

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Chapter 15: Negotiations(1)

The battle with the Golem Keter Malkuth was difficult... Keter Malkuth, aka "Adam," was growing stronger by the minute. It was impossible to let this golem grow further, because in an hour it would be invincible. That's why, Jeanne tried to destroy it before that time. And it was, it was obvious, that they lacked fighting power. The caster of black, Avicebron, was already dead, but that could not stop this fifteen-meter golem.

In this battle, almost all the servants of the black faction participated... Even their masters didn't waste any time helping in the battle, or helping the homunculus. And only one man... one mage, stood and watched everything that was going on in front of him. He was in one of the rooms of the castle... there were no lamps lit, it was completely dark, as if Dracula himself lived there. Only moonlight illuminated it slightly, coming in through the huge windows.

His eyes, expressed no emotion, with a face without a single wrinkle that created an indescribable picture, in front of anyone who looked at him.

- Your look is rather pathetic.

A voice sounded in the shadows of the room, but the mage didn't even turn around. He slowly stepped out of the shadows, and walked toward the window, and the closer he was, the more the light fell on him, revealing his countenance. With a slight smile, and eyes of a golden hue, walking to the window, he stood beside him.

- You've come to kill me... - his voice sounded detached, - do it quickly, I'm tired...

That voice, those words were the man that was dying inside him, he had no more, no reason to live. He had come to terms with it, he was just waiting to die.

- Come on, I didn't come here for that, - he continued, - just to laugh at you.

Laughing, Ciel explained.

- Your granddaughter is really cool. I didn't expect her to say that, and yet, while she's trying to do her best you just stand there... You don't even deserve to die.

- What do you know! I've spent sixty years on this, sixty whole years to revive my clan, and to avenge the Mage Association! - You have no idea what it's like to lose everything in an instant.

His anger subsided, he said all that was on his mind. He had been preparing for this war for sixty years, but now, he had lost three masters, and his strongest servant, and with him the great Grail.

- I don't know? - Ciel grabbed Darnic, by the throat, and lifted him above the ground,-oh, no, I know. I know all too well, you're in a state of utter despair right now! And I like it, because you must go through the same torment that we have gone through!

The Avenger spoke with burning hatred, his hand as if it wanted to tear Darnic's throat out, but after a while, when he should have lost consciousness, Ciel let him go. Darnic fell to the floor, coughing, greedily inhaling and exhaling the air from his lungs.

- You are not worthy to die at my hands, - Ciel said, turning away from him, - I thought you were the strongest wizard... the strongest mage in the clan of Yggdmillennia, but I was wrong. You're nothing but pathetic, incapable trash...

Leaving only the words behind him, he left. Darnic, getting his breathing back to normal, sat down behind the chair, rubbing his neck with his hand. There were no thoughts in his head, his mind was as clear as a white sheet. He just sat staring into the void. From afar, only the rumble of battle could be heard...


Inside the Gardens of Babylon, there is a throne room. It is a huge hall that screams that here sits the ruler of these gardens. The throne room is located in the center of the hall, which is the main means of control, which can be controlled by touching, a larger jewel, on the armrest of the throne.

Here, inside the throne room, all the servants of the red faction have gathered. Discussing among themselves whether they agreed to have Amakusa Shirou Tokisada become their master. Archer and the rider, accepted him as their master, leaving only Karna...

- What is your wish, Karna? - In a low voice Shirou spoke.

- My wish, to use that spear again... - replied Karna, demonstratively pointing his weapon at it.

- So you want to face the black Saber in battle again?

- Exactly... but not only him... I also want to fight the Avenger again. - With a smile, he continued, - I know that I will most likely die at his hands, but even so, I am still eager to fight him again.

Amakusa, as well as the other servants, were surprised by Karna's words. After all, they know how strong he is, and yet, he says, he will probably lose to him.

- Is he that strong? - Achilles spoke with surprise, - Then I think he is worthy to die at my hands.

Achilles' blood boiled as he thought that there was a servant left in this war that would be interesting to fight.

- Karna, I have long wanted to ask, what does his phantasm do? - Shirou's countenance, expressed judiciousness, - You're the only one of us who has experienced his phantasm on himself, so I want to know what you think of it?

