

Scene 1

Gorya is with tia at her car, she told her about double date and express her thoughts about Ren, Tia assures her that everything is fine and motivates her to choose what her heart feels

They shares a good sisters bond


Scene 2

When Tia leaves Gorya at her stop, Gorya sees Ren, he is watching Mira's Poster. Gorya went to talk to him, she is about to say something but her bus came, so she run away but when she is leaving, she lost her phone which is picked by Ren, but Gorya failed to noticed it.


Scene 3

Thyme is angry as gorya is not picking his phone, then Gorya told that maybe she lost her phone at Shop and thyme understands.


Scene 4

Its 3am at night, Ren is working on his art but he is not able to focus as his mind is full of havoc, he gets frustrated and went in a deep thoughts, but his chain of thought breaks when heard some noise.

Thyme (impatiently) :- Ren! Ren! Ren! Ren! Ai Ren, I need a favor.

Ren (Calmly) :- What is it?

Thyme :- It's not a big deal or anything. I just wanted to know how an ordinary person dresses when going to the zoo? And I ...(Claps his hand to call someone) want your opinion. (his maid comes with walking wardrobe, he Pics a dress from wardrobe ) How about this? Is it OK? (It's jacket)

Ren :- Don't you think it's going to be too warm?

Thyme :- Warm? (Checks the dress) True. Not too warm. (Picks another thin shirt) This is not going to be too warm, very thin.

Ren :- That's too thin.

Thyme :- (taking a tiger print coat) Here, wearing a tiger to see a tiger.

Ren denies after that thyme shows lot of dresses but ren reject all of them 

Ren :- You're going to the zoo, Thyme. (Irritated tone)

Thyme :- (Excited) The Zoo, The zoo, Jiw, give me the binoculars. (she does same and he pics safari dress) I went on safari in Africa in this getup. Look, Here we go. 

Ren remembers something and finally laugh

Thyme (Getting angry) :- Are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?  (he goes to Ren and start playfully beating him with pillow) What's wrong with my outfit? I'm serious about this.  Why aren't you serious with me? Why are you laughing?

Ren :- I'm laughing because you're taking it seriously.

Ren and Thyme both sighed and thyme smiled seeing Ren

Thyme :- Speaking of which, Since you've been back, you hardly laugh. I asked you about what happened there, but you wouldn't say anything. (Thyme see ren's Painting) You seen confused. Are you OK? (Concerned)

 Ren :- (Smiled seeing Thyme) Let me choose a shirt for you. 

Ren choose dress for thyme, from ren's place thyme get Gorya's phone and when he asked Ren, he informed that when he met her at bus stop her phone fell and he is about to give it to thyme.

Thyme recalls Gorya's word as she lied thyme about meeting Ren but he ignored the though and kept the phone and continue.


Scene 5

At Gorya's house she is preparing for date

Gorya's brother :- Hey P, Are you going on date or war?

Gorya :- I don't know whats thyme up to, I'm afraid.

Gorya's brother :- Are you afraid that thyme will be trouble or that you won't be beautiful? 

Gorya (irritated) :- Don't tease me. 

Gorya's Brother :- (Laughed) Sis, on a day like this, you don't need to do much. Be your natural self. Nothing is better than that.

Gorya :- Wow, wise words coming from you. (Teasingly)

Gorya's Brother :- No, I got it from an ad. (Ready to leave) Take a bath already (Gives her Deo) I got it for you in case you want to add more confidence.

Gorya (Smiles) :- What am I not confident about?

Gorya's Brother :- Everything. Be confident. Don't think Too much. I heard from someone "When you're confident, things will work out for you." Dont forget to use it.


Scene 6

Thyme, Gorya, Kanning and Talay (Kanning's boyfriend) goes to zoo. All of them have good time but there is a tension between Thyme and Talay due to which both couple separate their path for while, after separation Gorya and thyme share lovely moments but they both had some conversation about Ren, which made their moment awkward so to calm himself thyme excuse and went to washroom. Where in way back he heard talay said bad things about Gorya which triggered Thyme's anger and they had a fight

Due to thyme's nature gorya preassume that it's thyme who start the fight with no reason, she herself fight with him and they parted their ways in anger.


