
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · 漫画同人
14 Chs


Months Later

"I'll miss you Art! Remember to come visit again! Uu~ don't go chasing after human girls okay? Promise me, okay?" Tessia sniffled with tears lining her eyes.

"We'll see each other again! You better be stronger than me the next time we meet Tess! With Gramps and Leo teaching you, you have no excuse." Arthur replied as he hugged her.

Though I doubted she could get stronger than Arthur anytime soon, after all his 4 elements, beast will and fighting skills put him nearly out of reach for her. I suppose it's good motivation for her.

Me and Arthur fell in step behind Merial and Alduin, walking towards the carriages we would be riding to Xyrus. The king and queen nodded at us as they got into their carriage and we soon boarded the carriage for the elves tournament representatives.

"Well look who it is! If it isn't the human brat! Did the royal family finally kick you of the the Kingdom?" An elf boy dressed in a very decorated purple robe smirked at Arthur. I ignored it mainly because Arthur can handle himself, but also because I did not know this boy.

"And who are you? Following this human brat around. I didn't see you at the representative gathering, do you even belong here?" He turned he sneer at me before Arthur could reply.

I took in his appearance again and assessed him. Sure for his age he was fairly strong already being at the dark orange stage, but not strong enough to be worth my attention. Taking my seat next a female elf who blushed and batted her eyes, but thankfully didn't try to talk to me.

"Uh… I'm sorry but do I know you?" Arthur asked and thankfully so because it seemed my ignoring of the elf boy was turning his face red with anger.

"I'm the noble you mercilessly attacked while defying the customers of the duel!" He shot up angrily pointing a finger at Arthur. Now it made sense, but to think this guy would hold that grudge for so long.

"My name is Feyrith Ivsaar III, descendant of the noble Ivsaar family! You may have won while we were both children, but were we to duel again, I would win easily." He stated matter of factly though I highly doubted it.

"You can just call him Feyfey like we do." The girl sitting next to me spoke up, causing Feyrith's face to blaze red. Interesting contrast to the usually pale faced elves. Arthur took his seat next to Feyrith as the carriage began moving. Hopefully this ride wouldn't take too long, i don't know if I could stand to stay in here with these 4 for too long.

"Sorry, but I wanted to introduce myself since we've never met." The girl beside turned slightly to face me. She had a pleasant and gentle smile on her face, but I could see fire in her eyes. She was definitely a serious mage who wanted to get stronger, though her core was only at the dark orange stage like Feyrith.

She had hair that was almost as white as mine, just a shade or 2 darker. And contrary to most elves I had met who typically has brown or green eyes, she had light blue eyes like a clear sky.

"My name is Alania Triscan, my parents named me after the previous queen." She held out her slender hand that poked through the long sleeve of a billowy robe. On her forearm was a band that held her wand against her arm. I turned and shook her hand as I nodded.

"Leo. I'm Virion's disciple." Her mouth immediately gaped and I could hear Feyrith's jaw drop at the news.

"If I'm not mistaken you have an older sister? I read about her in the library, she's one of the few silver core elf mages." Her face changed to one of surprise and a hint of pride and happiness. She must look up to her sister.

"That's right! Alea Triscan is my older sister. She's been taking care of me since we were young and I hope to get to be as strong as her so we can go on adventurer missions together!" She beamed happily before beginning to talk more about her sister. I just listened as she carried, hearing about Alea, about Alania herself and about how they train. Before I knew it we had passed through the portal and were in Xyrus.

"Bye Leo, Alania, Feyfey!" Arthur said as the carriage came to a stop next to 2 buildings.

"Bye Arthur. Make sure to come watch the tournament." I said with a slight smile, getting a nod in return as he disappeared around the corner.

The ride resumed and soon we reached a large circlular building, something they call a coliseum. Though judging by the name on the side of the building it was an auction house owned by the…

"Helstea auction house, huh? How interesting." I whispered as I smirked. It seemed Arthur's parents were rooming with nobles. I remembered the name Helstea from our conversations about his family the few times it came up.

The door was opened by the driver and there was a human male standing before. He was a bespectacled man with brown hair and a brown beard.

"Welcome Elven representatives! My name is Vincent Helstea, please follow me to your waiting rooms. The opening ceremony will begin in a little over an hour, but the matches won't be until tomorrow." He said quickly as he begin walking towards the building. I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that I had already met the man that had been housing Arthur's parents ever since they thought he died.

"Thank you." I said as I kept pace just behind him.

"Not at all! I'm proud to be hosting such a monumental gathering of the races!" He exclaimed as he entered the door to the auction house.

"Not that. Well it's too much to explain here, but you'll be in for a surprise when you go home." I said with a neutral expression, ignoring his confused look as he guided us to our room.

"Here's where you'll be staying, my assistant will be coming by to escort you to the arena when it's time. Please make yourselves comfortable." He gave me one last glance before he closed the door and left.

"Wow these human buildings are so fascinating!" Alania complimented as he she walked around observing the room before finding a seat on a wide couch.

"Hmph! This place pales into comparison to my family's home. Though it is intriguing i guess." Feyrith sniffed in disdain, but I could feel the act for what it was. He was excited to be here as well.

All told the room was fairly barren, of course it was decorated and looked splendid. I guess my perception of things is a bit warped due to my years in the royal castle of the elves. I took a seat on the long couch across from Alania, and Feyrith soon found himself across the table from us on a smaller couch.

Some time later a knock sounded on the door and a small human woman entered the room.

"Elven representatives please follow me."