
Familiar: The Laen Chronicles

After a brutal accident that causes him to lose his memory, Ian's life takes a strange turn. He sees things that aren't there and keeps having these strange dreams of the days leading up to his accident. That is until everything he thinks he knows about the world is turned upside down. After all, magic is real and always has been. In a world where everything is unknown, follow Ian as he grows his strength and comes into contact with the various forces ruling this new world. The Laen, an organization that seems to want to rule everything magical, and the Fasurus, spirit-like creatures who have been suppressed far too long. Side note: The beginning chapters of the story are a bit slow, but if you can keep reading to chapter 18, or at least 8, I think the chance you will enjoy the story greatly increases. Anyway, happy reading. I********************************************************************I This book will be posted on RoyalRoad.com by Liwl Nakam RoyalRoad Profile: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/297210/fictions

171 Chs

The Weekend Begins

Almost immediately after breakfast, I leave for school. Today is the day I will really begin school. Thankfully today is also Friday so the school would close a little earlier than usual.

That is great but it still is not enough to make me happy. The only thing that can do that, is my test scores. I did not want to think about them yesterday because that is what I usually do. Once I am done with any test or exam I usually spend the rest of the day relaxing and refusing to worry about my scores. The next day is usually very different. I know I did well on the tests, but I doubt I'll feel calm until I have the test scores in front of me. After all, there are a lot of times I thought I thrashed an exam, only to see the results and realize I barely passed.

Assembly and homeroom pass in a haze as I worry about my test scores. I will be getting the results today after all.

Soon, the bell rings, signaling the beginning of second period and algebra.

Two minutes after the bell rings Mr. Ryan, our pre-calculus teacher, walks into the class looking a bit pissed. That is very bad. Mr. Ryan is famous in the school for his temper. He does not get angry easily –though he is easily irritated– when he does, he completely loses his mind. Doing and saying things no sane person should. He is a good teacher and that, coupled with the fact that he rarely gets angry makes the school overlooks most of the things he does when he does get angry.

He goes to the front of the class and coldly glares at everyone. After some time he begins to speak. "I am now convinced, that you are all a bunch of unserious retards." he speaks calmly, his eyes never losing their intense look. Whatever is making him angry did not start today.

His words shock the class, but no one dares say anything. Whenever Mr. Ryan is angry, it's better to keep quiet and agree with whatever he says, even if he calls you an unserious retard.

"I broke everything down to the smallest detail, gave numerous questions, threw you enough questions to make your brain melt, and showed you how to solve each and every problem, and yet, none of you could get over sixty percent. Yet a boy who has been in the hospital for over a month wrote the same test and got over eighty percent right. God! I thought maybe it was partially my fault until I marked his tests yesterday. Now I know the truth. It is not my fault, instead, it is the fault of you lazy imbeciles who can't even read your books for a second!"

His voice gradually increases in pitch, until, at the end of his sentence, he is almost shouting.

At least I can relax a bit. From his little speech, I can deduce that I passed his test and that he is angry at the class for their failure during their tests. I take a look around me to see most of my classmates shooting disbelieving glances at me. I turn my attention back to Mr. Ryan.

He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. When he resumes speaking he is a bit calmer."Anyway, I had a little talk with the principal and he gave me permission to hold the tests again. So in two weeks, all of you, except Ian, will take the test again. And I swear if you fail again..."

He does not say anything else after that, instead choosing to write our topic on the board, and leaving the unspoken threat hanging in the air.

The rest of the class passes as usual, though everyone is quieter than usual.

The day runs by pretty fast, which isn't that surprising since it's Friday. Soon it is lunchtime.

As I go to the cafeteria I am not as anxious as I was when the day started. It turns out I have passed most of my tests. As for the remaining, though I have not seen the teachers ask, I am sure I passed them, so I am feeling pretty good.

I am a bit surprised when I get to my usual table and see Drew already sitting there.

"Hey." I greet as I sit down opposite him.

"Hey. Are you ready?" he asks.

"For what?" I ask as I begin to eat.

"Have you forgotten? Today is the day you start learning to be a lady's man."

I can't stop myself from laughing. The way he says it, coupled with the serious expression on his face is just too funny.

"Really? Do you have to put it like that?"

He cracks a smile. "Maybe. Anyway, there is something you need to do. You can call it the first step. You have to–"

"Hey, guys," Cassandra says as she sits beside Drew.