After Amakusa's words, he decided to think things over in his head before answering. Karna closed his eyes, sinking into his thoughts. He stood like that for about a minute, and opening his eyes again, he said:

- His Phantasm "Chaos", is very powerful. I think it can rival mine.

- I see... So it would be really hard for you to beat him, - Shiro said pondering, - In that case, the rider helped-

- Useless. - With a short answer, Karna interrupted Shiro's words.

Karna's abrupt words, put everyone in a stupor. They just stared at him, incomprehensible as to what he had to say.

- It's not your call, Lancer! - Semiramis said grudgingly, - Do as you're told-

Shirou raised his hand and stopped the assassin. Semiramis looked at his master, knowing that he wanted to hear Karna out first, and decided not to interfere yet.

- What do you mean by that?

- Whether the rider is with me or not won't change the outcome...

- Do you think my strength will not be enough? - In displeasure he spoke, Achilles.

- No, it's not that, - he continued with cold eyes, - it's his fantasy... "Endless World of Despair".

- You mean the marble of reality?

- Exactly... his reality marble, is his most dangerous noble phantasm. He was only able to defeat me, and the Black Lancer, because of him.

Those who had not seen them fight stood in amazement at the fact that he had defeated some of the strongest servants in this war alone. Now they were only interested in what this phantasm was doing, since it had allowed him to defeat, with his help, two very strong servants.

- His phantasm...


Keter Malkuth had been defeated, and now the clan of Yggdmillennia, were recovering their strength. Down the corridor, a girl of about nineteen was riding, with Chiron standing behind her, pushing the baby carriage, helping his master.

They came to one door and knocked and waited for an answer... But he did not come, so they decided to go in without him. When they entered, the room was dark because of the curtains that did not let in the sunlight.

- Chiron, please open the curtains.

After Fiore's words, Archer quickly opened all the curtains allowing sunlight into the room. When the light came in, the eyes saw a messy picture. Books were strewn across the ground, broken vases, an overturned table, and bottles of wine lay on the ground. And in all this mess, in a chair sat a tall man whose appearance left a lot to be desired.

- Leave us alone...

Chiron shifted into his spiritual form. Fiore slowly rolled her baby carriage, closer, to where Darnic was sitting. Once she was close enough to him to talk, she looked at him. His clothes were disheveled, circles under his eyes that spoke of his insomnia, and apathetic eyes that stared into the void.

Seeing her grandfather, in this state, her heart in her chest as if it had pinched something. And sadness appeared in her eyes. But she quickly pulled herself together.

- Grandfather, how are you?

Fiore asked him, with a soft voice, worried about her grandfather's condition. But he did not answer, as if he had not heard her.

- You know, we were able to gather servants that disagreed with the red faction. And I think we still have every chance to win and bring glory to our clan Yggdmillennia. We can revive our clan, and we can compete, with the Mage Association. I'm sure of it...

Her voice was weak, she didn't know what to say, there was a lump in her throat that she could barely contain, trying not to cry. She is a mage, but she is also a young girl who recently lost her brother...

- I heard... they're starting to call you the new head of the clan... - Darnic said in a weak voice.

In Fiore's eyes, there was a glimmer of hope from the fact that her grandfather had answered her. But she also quickly pulled herself back together, and answered:

- Yes... but I don't think so, - she continued, lowering her head slightly in regret, - The one who deserves to be the head of the clan is you, grandfather. I'm still young, and I'm not capable of rationally thinking about what we're going to do next.

Having said these words, she looked at Darnic again, waiting for his answer, but he never answered, she sat there and couldn't do anything... or rather, she didn't know what to do. Right now, the only person she had left close to her was her grandfather, and she didn't want to lose him, too.

- You know, soon in the castle there will be negotiations and thinking about the strategy against the red faction, between the servants and us, all the servants and masters who are still alive will come... I would like you to be there too grandfather... Still, it would be better if the negotiations were entered, the head of the clan Yggdmillennia.

Fiore said with a soft smile, and summoned Chiron, who was supposed to help her reach, the negotiation room.

- You are worthy... to be the head of the clan...

Hearing her grandfather's words, tears welled up in Fiore's eyes. She could no longer hold back her emotions, through the tears that flowed from her eyes, she said:

- Thank you grandfather... - she continued, stopping her tears, - if you wish to come to the negotiating room... we need you grandfather... no, the strongest mage of the Yggdmillennia clan, and our head that led us to success.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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