
109. The experiment

"I met the boy with different color eyes. I think it's him." She said.

The king gazed at her daughter for a brief moment. "Tell me everything." He then demanded.

"Some men were after him. They injured him severely. I couldn't get the picture of the men clearly. It was night. And they were pretty far. I didn't know about him when I save him. I happened to notice his eyes the next morning when he gains consciousness. He said he wanted to find the person who was spreading rumors about the return of Dragomar's. He showed an interest in it. That made me doubt him. He then wants me to help him to find the person. To test him, I asked him if he knows anything about Dragomar's." Asterin then paused and took a breath.

"What did he told?" The King on Evander's asked.

"He said, if I help him he will tell me everything he knows." She said.

"Did you help him?" The king asked.