
Fate and Reality: The Battle Over Reality

Cleopatra is a shape shifter with a unknown past that was coming back to haunt her. Adrian is a werewolf and alpha of Blue Moon Pack, the strongest were wolf pack in all of Mythica. These two were soulmates-destined to be with and love each other. But Cleopatra is cast into the middle of an ancient war between good and evil. Will she win and save her reality or lose and watch as all her loved ones vanish. All of her actions seem to have been guided by a strand of fate pulling her on.

rutaikarirwa · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Somewhere in Blue City, the capital of the most powerful werewolf pack in the entirety of Mythica, a party exclusive to only magical creatures and beings took place in a grand mansion.

Bodies entwined dancing in sexual and arousing ways to music that sounded like it was clearly meant to incite such.

Neon light beams of various colours shone across the booze smelling room. Somewhere within the group was Cleopatra dancing alone.

Sure multiple people had walked up to her asking to dance but she would just bluntly reject them. Tonight she just wanted to let loose.

She moved her body in rhythm to the music as her wavy waist length hair swished through the air shifting through multiple colours. From red to green to blue....she changed it through any all colours that she knew

Her colour changing was in such a way that it was complimented by the neon lights

Her eyes gave off a prismatic light due to her using her current shape shifting abilities to their fullest. It had been quite a while since she had done so and honestly it felt relieving to do it. It was akin to scratching a persistent itch.

If someone compared the current her with with her usual boring redheaded self, she looked like a heavenly fairy descending to Earth to grace men with her presence.

Some people paid attention to Cleopatra dancing but someone watched her intently...enthralled by her. With each passing moment, his heartbeat rose sounding like ancient war drums.

His mind and heart willed it that she may turn around and face him. His instincts were howling at him to walk up to her. Just as he was about to succumb,she turned and their eyes met.

Time seemed to stop to a crawl as Cleopatra's shapeshifting ability faded slowly, like dust being blown by the wind, revealing her true form.

Her hair was dirty blonde which perfectly matched her iridescent blue eyes. He face was perfectly symmetrical and its beauty was one not even the greatest artist would dare to paint due to their inadequacy.

Her beauty was tender,akin to a lone lotus unsoiled by the muddy river its in. Her lips were pink and soft looking and her skin evenly sun-kissed and smooth.

The black party dress she had on accentuated her body's curvy symmetry. She looked like the perfect combination of grace, beauty, and seduction.

Despite this, she had an aura of simplicity around her that made her seem human...like you average neighbourhood girl.

'She's beautiful...perfect' he thought. Never in his life had he seen anything more beautiful. He couldn't think fo anyone he had ever seen more beautiful than her...not even Zarina.

And he was both proud and feeling unworthy to be her soulmate. But it just served to make him want her all the more.

'No...please no...' Cleopatra thought. Never would she have imagined that 'he' of all people would be the meant and destined for her.

Raven black hair, eyes green like the trees of the rainforest, chiseled face, and a charming pearly white smile...who else could it be but Adrian Blue.

The new Alpha of Blue Moon Pack, the most powerful werewolf pack in the entirety of Mythica and the owner of Blue City.

He was also the most powerful werewolf. Said to be strong enough to fight on equal footing the likes of dragons.

There was no way he would want someone like her. A broken and burden-bearing shapeshifter regardless of what people say about the mating bond...the ethereal and irresistible link between soulmates.

Besides Zarina Night, the youngest most powerful witch and internationally recognised as the most beautiful woman was his girlfriend. Cleopatra wasn't even worthy to carry her shoes.

Compared to her Cleopatra's looks and magic ability were close to nil.

Thus not wanting to hear his words of rejection for her, she turned and ran disappearing into the crowd of bodies.

Adrian stood there baffled by her reaction before running after her.


Elsewhere within the city, in the most upscale penthouse, Zarina was getting ready for the party Adrian had called her for.

The penthouse had elegant classy decor with pieces of fine art and exotic looking furniture. Clearly she was a classy woman and she, just as many girls out there, loved parties and loved looking good at them even more.

Using calling tongues, she called her usually straight mid back length hair slightly. This gave it a wavy look. She then applied moisturizer on her pale skin and dressed up.

Sitting before her makeup table, she applied a little foundation to her face. Proceeding she added a little eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara that made her lavender eyes pop out.

Lastly as a finishing touch some blush and lip gloss. Though she could have done all this with a simple spell it brought her simple comfort to do it manually.

Standing up she went infront of an antique looking full length mirror that was stuck to her wall. It's frame was gold and silver twisting it to each other with images of birds animals and plants imprinted onto it.

At the summit was a sun-like feature and in its middle as an empty diamond shaped groove.

Her outfit consisted of a knee length short sleeved midnight blue dress, a golden charm bracelet, and matching high heels.

Smiling she asked the mirror, "How do I look?"her reflection smiled back, waved at her and giggled. "You look beautiful."it replied in an enchanting voice.

Zarina giggled and waved back before teleporting away to the party. She couldn't wait to meet up with Adrian. After all he had called her telling her that he had something important to say and in her mind she thought of him finally proposing to her.

In Mythica it was highly discouraged...barred at times even...to marry someone who wasn't your soulmate. Thi was so because when one found their soulmate, any feelings they had for anyone else would be close to nothing compared to the mating bond.

This would eventually lead to infidelity, jealous spouses, and murder of soulmate or spouse. As such patience was required. After all no one had ever not found their soulmate by the age of forty.

And in case of death was soulmate the other would either follow or feel an emptiness within them thus getting to know that they are soulmate no longer exists.

Sadly, none of this deterred Zarina from Adrian. In fact she had prayed multiple times for him to be her soulmate.

But when they reached eighteen, the age of bond awakening when one can confirm who their soulmate is, and no sign came to show that he was hers, she began researching on ways to change it.

She was destined to fail as there was no way of changing the mating bond. Thus to this day it was an eternal regret in her heart that he wasn't her soulmate.

After her departure ,her reflection lingered. An evil grin gradually covered its face and an evil laugh along with an evil voice echoed through out her entire penthouse saying, "It's finally time."

Finally Chapter 1. Hope give me strength to persevere

rutaikarirwacreators' thoughts