
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · 电影同人
44 Chs

Airport [chapter 2]

He took a step forward and was already a couple of metres ahead. He slowly trotted before starting to sprint and eventually leaped onto one of the walls, basically walking on walls. Using his super strength, he broke down a wall in one of the buildings where the enemy was, before the enemy could register what was going on. Alucard had coated his combat knife with cyanide poison and stabbed every single soldier he could, as every one of them started foaming from the mouth.

He then deactivated his power, so the soldiers would not find out about the fact that he had the same strength as the enhanced woman. Otherwise, that would lead to a lot of questions. He then rolled through the window and into the soldiers that were marching with the woman. They were, of course, surprised at his presence but focused on the enemy ahead.

Eventually, the fight ended in an open area with many enemies, outnumbering Alucard and the allied soldiers by one in a hundred. Thanks to the woman with the enhanced condition, who made doing this possible, Alucard switched between a cyanide-coated knife and a pistol to kill the enemies faster. They eventually got through all of the enemies.

Alucard found a place to rest just to process what was happening. "You are an honourable man," the woman said after she finished accepting the gratitude of the people of this village as Alucard looked at her. "What are you, some sort of warrior queen?" he said as he got up. "No, not yet at least. I am Diana, princess of Themyscira. You saved a lot of lives today," she commented, chuckling.

Removing his helmet, "I am Alucard. I can't remember where I am from," Alucard said as his long red hair fluttered with the wind. He had tan skin and green eyes. "I thought you were the most beautiful in the world of men," Diana said to the man who was with her who seemed bothered, but it wasn't at the fact she said he wasn't as good-looking.

After that, they went to do whatever they came here for. Alucard didn't bother to ask what they came here for since these people didn't seem to be from around here. "Private, you are ok," said a soldier as he hugged Alucard. "Yeah, thanks," Alucard said as he pushed the soldier away. "What's wrong?" asked another soldier. "Who are you?" asked Alucard as the soldiers went silent.

-Scene change-

The next day, Alucard could be seen with luggage and a paper in hand. "How can they dismiss me in a time of war?" Alucard questioned as he read the paper. Apparently, the fact that the loss of his memories deemed him unfit to continue fighting, even in times like this.

Now there he stood, with an idea of where to go. Since he was an orphan, he had no family to return to, or at least that is what the paper said. He didn't know anybody. "What's wrong?" asked Diana, who suddenly appeared behind Alucard, as well as Steve and three other people. "Nothing really. I was just discharged," Alucard said. "Why? You were pretty amazing yesterday," said the Irish-sounding guy. "Apparently, losing your memory in a time of war would result in you being discharged," Alucard said as he put the paper away. "In a time of need like this? They can do that? They need me like you, to win this war," Diana said.

"Well, they don't. They made it pretty clear," Alucard said as he picked up the small bag. "Isn't that a good thing? You could go back to your family," said Steve, who was with Diana. "I am an orphan with no memory," Alucard said, "but it's not that bad. I can start over and I have this system to check out."

"Do you want to come with us?" Diana asked. "Are you crazy?" Steve whispered to Diana. "Where to?" Alucard asked. "We are going to kill Ares," Diana announced proudly. "Or stop him, whatever option is viable really," she said unsure. "Diana, not now, please," Steve said as he pulled Diana to the side.

"What are you doing? This is a top-secret mission. Why are you bringing him into this?" Steve asked. "What? You saw how he fought. He could help us," Diana argued. "Or he could be a spy," Steve said. "Like you?" Diana shot back at him. "Look, all I am saying is that we can't trust him," Steve stated.

"Are you jealous?" Diana asked. "What?" Steve said. "You are jealous," Diana said with a chuckle. "You know what, fine, let's see what happens," Steve said as he went back. Diana simply shook her head before following.

Scene change -

The group could be seen hiding in the woods, planning how to sneak into the gala. Alucard was not interested in sneaking. What he was interested in, however, was extracting all of the guests at the gala. Much to Alucard's dismay, there was nothing that the system considered worthy enough to extract except for some jewels and gold.

Suddenly, one of the guns mounted on the side of the castle fired. Not a minute later, Diana and Steve came out of the castle as Diana mounted a horse quickly, and so did Steve. Seeing that something was wrong, Alucard immediately went after the German general who came out of the castle from the direction that the gun was fired from and followed him to an enemy stronghold.

Once he arrived at the location, Alucard stretched out his hand as some sort of shell lay on his hand. "How about having a taste of your own medicine?" he said before making a small hole in the shell, releasing the gas inside which were the new weapons the Germans had developed and used on the village. As soon as the guard soldiers inhaled the gas, they immediately fell. Alucard stepped over them and then used extraction on the cloud of gas.

[+ 100 mustard gas]

"That is not a suitable name for gas that can kill this quickly," Alucard said as he passed by the dead soldiers while picking up one of their pistols. He then shot at the guard at the tower that Erich Ludendorff was in. This, of course, alerted the general to his presence. But Alucard activated his enhanced condition which he used to dodge while also climbing the tower at a high speed.

Seeing someone move at inhuman speed, the general did not panic but instead used a gas pill to enhance himself. However, all of that was seen by Alucard who used extraction on him.

[+ 5 enhancing gas pills]

[+ enhanced strength]

[+ enhanced durability]
