
Fallout 4 Infinity

Waking up in Fallout 4 little over two Months before the events of the Bombs fall. what to plan before everything changes? Updated Chapter* Main Character: Specter Lord. °Own Character° Secondary Main Character: Grit Jones, Personality: °YouTuber: StephenPlays Fallout 4 °

LordSpecter3366 · 游戏衍生
41 Chs

Chapter 39: Season 1&2 Credits

Hello Everyone! this is the End of Season Two, I have been Writing for fun, that fun became a pressure to get Money, Real life started enterfearing with my writing had made some problems in my writing. After clearing my mind and started on Season Two I had my Novel Erased on accident and lost everything.

That hit me like a wall. I was Depressed and Sad I lost so much as I not only lost this novel but multiple Novels I was working on the side, that was Three Novels Lost, I thought of ending it there and then but then I thought. Why, Why end it when I came so far?

I stopped my train of thought and changed my Depression and Sadness to Determination! To Continue Writing. This Determination was not from me alone, No!

It was from you! The Readers! Your Support and your patience saves this novel from being trashed! You saved me from giving up! You had not given up on me, so why should I give up on you?

Now that I think about it, if I would have given up and trashed this novel, then I probably would have done it again in a different novel, once you give up it becomes easier to do it again. do it once it would happen again.

So to prevent that mindset from entering my mind, I felt how much you have been wanting this to continue.

I am glad I was able to brake the Wall that Blocked me with the Support of all of you Readers.


Wolflord: Helped From the Beginning of the Novel and continued for a bit until he vanished, Hope to see you in my novel again sometime and thank you for your help in my novel writing.

Perks Helping and Ideas that have been huge help!



King in rags.





If you changed or I messed your name up tell me so I can fix it.

Thank you Readers and Hope to see you in Season Three!

I have took a break, and I have started Rewriting/Reworking on the novel, this was also to help improve it as I did not feel like writing and forcing myself to do so will drop the quality.

Just a few weeks ago the house I was moving to in Kansas was burnt down, lost 80% of personal items, the 20% is because it was not in the house when it burnt down. {11/18/2020}

Thank you for reading the Credits of season One and season Two. Hope to see you on my other Novels!

First season completed, but going through the chapter to fix mistakes, Infinity Fanfiction.

A little fun additional information, I have been writing 50 novels all together, that is not exaggeration I counted each novel I made and was quite iconic how it was even 50 novels.

I will only post them once a Season is finished and will be all chapters at once.

Little bit more information, one novel I am enjoying writing the most is about a Vampire MC but it's not a romantic novel like 98% Vampire evolved Mc.

It's a Dark world but Hope is present. That is all I will provide for now.

From Writer LordSpecter3366.

Thanks for reading.

Updated/Reworked 11/18/2020

LordSpecter3366creators' thoughts