
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · 漫画同人
14 Chs


The 3 of us were led down a short corridor, ending at a large set of double doors. 2 guards were stationed on either side, 2 hand on the door. Judging by the look on their faces I could tell they were waiting for an order to open the door.

"Now for the first set of representatives, please welcome the Eleven participants!" A voice could be heard from the other side of the door. Based on the echoing nature it seemed that his voice was coming from many different spots at once.

"Mr. Leo if you would go first please, followed by Mr. Ivsaar and Ms Triscan." The woman that had guided us said as she took a step to the side to allow us to pass. I gave a slight nod as I began walking out.

The doors opened outward to reveal an open roof design letting the midday sun bare down directly on the arena. The seats were benches that wrapped around the arena, only leaving stairs to break up the continuous seats. At the very top surrounding the entire thing were 10 boxes that I could see held people as well, with 1 larger box holding all the people of importance for this event.

I made eye contact with the Eraliths and nodded respectfully, continuing around the box beside them held the Glayder family. Easily identified with the King and his long red hair, he seemed strong but even from this distance I could see the age on him. Grey streaks throughout his hair, and while stern also a tired expression to his face. Though once again I was surprised to see he only had a dark red stage core.

His wife was sitting beside him, though surprised me with her core stage. Had I not studied about the humans and dwarves along with that I studied about the elves I would have thought that Sapin was a Matriarchy. Priscilla was regal and noble, showing no hint of emotion on her face, but what surprised wasn't that, instead it was the fact she was a light yellow stage mage.

How could the kings of Sapin and Elenoir along with the queen of Elenoir be so far behind in their core stages? This continued with the dwarven royalty, though they were barely stronger at just the dark orange stage. Surprinsingly despite my expectations they were dressed the most over the top, lavish gowns and jewelry coated in gems seeming to take up every available space.

"Introducing the first representative of the Elves! Leo Eralith!" I felt my eye twitch slightly and held back the grown as I internally cursed that old man. I hadn't actually believed him when he said that he was going to adopt me. Judging by the Merial and Alduin's faces however it seems they knew as they just smiled at me.

"He is the son and disciple of Virion Eralith, he just recently reached the age of 10." I could see the confused and disbelieving gazes of the crowd. This tournament was between the most promising young mages after all, and for a 10 year old to be in they just couldn't imagine I could be very strong.

"Next Feyrith Ivsaar III!"

This continued for the rest of the representatives, 3 for each race. Us and the dwarves had 2 males 1 female, while the humans had the inverse.

"Alania Triscan!"

"First Dwarven representative, Doradrea Oreguard"

"Olsid Warend"

"Homer Earthborn"

"First Human representative, Samantha Tempest"

"Claire Bladeheart"

"Theodore Maxwell"

There were several family names I recognized due to them being either noble or influential families. The Bladehearts, Earthborn, Warend and Maxwell. Of course us Elves had our own noteworthy family names being mine and Feyrith's. Triscan was a name only truly known in Elenoir, I doubted anyone here knew it.

"Now that they have all been introduced, it's time for the matchups that will take place tomorrow morning."

"To ensure fairness the first round will have the competitors matched up as evenly as possible by their core stages." The announcer began again.

"Doradrea Oreguard vs Claire Bladeheart"

"Homer Earthborn vs Feyrith Ivsaar III"

"Olsid Warend vs Samantha Tempest"

"Alania Triscan vs Theodore Maxwell"

"Leo Eralith will face the winner of Olsid Warend and Samantha Tempest."

The audience gave suspicious looks at me as were leaving the arena. I caught whispers the effect that I was getting preferential treatment due to my royal last name. Though it was more likely the fact that none of the other representatives was at my core level. The closest being the light orange water conjurer Samantha Tempest. Which is most likely the reason I face the winner of her match.

"I can't believe they gave you a bye of all people. Did you beg the royal family for that so that you wouldn't come in last?" Feyrith spat as we passed through the double doors.

"Feyrith you should watch your tongue. He's royalty now." Alania whispered harshly and Feyrith visibly blanched as he realized that. I just ignored them as we were guiding to a door that opened up into a small sitting room. On the opposite 3 walls were doors that had our names on them. Me in the middle, Alania to the left and Feyrith to the right.

"Each bedroom contains a bathroom exclusive to that room, and each door has a lock for privacy. As I'm sure your king and queen told you, you aren't allowed to leave the room. Dinner will be brought shortly, and here's a menu you can choose from. If none of the food appeals to you, please write what you would like instead at the bottom. When you're done ordering just knock on the door and hand the menus to the guard outside." She finished a with a small bow and quietly exited the room.

I picked up the menus and found that she had also left breakfast menus with us. I appreciated the efficiency as I passed the other 2 dinner and breakfast menus to Alania and Feyrith.

After passing our menus to the guard outside, we all sat in the sitting room where a glass container of a fragrant tea sat on the table in the center.

I was thinking about the representatives. I was disappointed yet not surprised that none of them was at my core stage. The only one that was close had been the human conjurer Samantha, but she was also the oldest of the group. Being just a year below the age limit of 20 that the races had set on the competition.

Which I can't blame them as Humans tend to awaken later on average compared to elves and dwarves. It's likely due to the many affinities and their beliefs. Core awakening in the human kingdom is heavily tied with bloodline, but it might also just be due to the way Elves and Dwarves live in contrast to them.

We live more closely tied to our elements, and I know from experience that the Elshire forest is more dense with mana than I've seen in Xyrus so far. Yet they all pale in comparison to the Beast Glades, well the deeper regions of it at least.

"Ah Leo? Do you happen to know any of the other competitors? I would like to mentally go over and prepare for my match but I couldn't get a read on my opponent's affinity." Alania pulled me from my thoughts and I thought about her opponent.

"Hmmm Theodore Maxwell, he is a light red gravity conjurer." I said and when I didn't get a reply I looked over to see them both staring at me surprised.

"You can see people's mana cores and their elements?!" Alania asked in surprise.

"Yes?" I responded with confusion. Couldn't everyone see the mana cores of other mages and their affinities. I suppose that lined up though because no one besides Arthur had ever commented on it. Even the old man always asked what my core was, though I thought he was just being polite.

"That's amazing! Well don't hold out on us what about Feyrith's opponent?" Alania asked excitedly. I glanced at Feyrith who seemed hesitant but eventually sighed and nodded.

"It wouldn't do to shame the Ivsaar name." He let out and I just nodded.

"Surprisingly you're both facing gravity mages. Though I imagine Homer, Feyrith's opponent, will be more skilled. He comes from the Earthborn clan institute of Darv which is known for its conjurers, specifically with gravity magic. He is a dark orange stage as well, you'll have a tough time Feyrith." Feyrith nodded seriously and without a word began meditating, Alania soon followed and I joined them.