
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · 漫画同人
14 Chs


The shower had been quite refreshing. The process of scrubbing the dirt and grime from my body had me feeling.. lighter? And the smoothness of the silk against my skin had a certain pleasure of its own. I wonder if I can have my normal everyday clothes made to be this soft?

When I came out I found Arthur meditating. It was an interesting technique he used by sitting with his legs crossed and palms gripping his knees. I could see that he was assimilating like I had taught him and I was just about to sit down and join him when there was a knock on the door.

Arthur jumped up to open the door. "Coming!"

Opening the door revealed Tessia who was putting as she punched Arthur lightly in the chest.

"You dummy! Why did you act all unfriendly when you were with my family back there, and you also, you barely said anything." She harrumphed, slipping past Arthur heading for the couch.

"Well first of all, you didn't mention to me that you happened to be the princess of this entire kingdom!" Arthur said shaking his head as he grabbed Tessia's hand and pulled her out the room.

"Come on, show us around the castle! I at least won't get the chance to visit this place again." I could see the regret on his face as he said that when he noticed Tessia begin to cry.

"I don't want either of you to leave…" she sniffled.

"You 2 are the first ones I've gotten close to…" she trailed off as tears kept falling.

In this body's previous memories he comforted crying children by patting their back, so I decided to do the same. Even I didn't want to see a small cub sad.

Arthur happened to pat her head, as he gazed down at her sadly. Soon we began walking through the castle, me and Arthur on either said of Tessia as we went.

Everything from the shower, the calmness of the night, and the somber mood between the 2 beside me and almost made me drop my guard. Almost. As we entered a garden I had the feeling we were being watched, and I confirmed it as I noticed the shifting of the mana in the air.

It was familiar but different at the same time, it felt like that old man. That's when I felt his killing intent and began rushing my mana through my body in preparation. My eyes glowing as I enhanced my vision to see a small blunted projectile heading towards us.

Seeing Arthur's body already tensing to intercept I instead followed the old man as he almost instantly moved from where he had been to behind us. I kicked out at him, but it wasn't on target at all. Cursing this clumsy body as I missed him, I dropped low to avoid his grasping hand. Using gravity to lower my weight I pushed off the ground to get out of his range the same time Arthur jumped back in front of Tessia.

"What the hell! Why are you trying to kill us?" Arthur yelled and I looked back and forth between them confused.

"Does this mean the spar is over?" They all turned to me and Virion began laughing.

"Hahaha! So you had noticed me! I thought as much, but you did a good job hiding it. As for your question kid." He said to me before turning back to Arthur with an amused smirk.

"It may hurt a little but I doubt that you you're holding could kill anyone." Arthur looked down at the blunted projectile and grimaced in embarrassment.

"Haha! Nice reaction, nice reaction! I didn't think you catch my little present and use it to block my next attack! I definitely didn't expect this little beast to be able to keep up and throw an, albeit mediocre, kick at me. Truly marvelous! However your mana usage was pretty poor." He finished looking at Arthur, he turned back to look at me observing me closely.

"How are you so clumsy, but have such an exceptional grasp of mana manipulation. I almost couldn't even tell you were using it and you're only at the red stage. Wait. Weren't you at the black stage just a little over a hour ago?" He said while holding a hand up to his chin before shaking his head.

"Never mind, never mind. Here!" He said as he tossed us both a wooden sword. I held it and looked over it as I maneuvered it in my hands, but didn't like the feel of it.

"Hmmm, you don't seem comfortable with the sword… how about these?" He said tossing over a pair of wooden daggers of identical make. Each were just mini versions of Arthur's sword, about 8 inches in length.

Though still not as fluid as I would like, I rolled and flipped the knives between my hands. Before settling on a stance I had scene an adventurer use. One dagger held in a reverse grip and the other normally.

Virion nodded at this and looked at both of us.

"Here I come!" Before he had even finished saying those words he charged at us.

He went towards Arthur first swinging down from over head, and Arthur swung up. Right as his blade was going to connect with Virion's fingers, the old man moved quickly to get space behind him. Thats where I was though and he had raise his blade to block my dagger.

"Looks like I'll have to be a bit more serious!" He smirked as his speed increased even more, blocking each of my rapid strikes at him. He tried to sweep my legs, but I dove forward through his legs narrowly dodging the stab he did.

As he turned around I rolled with him, trying to stay in his blind spot. Thankfully Arthur took that opportunity to strike. My body still didn't move exactly how I wanted it to, but my years of fighting had honed my instincts to make up for the lack of coordination.

I used Arthur as a crutch as well, diving in and out of combat in time with him. I hadn't hunted or battled with a friendly helper since I was a cub, but I quickly fell into rhythm as I tracked each of their muscle tensions and eye movements.

Though I could feel the strain this body was having to endure at trying to keep up with my mind. Something similar was happening with Arthur, it seemed like his fighting style was ill suited for this body. I was beginning to think I was right about my assumption.

Just like this is not my native or first body, he's also not in his, but how was the question.

I was caught with a back swing from the old man. When had I ever let my thoughts get dawn away from the battle in front of me? I redoubled my efforts now slowing my movements and focused more on the accuracy and getting in sync with Arthur.

That's when he blurred even for me, and I felt his mana pulse for the briefest moment. Only my many years and honed survival instinct allowed me to deflect the blow what was aimed for my stomach, but the force sent my flying.

I used gravity mana to cushion my fall and rolled into a standing position, breathing heavily as I wiped sweat from my forehead. Just in time to see Arthur manage to hit Virion by tucking his sword under his arm as he leaped back.

A solid smack resounded through out and then a laugh erupted from the old man.

"Hahaha! I guess I deserved that one!" He laughed, rubbing his swollen forehead.

"Grandpa! You hurt Art and Leo too much! You should've gone easier on them!" Tessia shouted as she pinched the old man's side. I mean none of us were using mana besides using it to reinforce our bodies, though I guess I did use gravity magic to soften my landing.

"Ahh! That hurts little one. Haha I'm afraid if I had went any easier on them, they'd be the ones bullying me!" He replied as he picked Tessia up into his arms.

"I've decided. Arthur, Leo, become my disciples!" He said with a nod. I felt a grin spread across my lips and noticed the look of surprise on Arthur's face. Something like this is exactly what I had been hoping for though. I wanted to get stronger and who better than this absurdly strong old man. Not to mention I would be able to utilize the resources of the royal family as his disciple.

Things were going to get interesting.