
Fate and Reality: The Battle Over Reality

Cleopatra is a shape shifter with a unknown past that was coming back to haunt her. Adrian is a werewolf and alpha of Blue Moon Pack, the strongest were wolf pack in all of Mythica. These two were soulmates-destined to be with and love each other. But Cleopatra is cast into the middle of an ancient war between good and evil. Will she win and save her reality or lose and watch as all her loved ones vanish. All of her actions seem to have been guided by a strand of fate pulling her on.

rutaikarirwa · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Adrian after looking for close to an hour not leaving any corner of the party venue and hand gave up. He couldn't find Cleopatra anywhere.

It was best assumed that she had fled. Finding her would be harder than ever as he only knew her appearance.

It was now that he understood and wished that he was the Prince in Cinderella. At least he had a shoe to find his beloved.

Besides he had to give up. Adrian had just remembered that he had called Zarina over telling her that he had something to say.

And no it wasn't to say 'I love you' or to propose to her. It was to break up with her.

One may wonder why he was doing this when Zarina was a woman every man would want to have. Well the reason is simple.

She was a possessive, obsessive, and controlling woman to the point that it was even disturbing.

Like anytime she found Adrian talking to a girl whether in a flirtatious or non flirtatious manner she would get between the girl and Adrian.

And turning to the girl should proceed to call her all words within the dictionary along the lines of homewrecker.

At other times when some girl was overly flirty or refused to leave she would be proclaimed missing or mysteriously dead within the next few days. He could count fifty two such cases that had happened in thier twelve year relationship.

Not so funny enough none of the cases had ever been to Zarina after all she was the most powerful witch and thus had a large influence and background that no one would dare to investigate such cases filed against her.

Eventually she put a monitor on tracker into his phone and followed him some of the times. Sometimes he secretly felt her spying on him.

It had become too much for him to continue bearing and so he decided to break up with her.

Adrian was a man who had a very firm will and the moment he set out to do something he would do it without backing out.

But currently he was having thoughts of backing out. After all he had just met his mate and therefore he was scared that Zarina would blame his mate for the breakup and attack her making Cleopatra another one of her proclaimed missing or dead cases.

Just thinking about it made him feel both paranoid and angry. Suddenly his anger began flaring, raising like a dormant volcano about to erupt. He tried unsuccessfully to rein it in all the while missing the faint purple silver and gold strings of aura that surrounded him fueling his anger his rage towards Zarina. It felt like she had already committed the crime.

A while later he had made it to the bar where he had told Zarina to meet him and there she was looking pretty as usual. The strings of aura moved and turned his rage into wrath and his eyes became bloodshot. He felt that if he didn't control himself, he may end up beating or even killing her.

Blind to all this, Zarina walked up to Adrian and gave him a resounding slap. Everyone at the party stopped and formed a circle around them and his volcano of anger erupted.


Zarina appeared outside the grand mansion that was the party's venue. The mansion was one of the many owned by the Blue Moon Pack.

It was cream and white with an architecture that gave it a light, airy and carefree feeling. It had a slate roof, wide balconies and an extensive garden and wide driveway.

Directly in front of the mansion was a pristine circular white fountain with tiny Cupid statues around its edge. They stood on one leg facing the fountain's basin with their heart shaped arrows drawn and water shooting out of their tips forming an arc in the air going towards the stone lotus in the fountain's centre.

Everything about the mansion gave of a sophisticated and elegant aura but at the same time a carefree and lively presence.

Zarina could have easily teleported right into the Mansion but she didn't. Not because of the anti teleportation circle around the whole place that she could break easily but rather because of her wanting, as usual, to make a big entrance.

In Mythica Zarina was well known for her classic entrances especially at parties. Everyone knew that she was only second to dragons when it came to entrances. In Mythica dragons were well known for their pride and making big late entrances to any form of congregation.

The wide mansion doors flew open attracting everyone's attention as Zarina cast a spell on herself that caused her to radiate a rainbow like light and dim the rest of the lights.

All eyes were on her for the ten seconds she had the spell active. someone burned bright with lust, desire and want. And a few with jealousy and love. She smiled in contentment and canceled the spell. She cat walked all the way to the bar and sat down turning her head left and right looking for Adrian.

When she didn't see him anywhere she turned to the bartender and asked him if he had seen Adrian. The bartender was a cute guy with jet black, hair brown eyes and pink cupid wings sticking from his back. Unfazed by her appearance and beauty, he narrated to her the the scene of Adrian running off with some girl.

Normally if someone was unfazed by her looks Zarina would get all detective and find out why. After all even mated couples would find it difficult to remain unfazed on seeing her.

But right now she had a bigger issue on her hands.

She couldn't believe that Adrian would do something like this. He called her here and instead ended up running off with some random girl. For an hour she's sat there stunned until she spotted Adrian as a single thought goes through her mind.

'No one has ever stood me up or made me wait this long.'

On seeing him rage, depression, anxiety, sadness... All kinds of dark emotions coursed through her mind serving as a catalyst for her next action.

Standing up she rapidly approached him and raising her hand she delivered a resounding satisfying slap when his face that instantly attracted the attention of everyone at the party.

Yeaaa. Chapter 2 finally here. Don't forget to vote.

rutaikarirwacreators' thoughts