
Chapter 38: Promotion

Master, the last one is finished, we have enough Medals for 20 Thousand people. (Jade)

That is enough, lets start with Promotions. (Bremdon)

I walked out of the Armory and Kratos ran past, seeing Kelly and Ray running this way in the distance, feeling something grab my legs I look down see find Kratos hidden behind my legs, hidding behind my left leg and peeking around staring at the two children running this way.

Grr! (Kratos)

Kratos hid further behind me and angles himself just right to not be noticed, the two kids ran over seeing me, I connected the dots right away and laughed at the sight.

Brendon! Have you seen Kratos? The Assaultron we spoke to said he came this way. (Kelly)

He ran down that way. (Brendon)

Thanks! (Kelly)

Ray, we have to catch him this time! (Kelly)

I dont want to help you put a dress on him, he is not a Doll. (Ray)

Kelly grabbed Ray and pulled him to follow, Kratos came out from hiding.

Gr. (Kratos)

Having a hard time? (Brendon)

Grr, GRR... Gr. (Kratos)

Kratos is waving his hands hands and being aggressive doing so.

They are not evil, just want to take their mind off their troubles, just so happen your their target, enjoy getting a new make over haha! (Brendon)

GRR! (Kratos)

Seeing Kratos look like he is yelling out NOOO! To the world, I laughed once more I bent down patting Kratos on the head.

They have been through a lot, help them keep their mind off the hard times by giving them new memories of happiness in its place. (Brendon)

Grrr. (Kratos)

Looking defeated, I patted his head once more.

Good, now go play. (Brendon)

Kratos took off, I walked to the make Shift Stage I had Jade create for the troops promotion and more. The stage is placed behind the Recruitment Office Buildings so it has space to hold the Troops. As I was looking at the large open space Jade placed a crate down full of shiny metals inside and insignias.

Seeing that everything is in place, next is for the soldiers to arrive, I waited for an hour before Preston arrived.

Setteled? (Brendon)

Done, the Recruits are all on their way, took time to get them all set for the big event. (Preston)

Let's do a bit more checking before we start. (Brendon)

Sounds good. (Preston)

Time passed and another hour had passed by,

Garvey connected to the Radio and spoke.

The soldiers organized and moved to stand before the stage had the recruits arriving to watch in the back, and the ones being promoted and more up front. They all are organized, lining up at attention side by side. Preston standing on my right also on stage is looking at them below seeing that they are not standing out of place he nodded.

I will start then. (Brendon)

Preston just nodded to me and stood to the side.

Men, Woman! You have bravely fought in multiple battles and helping your Brothers and Sisters standing beside you to safety when they needed you! Some have not been able to be with us today Physically but they are not forgotten, they are the heros who gave their lives to let you all continue to stand here today! (Brendon)

For that, Let's give a few minutes of silence for the Hero's of Infinity Guardians!

Everyone was quite and myself included as we gave our silence to the fallen heros.

With everyone's brave actions to keep fighting, your brave Spirit to push the enemies back, we have officially cleared Section Two!

Our Territory has expanded once again from this, we can now start building a new world with this small secured area! (Bremdon)

I would not been able to do this by myself. Thank you for joining Infinity Guardians to help build a world where family, friends and everyone else don't need to be afraid to leave there house just to get some fresh air.

To be able to walk away from there house and meet others not a enemy that will kill them.

For that, I need everyone present to continue helping me with building and securing everyone's safety.

We will have a hard time in the future from here and on. People, creatures, and anything else that will be trying to destroy what we build will be at risk. For that we need to be ready at all times, we all need to be strong enough to fight the enemies that threaten the peace we are building! (Brendon)

Yeah! (Soldiers)

Giving them some time they calmed down, that was time for me to continue.

To allow the children to have a better life you have witnessed and been a part of since you had been born, let's change it for them. Together as one, we will change the future and lift together!

For the Heros who risked everything even when they had lost so much already, we will have you come up here and receive medals and insignias! (Brendon)

I looked over to Preston who seeing me nod to him, walked forward and spoke.

Chris Mercel! (Preston)

A man in a wheel chair that had been on the Stage off to the side was pushed forward, a man with one arm and no legs sat there, he is the only surviver in his squad when the first Cryo Flaming Bomb went off.

I walked over to Chris Mercel and Spoke.

Chris Mercel, you have lost your team from the first ever Bomb attack! But you have not given up once, you have Saved this base! That would have been destroyed and everyone here would potentially if not would have been killed, but your heroic actions saved everyone present, I thank you for saving everyone here!

As thanks You have been rewarded the Purple heart, Medal of Honer and this Insignia to show you are now a Veteran! (Brendon)

After giving him the two boxes and the Insignia, I step back stand straight and saluted to Chris Mercel.

The others all followed suit behind me, Chris seeing this had tears rolling down his face, but the strong but powerful smile showing he is not going to give up anytime soon.

Thank you, Sir! (Chris)

No, Thank you for being here! (Brendon)

The soldiers all clapping and yelling out joy at this.

Allen Collins, Tiana Green, Johnson Bell! (Brendon)

Waiting, the three appered on Stage, Johnson Bell has Short black hair and Gray Eyes. With all three standing before me present walked over to me and handed me an Insignia.