"Hey," I say.

"Wow," she says turning to me, "look who it is. The troublemaker."

"Um, I don't cause trouble."

"Right. That's why Mr. Ryan was fuming today because you didn't cause any trouble."

"That's right," Drew says. "Mr. Ryan was a bit angry with us today. It turns out 'someone' passed their test a little too well."

At this point, I don't know what to say. Cassandra says. "You call that a bit, the man was like a bull that got poked in the ass."

"That," I say, "is a very strange comparison."

She shrugs."I'm glad you passed, but did you have to pass so well?"

"So I can join the rest of you in rewriting the tests. Heck no."

"How did you even manage to understand everything so quickly?"

I shrug."I don't know. I'm surprised more people did not pass."

She sighs."I wish I was like all you geniuses."

"Okay, now you're overestimating me."

"Yeah!" Drew agrees. "He's just an average guy, if you are looking for a genius, however, as All Might would say: 'I am here.'"

"Shut up Drew. And you, are you humble bragging?"

I shake my head. "I'm not. Look, compared to some guys in our class, I'm nothing. A lot of guys are actually smarter than me. I know I seem really smart, but that's just because I read a lot. Nathan doesn't read and he still manages to pass almost every class. What do you think will happen if he starts to read as I do? He'll probably top the class."

I spoke nothing but the truth. There was a time when I used to think I was one of the smartest people in the school. That was before I realized something: I am not one of the smartest people in the school. I am just an average student who reads a lot. The smart ones are not just interested in school. A lot of things happened before I reached that conclusion. The one that stuck the most was when Nathan didn't read for an exam, yet he managed to pass me. At that point, I asked myself, what would happen if he tried? That incident was what brought me down to earth. I am not some super brainiac, I am just an average guy who works really hard. The smart ones are just too lazy to try.

"I still wish I was as smart as you. Mr. Ryan may think he is giving us another chance, but I'm not confident I will pass the test. Unless, can you tutor me?"

For a moment I wonder who she is talking to."Me?"

"Yes. Please, I'll do anything," she begs.

"Um, sure. I will."


"Hey, hold on. Why are you asking him when I'm here. I can make you learn it in a single day."

She laughs."I got higher marks than you and you want to tutor me? If you're really smart you'll also ask Ian to tutor you. Anyway, I have to go. See you guys later."

Says Drew after she has left."Well. I guess the first part is done."

"The first part of what?" I ask.

"Your lesson. I was going to say you would need to find a way to spend more time with her but now that you've agreed to tutor her..."

"Oh. So what's next ladies man."

"I'll tell you on Monday. For now, you can relax knowing the first stage of my master plan has been completed."

Once again I laugh. "Master plan? Really?" I shake my head. "Anyway, are you still going to the movies tomorrow?"

"Why? You wanna come?"

I shake my head. "Nah. I just wanted to know."

"Oh. Well, I won't be able to go anymore. Something unexpected came up, so I'm going to be a bit busy this weekend."


* * * * * *

I stay behind in school after the bell had rung to meet the teachers I had not met to get my test scores. As I get my last test score I heave a sigh of relief. Luckily, I pass all of the tests. There were a few that I did do as well as I expected and somewhere I did better than I expected, but overall I did well.

I leave the school as soon as I get the last test paper and head home. I have some homework I want to do before I get around to enjoying my weekend, though I suspect I may spend the rest of the day sleeping.

Unexpectedly, having normal classes today made me feel more tired than usual. I guess it will take a bit of time for me to get used to it again.

Is that Drew, I ask myself as I spot someone in front of me who looks eerily similar to Drew even down to the clothes. I immediately doubt the thought. The Drew I know does not have as many friends as the person in front of me. I know he's a cool guy but until recently he was a bit antisocial. I don't think it's possible to get that many friends in such a short time. Besides, they all seem like they have known each other for a long time, and it does not seem plausible for a group of people to get such familiarity within a month.

The person is in the middle of a group of people. Two girls and two guys and are all talking animatedly to each other. Suddenly he turns his head and I catch a glimpse of his face. It is Drew.

The realization shocks me for a moment, then curiosity takes over. Who are those people and how do they know Drew so well? After a moment of deliberation, I decided to go over and say hi. I begin to jog after them.