Scene 7

Gorya got to know that talay breakup with kanning and she thinks its because of thyme only, Although Kanning assures that she has a feeling that talay wants to breakup with her, and its gonna happen sooner or later. so she should not blame herself, but gorya is angry on thyme and on herself. As she believed that thyme is changing.


Scene 8

At Ren's home 

Ren receives a gift from somewhere written on it 

"If it's important, You should hold on to it."

Ren opens it and it has his diary. He gets emotional and cried in his room. Ren's maid call amily and explain everything, Amily come and console him 

(A/N :- Due to Ren's condition, Amily already told Ren's family maid that if anything unusual happen, they should call Amily immediately)

Amily :- R please open the door, it's me your Amy. Open the door na...

Ren Silently open the door and went back to his place continue crying amily shut the door and came near him

Amily :- R, calm down shh! (hugs him) I'm here for you na, Stop crying na.

Ren :- (In crying tone) You won't abandon me like everyone else did right. You won't leave me na. 

Amily can sense ren's helplessness, she hold his face on her palm making him see her in eyes to show her sincerity.

Amily :-  Mr. Renawin Aira, You are one of the best things that happened to me. Why would I ever leave you?

Ren keeps his head on amily lap and start crying taking her hand on his hand. After sometime she helps Ren to sleep in his bed and about to leave, but Ren didn't leave her hand and ask her to stay with him. He hold her by waist and murmured in sleep

Ren :- I love you amy, don't leave me please.

Amily Pov :- I don't know what makes you insecure about this R, but I promise I will help you to deal with your insecurities. You Are always there when I need you the most, I won't leave you ever, and I will make you feel my words.


Scene 9

At thyme's home

Thyme is in angry mode near pool when kavin and mj joins him 

Mj :- Stop being upset over this, thyme.

Thyme :- shit! Argh! (get angry and through chair in pool)

Kavin :- Take it easy. Here you go. (Gives him drink)

Mj :- When are you going to clear the air with Gorya?

Thyme :- Gorya is something. Does she think she's the only one who can get mad? She wouldn't listen, when I Tried to explain. She never sees me as a good person anyway. I'd rather go back to the way I was.

Mj and kavin signaled each other and kavin kicks thyme and through him the pool

Thyme (Shocked by sudden action) :- Oi! shia! (Kevin and mj laughed) What's this for?

Kavin :- You couldn't cool down. so we had to snap you out of it. Be the same old you.

Mj :- and make it up to gorya.

Thyme :- Gorya has to make it up to me.

Mj :- (Signal him to shut) Ajan! (Professor in thai), Please teach him a lesson.

Kavin :- (Sighed) You know, how you were back then. It's not that surprising for gorya to misunderstand you. (Calmly) But it doesn't matter who's right or wrong anyway. What really matters is whether you love her? When you love someone, you're willing to approach them no matter how angry or frustrated you are. Got it? Certain things need to be talked through. If you don't, You'll never know what the other person thinks. Sometimes silence doesn't help.

Mj :- You may not understand each other. It doesn't mean you don't love each other. Clear it up before it's too late. Trust us on this.

Thyme (observe both of them) :- You're good at saying something cool.

Mj :- (In Enthusiastic tone) Thats right. So if she calls, You should make it up to her.

Thyme shigh, in mean time kavin secretly calls thyme and thyme's phone ring

Kavin :- Thyme, is that Gorya?

Thyme :- (Excitedly) Gorya?

Kavin :- Yeah.

Thyme came out and checks its kavin the trio have fun


Scene 10 

After Some time Mj came away from group and calls amily, she freed herself from Ren. and Picks the call coming out of room

Amily :- Hey 

Mj :- hey how's Ren?