Allen Collins! When you became a temporary Commander, you had fought against odds and lead the soldiers to victory I watched how you Did things that was hard for anyone else to do! (Brendon)

You are Rewarded the Elite Insignia, and now you are a permanent Commander! (Brendon)

Stunned, Allen saluted right then and there.

Returning it, I made my way to the next one, Preston handed me another Insignia.

Tiana Green! Watching how you preformed when out numbered and quick response as a Temporary Commander you lead the troops fearlessly, I seen Grate promise in you!

You are Rewarded the Elite Insignia, you are now a permanent Commander! (Brendon)

Thank you, Sir! (Tiana)

Seeing her saluting, I returned it and moved to the last person. Preston handed me the last Insignia.

Johnson Bell! You Stepped up when a Commander was needed, you took Command and saved a settlement from destruction, for that you gain the Medal of Honor and the Elite Insignia, you are now a Permanent Commander.

Sir, I did what anyone else would do! (Johnson)

Not just anybody would run to a bomb and move it out of a Settelment before it went off! Especially when they dont know when it will go off, even so. I thank you for your heroic actions! (Brendon)

Handing the Medal over with the Insignia, I saluted to him as he did the same, I walked back then stood before all three of them and I Saluted to them and the soldiers behind me followed suit.

Turning around I spoke to the mass.

Now! Onto the big crowd! I know you are all being impatient, Line Up! (Brendon)

The first row moved up to the stage. As they are making there way up, I epoke to them.

You walk on stage and take the medal and walk off that way! Two at a time! (Brendon)

One before Commander Preston and one before me! (Brendon)

Time passed by, as we gave the new Insignias out took three hours of time to promote all the recruits from the battle to Veteran rank, once finished. I left and started upgrading the armors and more.


The new armor upgrades now can display the ranks on there armor. Helmets, to Shoulder and center of chest has a rank on display, once that was finishes the new Commanders with Preston had a Meeting to start a big project, the project was to fix Sector One and Sector Two, missions changed from attacking to the new defending missions. The new defence will be a new fence on the new board, at all times solders will move to keep guard. Next was my project that is to start fixing everything up to new.

Inside the Command center of the Recruitment Office, the Commanders are all present, and I start talking.

We will set Bases on the new border with new Sam sites in place, also the removal of all ruined buildings are to be removed and the material processed to making new buildings.

We are going to start to change the Sectors and uniting everyone together, this is the time we will start giving the civilians hope for the new future. in this time we are needing to secure the border first we need people to be checked and patrols are to walk the new towns being made over time, we need to increase the man power so Solders will be joining the construction.

We will be needing every Man and Woman available on this! (Brendon)

Yes. (Commanders)

We will split into teams, Commander Allen, you take 1000 soldiers and take to the North, help the Building bots remove and build new towns and protect from any and all attacks, clear any uncleared place.

Yes, Sir! (Allen)

Commander Tiana, you will take 1000 soldiers and take the West, Clear any Uncleared place and help the Building bots and protect them.

Yes, Sir! (Tiana)

Commander Johnson, you will be leading 2000 soldiers East. As you will be at a Boarder to Section 3, it will be dangerous clear uncleared places in our territory and protect and help the building bots remove ruined buildings and create towns you are to secure the boarder and set up checkpoints.

Yes, Sir! (Johnson)

Commander Preston, you take the South side, this is the biggest Borderline so you will take 4000 soldiers and the same like the others but you need to set up Checkpoints and keep the enemies out away from the boarder. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Preston)

Commander Lucky, Commander Red, Commander Tom, Commander Life. You are all to secure the land, I don't want anything dangerous in the lands!

Yes, Sir! (Commanders)

Any questions! (Brendon)

No, Sir! (Everyone)

I dont need to tell you, this is More Important then actually taking Sector Two, we have Families lives on the line, we can't mess this up more can we let anymore Terrorist bombs to pass through our Boarder like before!

Understand! (Brendon)

Yes! (Commanders)


{Few days later.}

The Commanders had left, I started working on paper work.

Soldoers Count: 25,466.

Civilians Count: 44,109

I looked at the map and seeing Construction locations scattered on the map, Metal Mine was discovered by a scout team it's out in Sector 3. Farms had been built close to sanctuary across the bridge near the Statue the land was flattened and farm land was made there, with the running river that had been cleaned up helps provide water to the farm, this is one of many locations set up to provide food for everyone, this is helping feed the increassing people, new water locations available.

Good thing about this mutation of plants because of the radiation, plants grow way, way faster. To the point that it makes no sense. The only problem is that all the attacks prevent a stable farm from being made.

Wallace is creating a Water treatment to remove Radioactive water and its a big project, there are pipes being made and moving the water through the sectors. Buildings being built for the increasing civilians arriving. everyhing is under construction and many jobs taking place making more willing to trade appearing, Sam sites being built, it may not be large rockets but the rocket launchers rockets that are many being used as ammo still can take down Vertibirds with ease. along the new boarder also has tanks and IFV's. Military trucks that was used to transport people now are moving supplies all over the place through the Sectors from one point to another.

In the end, it has became very active and heads are turning and eyeing the area, even I don't need anyone to tell me just looking at the progress will draw anyone in.

Updated/reworked. 10/18/2020

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