interest, nothingness and fear in five people from the city of Fuyuki, one of those people on the easternmost side of the city was an old man so old, that if someone saw him from front would think that he was just one breath away from going to the afterlife, but that same old man was one of the people who knew that this storm was not normal.

"How interesting, who is it that is doing such a ritual in my city?" The old man thought with a malice that denoted annoyance towards the one who is causing this, by not allowing him to work on his new project.

But before he did anything, with the thing or the person that is causing this storm, he remembered something important when he thought about his new project that had to be done as soon as possible before it lost the primordial essence to create his own container for the next war.

"It's certainly time for me to train my dear granddaughter Sakura." He thought to himself with malice towards his granddaughter, for what he was going to do to her.

Thus he went to where his granddaughter was, in order to achieve his objectives, and leaving this matter as one of no importance, since he currently had more important matters to take care of and he did not believe that this would escalate to something of importance, something that in the future he would regret.

Meanwhile, outside the city of Fuyuki, there was a girl no older than the boy who was resting in the hospital bed. She had white skin, blue eyes, long black hair tied in two twin pigtails with two black ribbons, and she was dressed a white shirt, along with a bow tie, this along with a black skirt.

She was another one of the people who realized that the storm was not normal but that this was due to the world illuminated by the Moon, and something else is happening with her.

"Why does my magic crest keep glowing?" The girl wondered, not understanding, doubting why her family crest was shining so brightly, that it could even be seen through her clothes, something that was honestly putting her in a bad mood, because she didn't know what she was doing. causing this, although he did know when this happened and it all started since this supposed storm began, and with just that he spoke he was worried since whatever is happening, his crest is reacting with the storm, but so She knew this should be impossible, this is because only crests react to only family members, and the only person who would make her family crest react would be her father, but again this would be impossible since the last time she What she saw was when she, together with her last remaining relatives, went to his funeral and she herself saw with her own eyes what the person buried in the Fuyuki cemetery was like.

And with just that image in his mind he couldn't help but begin to silently let out small tears, so as not to worry his mother and maternal grandparents about this issue, because although they knew about the world illuminated by the moon, they knew that they They were a small family of magicians who fell into disgrace and that is why their grandparents, like their mother, did not have much knowledge about the world illuminated by the moon and because of them, even if she wanted to consult them on this topic, they would not be able to answer. his doubts, with those he only said something in a low voice.

"Because you left us dad, you promised me that you would teach me magecraft, when you were done you would get the silly Grail." He said with anger in his voice when he knew why his father had not returned after the war ended, and for that reason he could not help but hate that war for taking so much from him in such a short time, something even though he had already spent 1 and a half years. of the aftermath of those events, it still affected him in many ways today, but in particular he felt mainly concerned about his crest and not knowing if this would happen again, he even felt a concern about not knowing if his crest would react to something else apart. of this storm and therefore she swore something in silence.

"Whoever you are swore I'm going to find you, to find out why my crest is reacting to you, and I'm not going to give in until I find you." She said and with a new determination, she wiped away her tears and left her room to go help her family and she swore that in the name of her family, she would protect her family. .

While that was happening on the outskirts of Fuyuki, in the city of Fuyuki in a church, two figures could be seen looking at the storm through a window, one was a girl no older than 10 years old, with long wild blonde hair, along with crimson eyes that looked like they could kill you with just one look, along with clothing that consisted of a blue t-shirt that showed the navel, with a white jacket, black pants, and white tennis shoes, but how is one Dressed, there was an aura around her that anyone who approached her would end up dead.

While the other figure was an adult man around 30 years old, wearing the clothes of a church priest, he had short black hair, with black eyes that did not denote any trace of light that reflected in them.

"How interesting". He said with the blonde with interest in his voice.

"What is interesting, my Queen?" The man asked the girl, with a monotone voice, but with respect towards the girl.

"Oh it's true that you can't feel what I feel kirei" the blonde responded to the man now known as Kirei.

"Forgive my ignorance my queen, but I cannot understand what is so interesting about a magus's spell," Kirei said in his emotionless monotone voice.

"Well my servant, it seems that finally someone worthy of being in my Kingdom may appear." He said with a cute smile that gave Kirei chills because he already knew what was going to happen in the future and was partly looking forward to knowing that he was going to make his new object of entertainment his queen.

"Well we'll see if he's worthy," Kirei said politely.

"We will see if he is worthy of living in my perfect Kingdom," he said with a sinister voice before a golden portal appeared behind her and from it he took out a bottle of wine and some golden glasses.

"But well, let's toast to the future of humanity," she said before giving him the glasses and Kirei came to him.

At that moment Kirei, with a mastery, opened the wine to pour into both glasses, and handed one of the glasses to his queen. "For the future of humanity." Kirei said with a smile that denoted evil intentions for whoever tried to stop them, to free all the evils of humanity.