Amily :- he cried a lot, but now he is sleeping , what about t, is he ok now?

Mj :- He is better now we told him everything what you ask us to say, and we believe he understands it. He is not going to back to his old self and ready to make up with gorya but...

Amily :- But?

Mj :- We don't know about Gorya is she still wanna make up, or she just gave up on him?

Amily :- as far as i know her, she won't gave up easily but still i will try to talk to her.

Mj :- hmm... Are you ok? (Concerned) I know all of this would affect you as well. You wanna go out for sometime I mean ... (he stamble)

Amily :- (Amily smiled) tomorrow after school only if everything is fine.

Mj :- (Mj Smiled) Sounds good. (After a pause) Amy Don't stress out, Take care of you'rs as well

Amily :- kha Mae (Cutely and sarcastically)

Mj and amily laughed


Scene 11

Gorya is at school she sees news and run to meet someone, same time Thyme sees her and shout her name but Kevin and mj ask him to shut.

Kavin :- Don't you remember what I told you? Be nice and win her back. (Motivationally)

Thyme (Sighed) :- Fine, I'll be back. (He leaves)

Mj :- How did we end up being matchmakers for these two?

Kavin :- I wonder. (Chuckle)

Suddenly Amily came Running

Amily :- Did you see Ren?

Mj :- No what's wrong?

Amily :- you guys won't know (Both denied) Check the news.

They check news in their phone and got to know about Mira's boyfriend, they both get tensed.

Kavin :- Oh no, Ren must have found out a while ago.

Amily :- No wonder, why he is devastated last night.

(Amily, Kavin Mj are worried about Ren, but they know Ren won't say anything until he feels secure, so Amily didn't ask him about what happened. She just be there for Ren as his best friend)

Mj is trying to call him but its off

Mj :- Ren's phone is turned off.


Scene 12

Gorya went to terrace and find Ren devasted, She consoles him and hugs him this all seen is visible to Thyme as he followed her, but he is not able to listen anything, so he misunderstood Ren and Gorya, and went back in anger.

On coming down he bumped into Kevin, Mj. 

Mj :- Hey, Did you find Gorya?

At corridor some people are taking about making fool out of someone and Thyme beats them but he stopped by Kevin and mj but he threatens him.

Kevin :- don't say anything to him.

Mj :- I know nobody can stop him when he gets this way. 

Just then gorya along with Ren comes

Gorya :- Thyme, Stop What the hell are you doing?

Thyme control himself and see Gorya, Amily came there after listening noise as she is busy in contacting Mira to talk.

Thyme :- Kavin, Mj I made up my mind. (Seeing Ren) There will only be three in F4.

Mj and Kavin confused

Mj :- Huh?

Kavin :- What do you mean?

Thyme :- Ren is out of F4.

Mj :- Ai thyme! Lets be civilized and talk, We are all friends here.

Thyme :- I don't have such a shitty friend. You Three, stop hanging out with him.

Amily :- Ai T! Don't talk shit, We are not kids. You are not gonna choose, Who we gonna talk whom we don't, and he is our friend. I am not going to leave him alone this time.(Seeing Ren with concern)

Thyme :- (Thyme gets more angry listing amily's reply) so You are choosing him over me? (Seeing straight in her eyes amily can see thyme's anger) Fine then our friendship is over as well. Don't talk to her as well.(In stern tone)

Mj :- Ai thyme! ...

Thyme :- What? Are you going against me too?

They just sighed

Thyme :- I'm tired. I don't want to deal with this anymore. (He about to leave)

Gorya :- Thyme we need to talk.

Thyme :- (Giving Gorya her phone) Is there anything left to talk about? 

Kavin, Mj went to ren 

Mj :- Ai Ren! What did you do? Go and talk to him now.

Ren ignore him and went to help injured kid.

Kavin Giving amily questioning look

Amily :- I have more important work to do right now, rather than handling his childishness. (She leaves)

Kavin (Frustrated) :- Everyone just does whatever they wants.


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
