
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · 奇幻言情
204 Chs

A Plan

The receptionist bent down slightly and brought out a case that had a see through glass cover. It hosted many keys arranged neatly in numerical order. He removed the one labelled under number thirty two and handed it to Freya.

"Thank you, I'll bring it right back." He nodded as she walked to the mentioned room, it was on the ground floor which will make her task much easier. She had a plan to get enough evidence against James Knight and she told Luke, so he told her where James Knight and Richard Hunt will be meeting next as relayed by their informant that the President hired to be tracking them.

The plan was she was to put in recorders in the room so that they can capture their conversation and they can get their video footage from the hotel's security cameras. They usually meet at cafes or abandoned houses, but for the meeting about to take place, they chose a fancy hotel. Maybe to throw off anyone that might have been tracking them?

She opened the door to the room and stepped inside closing it. She opened her red hand bag and brought out two audible voice recorders then set one under the bed. She wrapped the other one inside a towel sitting on the dresser making sure it peeked out enough to record clearly.

She trudged out of the room and went back to the receptionist handing him the key. "Remember, no one is to know about this just like Mr. Walters told you."

"Yes, ma'am."

She went to the lobby and sat on the couch there waiting for their arrival as she set up her computer on the table next to her and plugged in her headphones. She was going to listen to them as they talked, so she had to make sure everything was in place before they came.

She only wished that she could do the same in Dr. David's house, but she couldn't because of the threat they gave her and Clara's power in the government, and Dr. David had some people guarding his house whenever he was not home since the day she broke in. She was even lucky to be alive after crossing them, and she hoped that they wouldn't find out she reported them to the police.

As she was thinking that, James Knight and Richard Hunt walked into the building, they were both wearing suits and looked to be middle aged. They walked up to the receptionist's desk and asked for the room they have booked beforehand for the day, room thirty two's key. She saw the receptionist hand them the key and they walked down the hall disappearing from her sight to room thirty two.

"They're starting to get suspicious, I heard that they even brought a lawyer to the company the other day. We need to act fast, Hunt." James's husky voice filled Freya's ear through the headphones.

"I don't think they'll catch on yet, I think we should wait another week before going through with rest of our plans."

"We don't have another week! Did you hear what I just said? They already hired a lawyer, we need to leave this week." James's voice turned panicked while Richard's remained relaxed.

"I have other things to deal with before going to Italy and changing my identity."

"Let's make it Monday, so that you will have enough time to finish what you need to here. But we need to transfer all the $5 billion from the account to your account on Monday morning then we're moving to Italy under new Identities."

"Why can't we transfer the money this week before Monday? Won't that be better?"

James let out a sigh sounding frustrated, "Transferring all the money from the account to yours will alert them and lead them straight to you which means we'll both get arrested before we can even get a plane."

"That sounds bad. We'll do as you say then." Richard said sounding slightly worried.

They moved on to talking about how they were going to move the money and what they should do before Monday. After twenty more minutes, they both exited the room and left the hotel. Freya saved her recordings before she packed her computer into its bag and going back to the room to retrieve the recorders.

"I never thought that James will betray me. I trusted him and his skills as a director to do what is right and to guard our company's funds." The President of Stark Inc., Steven Stark mused as he sat in a chair behind his desk. Freya and Luke were seated on the two chairs in front of the desk.

She had brought the evidence she collected to Luke and the President. Steven told her to bring the evidence to his office where she, he and Luke will meet to discuss how they were going to handle the case.

"I am sorry, Sir for this happening. No one thought that James would do such a thing, we all trusted him." Luke said to Steven.

"Thank you, Luke."

"How do you want to proceed, Mr. Stark? We have more than enough evidence to go to court against them." Freya spoke up as she looked to Luke who was facing her on his chair then to Steven.

"You will report the case then I am going to transfer all the money from the account James Knight is managing to the other company account that no one has access to, but me, and block the first account. After that, you will represent us in court before Monday." He nodded as she smiled lightly.

"That is a great idea, I will start preparing for going to court then."

"Good job we owe it to your quick thinking Ms. Jacob." Steven complimented looking impressed.

"Thank you, but I couldn't do it all without Mr. Walters's help." She stated as she glanced at Luke.

"You work hard Luke and I hope that we work together till the end."

"I'm flattered, and I will always be with Stark."

"I will be going now, have a nice day, Mr. Stark, Mr. Walters." She said as she stood up to go out, but Luke stopped her from going any further by placing a hand on her arm as he stood up too.

"Wait, I'll be coming with you."

Stark's glanced at Luke's hand on her shoulder looking surprised before he moved his gaze to them.

"I will be returning to my office." Luke said after removing his hand.

Stark let out a smile as he looked between them, "Alright, and good day, Freya."

They both walked out of the room and to the elevator before Luke stopped her in front of it.

"I'm really impressed with your wit, and I'm glad that you are the one on this case."

"Thank you, I try my best."

"So Mr. Walters?" He asked as he stepped closer to her.

"Yes, we need to be professional while at work." She reasoned looking up at him due to his very tall height.

"But I like it more if you call me Luke, it sounds special coming from your lips." He placed his hands on her waist as he moved closer to her.

She blushed, "Luke, we're a your work place, can you be cheesy somewhere else?"

"Special like I said. There's no one here, and we're not doing anything inappropriate."

"You're such a charmer." She said as she pressed a kiss on his cheek. She removed his hands from her waist and stepped back.

"I would love to spend more time, but I need to finish up work at the office."

He looked surprised at her action before he caressed her cheek, "I will call you later, baby."

He released her and stared at her as she walked to the elevator and pressed the button for going down. The elevator doors open and she stepped inside turning to face him, they stared at each other, heat pooling in their before the doors closed and descended down with her.

Dr. David was in his sitting room with Sophie watching a cartoon. She was seated on her wheelchair while he sat on the couch staring at the TV like his attention was held by it, but his mind was on Freya. She had moved out unexpectedly to him, and because of that, he couldn't watch everyday like he would usually do from her living room window or bedroom window. He had to find her wherever she was.

He was also very angry about Freya calling the police and reporting him. The police department's secretary just told Clara that someone named Freya reported him and her, and she said that she gave the report last week. However, the secretary was afraid to tell Clara until she told the police man that works for Clara who encouraged her to tell Clara.

Freya thought that she could get him arrested and destroy all his life's work, but she didn't know that he and Clara had power and people everywhere, so no one can ever be against them. She didn't know that a case can never be opened against them. He was going to deal with her, no matter how much he wanted her.

I'm sorry, I got chapter twenty two and twenty three mixed up.

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