

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: Promise

Inside the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the servants of both factions were gathered at this point. The architecture of the gardens, indeed, was so magnificent that one would assume it was the creation of the gods themselves...

At the moment, there are difficult negotiations going on inside the gardens, between the red and black factions.

- We have yet to conclude a contract, but if you could unhook this place.

- Will do, Master, - Avicebron said, snapping his fingers, and a horde of golems appeared in the only corridor for the black faction to retreat.

- Out of the way! - Shouting, Jeanne swung her standard and knocked some of the golems aside.

A fight ensued, between the factions, the archer of black trying to get the golems out of the way for retreat, while Jeanne in the same turn repulsed the attacks of the assassin of red... The golems grew more and more, until Mordred appeared, and took down all the golems, in the way...

- This betrayal, saber? - Semiramis asked in a disgruntled voice.

- Dumbed down, bitch! - answered the saber angrily, - you became, my enemies, as soon as you decided to deceive my master.

- Then, I will cut off your head as a traitor.

- Really? Granny, - said Mordred, heading for the attack. - Shit, all right, let's go!

Before Mordred could even approach them, and her master ordered them to retreat, the saber, along with the archer of black, and the ruler, headed for the exit of the hall... Only they had to stop, as another servant appeared before them.

He stepped out of the shadows where the lights of the torches could not reach... His hair was as black as pitch, with eyes of a golden hue. He was dressed in dark light armor, with a large two-handed sword at his belt. Stepping out of the shadows, he headed toward the red faction, bypassing those who were trying to retreat.

Ruler, not understanding why he was going there, decided to stay to see what he was up to. Slowly, as he walked toward them, he examined all the servants here, and his eyes, stopped on one person...

- Oh, how are you doing Karna? - Ciel said with a smirk, - you know, it's a shame that you left without even saying goodbye. I wanted to slit your throat so badly...

- You're welcome to try now. - Karna answered, twirling his spear defiantly.

They looked at each other, and the atmosphere grew heavier and heavier. Until they were interrupted by the priest...

- Good to see you again... 'Hero of the Desperate', - Shiro said with a smile that seemed to indicate that he already knew everything.

- Me too, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, - Ciel shifted his gaze to Shirou, - I guess since it makes no sense for me to hide my identity anymore, I'll introduce myself properly...

Straightening his back, Ciel bowed dramatically, and with his gaze going around all the servants before him, said

- My name is Ciel Alter... I am a servant, class Avenger.

After introducing himself, he turned his attention to Shirou, who was not at all surprised, which made Ciel want to laugh, but he managed to restrain himself.

Most of the servants who heard him were very surprised, after all, not every servant gets a chance to meet an avenger. But perhaps the one who was most surprised was the ruler... Jeanne D'arc. Amakusa, on the other hand, responded to his greeting with a slight nod.

- I guess you've heard my words, Ciel... But, I'd like to tell you... would you like to join us?

Amakusa's offer, was a good one. He possessed the great Grail now, and the black faction had very little chance of doing anything against the red faction, where many, the strongest servants of this war had gathered. It seemed that there should be no, and doubts were not accepted, his offer...

- I will refuse.

Only, the doubt to accept his offers, or not, could appear only, in the servant, whose desire, for him, is not so important ... Only a servant, that would agree, with his words ... with his desire, could take his side.

- Amakusa, we both became heroes, not of our own free will... - Ciel spoke slowly, - we are those who were made heroes, people who had no hope... And yet, even after death, we walk this path...

His words seemed to reflect, the lives of both of them... They were not alike. They were born in different places, but, their fate is similar. They didn't become heroes by choice.

- All who have been called into this Holy Grail War have their own selfish desires...

He, looking into the eyes of the servants, as if to confirm his words.

- And you and I are no exception... You want, the salvation of mankind... - He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were covered with hatred and coldness. - Except, I don't care about that. I have a wish of my own that I want to fulfill!

- Then, I'll have to kill you... Ciel.

Both looked into each other's eyes, neither of them were going to give up, their desires... The atmosphere was building up, saying that now a battle might begin... But, it didn't happen, they both brought back, smiles on their faces, and continued...

