
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs


Percy rolled her eyes as she brought out her phone going through it. Freya felt Luke trace the lines in hand, she looked to him and their gaze locked. He grinned bringing her palm to his lips, kissing it, her breath caught in her throat as she smiled back at him.

He intertwined their fingers and leaned closer to her putting his lips by her ears, "You look hot now too." He brushed his lips lightly against her ear before pulling back and looking at her to gauge her reaction. She let out a gasp in response to his teasing, butterflies fluttering in her stomach and she felt her heart beating faster. He smiled innocently at her knowing the effect he had on her.

She managed to smile back knowing that she had to tease him back since he enjoyed getting her worked up.

"Is that Dr. David?" Salma asked Freya taking her attention away from Luke as she gestured to Dr. David standing close to them with Sophie in a wheelchair in front him as he chatted with two men and a woman, all in their forties.

"Yes, that's him."

"I recognized him from his picture on the internet that I saw during my research on him. You knew he would attend, why did you still come?"

"I'm not scared of him and I don't want to raise any alarm, I need to show them how unaffected I am by what he did, if not, they'll think I might tell someone what I saw or find out that I already told the police."

"Well, he better not come near you or he'll get kicked where the sun doesn't shine." She and Luke chuckled at Salma's threat.

"I'll take care of him if he tries anything. Baby, don't leave my sight, okay?" Freya nodded just as Gwen left her chair and came to share Freya's chair.

"I found something about Cathy's case, you're going to be really surprised about it." Gwen relayed in a low voice.

"What is it?" The three of them became intrigued in what was about to be revealed, they faced Gwen and waited for her answer.

"Dr. David dated Cathy almost two years ago just before she started dating Nathan Brady, and he visited her at work just a week before Nathan Brady was murdered." They all looked surprised as they muled over the new information.

"How surprising, I can never imagine a cold evil man like him 'dating'." Freya paused as she glanced at Dr. David again. "This means that he might be the murderer, but we still need to investigate further."

"He's most likely the murderer seeing as he's kidnapping people and torturing them." Gwen said shaking her head.

"I see you told her." Luke addressed Freya referring to her telling Gwen about what has been going on with Dr. David and Clara.

"Yeah, she has to know, but you three are the only ones that know, and I don't want Dr. David or Clara finding out you know."

"So Salma, what do you think about shoes? Freya told us you are into them and I happen to own a shoes sales shop where we sell amazing designer shoes like Prada, Vinci, LV, Gucci."

"You have great taste in shoes, I'll give you that and well done on your store, I would like to visit some day. I'm trying to design shoes of my own while juggling being a lawyer, a wife and mother!"

Freya stood up attempting to drop Luke's hand from hers, but he held on tighter as he looked at her inquisitively. She bent down and whispered to him, "I'm going to the bathroom, I'm sure you won't want to come."

"Are you sure I won't?" She chuckled at his reply and raised up, "Seriously though, I need use the bathroom, so if you want to stand guard outside the door then let's go."

He released her hand and stood up, she walked back into the house with him beside her scanning the crowd for Dr. David. He was nowhere to be seen and Freya wondered if he had gone home early.

They went through a corridor and stopped at the bathroom's door, she went in while Luke stayed outside. After she was done, she came out of the bathroom and they started making their way through the crowd to the pool side.

That was when she felt someone pull her roughly into a room, closing her mouth with their hand muffling her voice. The person holding her slammed her hard against the wall and leaned their body against hers, crushing her under their weight. She looked into her assaulter's face and saw that it was Dr. David, she wasn't surprised.

"I don't want you seeing that man again! You are to stay away from all men except me!" He shouted at her filled with rage while she tried to breathe through the hand against her mouth and nose.

The door banged open and Luke flew in taking in the scene before him. His hands closed into fists and his jaw clenched just as he wrenched Dr. David from Freya and threw him on the floor. He straddled him and started throwing punches after punches on him. Freya caught her breath and watched the scene for a while feeling the pain in her back before she pried Luke from Dr. David.

"Let's go, that's enough."

"Don't ever come near her again, you bastard!" Luke spat at Dr. David as he laughed through his bloodied mouth, his nose was bleeding too and his eyes were starting to swell.

"Baby, calm down. Let's go."

They walked out of the room with Luke holding her by the waist leaving Dr. David still laughing psychotically on the floor.

"You can't come back here, not until we have him locked up. I'm sorry I let him take you." is face pained and still angry. She has never seen him angry like the way he was tonight. It just shows how deeply he cared for her.

"I won't come back. It's not your fault, that guy is crazy and obsessed."

"I won't let him hurt you, Freya. Let me take you home and stay with you until Gwen gets back. I'll text the others to let them know we're leaving."

Freya entered The Vince hotel and walked to reception's desk where a man stood behind the desk wearing a uniform.

"Hi, I'm Freya Jacob, and I'm looking for the key to room thirty two."

"Ah, yes, evening Ms Jacobs. Mr. Walters instructed me to give you the key."