- For the sake of salvation! I will kill everyone who gets in my way!

- For revenge! I'll kill everyone who gets in my way!

With their words, they both swore that each would go to the end... Both know that the most dangerous enemy, in this war for each other, is the other! In their hearts, there is no doubt! They are willing to do anything to fulfill their selfish desires.


In the castle of Yggdmillennia, at the moment, there is a heavy atmosphere... Three masters have been killed, the black faction has suffered great losses. The only ones who were still in a non-depressed state were the homunculus, who were now helping others, cleaning up the ruins, helping the wounded...

Now there were only three black faction masters left alive. This is a very strong blow to them... And it seems that they have lost, the last hope of victory... the enemy is too strong.

And in this, heavy atmosphere, a girl came out on the porch of the castle... Her hair was wavy, and of a dark shade... In her blue eyes, there was a glimmer of fear, and excitement... She wanted to cry, but restrained herself, and after taking a deep breath and exhaling, she addressed everyone present:

- My name is Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, and I am the heir of the Clan Yggdmillennia, and the master in this war of the Holy Grail! - Her voice sounded firm, no doubt as to what she was about to say, - The Black Faction, suffered great losses... We lost three masters, and also suffered great losses among the homunculus. I know you want freedom, and we will give it to you! But, now you have just begun to adapt to life, so we will give you shelter, and in return, we of the clan Yggdmillennia ask you to support us!

Everyone in this place listened to her words. The fire of strength burned in her eyes, she was in a hopeless situation, but still, she wasn't going to give up. She was showing her determination... From which her strength was born.

- Besides, I want to ask all the servants who have not yet lost hope of victory to stand with us! I know our chances of victory are slim, but they are still there! And now it's not about the Grail for, the fulfillment of desires! It's about saving all of humanity from the misguided ways of the red faction! I ask you, heroic spirits of the past, present and future, help us, in this war!

Her words, were really strong, with this speech she showed, to everyone in the black faction, that they are not going to give up. That they are still willing to fight.

All the servants who were still on her side came to her. Chiron, Astolfo and Sieg, and Ruler. Those who could fight now were few and weak compared to the red faction, but they were ready to fight. They were not afraid, they were sure of their victory, for that is what heroes are supposed to be!

They all knelt, before Fiore, showing that they recognized her aspirations, and recognized her as their commander-in-chief. This was the beginning... the beginning, the rebirth of the black faction.

- Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia... I am the helmsman, I acknowledge you as the master that will lead us heroic spirits into this battle.

Jeanne's clear amethyst eyes, looked at the girl, in front of her, which now showed a courage comparable to the heroic. The girl in the wheelchair, had done, the unbelievable... she had achieved the respect of heroes, and of her servants, by becoming their master.

Destruction could be heard in the distance. A huge monster that just his footsteps made the earth vibrate, flowers and all sorts of vegetation grow where his footsteps passed. His appearance alone intimidated anyone who looked at him, it was him, the noble phantasm of the Black Caster - Golem Keter Malkuth.

- I think it's time, the first battle, for the black faction... No, for the new head of the Yggdmillennia clan, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia! - the ruler scrolled her standard and continued, - Heroic spirits, I command you as ruler, defeat our enemy.

All the servants went into battle to cut off the head, the traitor. That killed his master, and defeat the beast that is a danger to the world.

- All homunculus, stay away from Keter Malkuth! The servants will deal with him, help your brothers and sisters, and leave the fight against him to us who can still fight, - Fiore ordered, and all homunculus obeyed her words.

Fiore stood and looked, at Keter Malkuth, and tears came from her eye. Now that no one could see her, she could no longer endure all that was upon her.

- Brother... I promise you... I will stop the red faction, and bring us victory...

Her voice was filled with sadness and pain, she had always said she was willing to kill her brother, for the sake of the Grail... But now that he was dead... She felt like she had lost something very important to her... The promise she made was only to tell her younger brother that she would not give up... For, her brother Caules, surely, would not want that...

Yes, it was definitely a hard chapter for me, I don't know if I could convey Fiore's feelings, but I hope I could. I'd love it if you'd comment on what you read in any way.

Thank you all for reading.

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