
Evolution (TBATE Fic)

power is everything for a mana beast from the beast glades. That is no different for the MC, a Lunar Leopard. However his lifespan is reaching its end and he still hasn’t achieved his goal of Evolving to the next stage. The stage passed what the 2 legged call S class. The Lunar Leopard has seen the beings that have ascended to the next stage and know the power they posses. That’s why he decides on a shortcut of sorts. He knows that the pointy eared, the round ears and the shorties search for the cores of his fellow mana beasts. Specifically ones with Beast Wills inside them. The Lunar Leopards goal is to defeat the human that tries to attain his beast will and take over that human. Maybe then he’ll finally achieve the power he’s been dreaming of.

WTFuccullent · 漫画同人
14 Chs


Samantha and I were already on the arena floor, waiting for the announcer to call for our match to begin. I double checked that I was keeping my gravity magic at the right amount. She had a dominant showing against Olsid with her core and mage type advantage, but I had the advantage of experience. Sure I was limiting myself to only wind magic, but that wasn't going to be enough for her.

"The first match of the 2nd round is about to begin! Leo Eralith vs Samantha Tempest, start!" The announcer called.

Samantha immediately began throwing spears of water at me and while they were flying began chanting for a bigger spell. Seems she knew that I would not be as easy as Olsid Warend. I used the spears she sent as warm ups, coating my hands in wind mana, cutting them up as they reached me.

I started running towards her using wind to cushion my steps and boost my speed. Dust kicked up behind me with each step from the wind and I was about halfway when she finished chanting.

"Sea Serpent!" She yelled and I could see beads of sweat already dripping down her face. A tidal wave shot past her and inside it I could see the water moving in coiling and serpentine patterns. I pushed more mana in my feet to jump over the 12 foot wave, and right as I was about to clear it a rapid strike shot out from the wave. It was water in the form of a snake's jaw snapping at me.

I flipped and brought a heel down on the snout of the water snake and it dispersed, but as soon as it did another shot out at me. I used the wind coating my feet to run along the water of the snakes, steadily making my way to Samantha. She definitely had some skill to be able to maintain this wave of sea serpents, but it was also obvious she didn't have the mana pool to sustain it for long.

I pushed off with a burst of wind mana, destroying another serpent, hearing the wave behind me crash I see a blade of water whipping at me with the motion of her arm. And then a second identical one connected to the other arm, slashing out at me furiously.

I just weaved and ducked between each whip of water, jumping and dodging every swing. I kicked off the ground hard sending myself launching toward her at a speed she wasn't ready for. She dispersed the water whips and conjured wall in front of her, but it wasn't enough as I burst through it.

My outstretched foot connecting with her chest and sending her flying some 20 yards before crashing and rolling across the ground. I used wind mana to whisk away the moisture that was trying to collect on to my silk tunic and pants. I still hadn't found a material I liked wearing more than this, and the clothing was loose enough to not inhibit my movements.

The healers soon came and took Samantha off the field and returned to the stands.

"That was amazing Leo! I would have never guessed you could move like that!" Alania said excitedly as she smiled at me. Her face turned serious as she stood up to head toward the arena.

"You better be ready. Once I beat Homer I'm going to beat you next!" She said turning to point at me. I just nodded at her words.

"You have to make it their first, elf." Homer snorted as he stomped down the stairs, taking a second to glance at me as he passed.

"Homer Earthborn vs Alania Triscan, begin!"

Both were dark orange stage conjurers, both were about 15 years old and both had seen the other fight. While Homer hasn't fought against a plant wielder with the wind affinity, Alania has fought against a gravity user. Though Theodore was definitely not as adept as Homer is.

"Allow me to show the 3 races the might of the Dwarves!" Homer yelled as he began flying towards Alania.

The battle was fierce as Alania sent vines and blades of air at the dwarf but her inexperience with vines shown as she didn't have any dexterity with them. Once Homer batted them away or dodged them, it was better for her to just conjurer a new one instead of redirecting.

This cost Alania a lot of mana added to the dodging of rock attacks that Homer sent as he approached. He swung down his right leg and I could see him pulling it with gravity magic that pulled Alania toward it as well.

This was the difference between a skilled gravity user and Theodore. Homer could affect multiple items or people, pulling them together to connect with higher force. Alania managed to bring up a vine in between right before the collision but the force of the gravity enhanced kick sent her rolling backwards.

She cushioned it with wind and helped herself stand with a vine and through sheer determination sent out vine after vine at Homer, but they seemed to be in slow motion due to the gravity surrounding him. He took a move from Theodore and conjured an earth wall that he kicked pieces at Alania, each piece have a gravitational pull that threatened pull Alania closer.

She wrapped a vine around her waist to hold herself and wrapped a shell of wind around her body, weakening the pull of the gravity as she sliced the rocks to bits with wind blades. However she was already breathing heavily and while she was dealing with the rocks she had lost sight of Homer as he had burrowed underground.

Alania didn't realize until too late as a massive boulder shot from the ground right beside her, pushed by Homer. It slowed only a little due to her wind barrier, crashing into Alania lifting her off her feet as she lost consciousness mid air.

Homer began to increase the gravity beneath her causing her to slam to the ground an prepped another boulder to slam into her. The announcer had already called the match with panic in evident in his voice. I noticed Feyrith beginning to stand and I could sense all the emotions of the crowd as they bled into the arena.

Surely this dwarf knew the consequences of killing a fellow representative, especially at a tournament such as this right? I hadn't realized before my hands were also clenched. Was I worried about this elf? Someone I had only known for barely a day.

Had this been Tess or Arthur I would have understood, I had spent almost everyday for 4 years with them after all. Maybe it was because we were both elves? Perhaps because I had helped her prepare? It might have even been because I saw myself in her. Both with a thirst and hunger for power. Lost our parents at a young age, and an older sibling we looked up to. Well used to in my case.

I turned my full glare onto Homer as I let my voice trail across the wind.

"I wouldn't do that if you want to live." My voice came out cold with death clear in the words, but only Homer could hear the malice the dripped from the wind sent words.

His movement and mana faltered as he whipped his head around the arena, color drained from his face as he looked for the source. The boulder he was going to send crashing down on to Alania was knocked away by nearby referee.

"The final match will begin in 1 hour!" The announcer called with clear relief in his voice and the healers quickly rushed Alania off the ground. I hopped over the wall and followed them, Feyrith following close behind. I could feel Homer's eyes on me as we left so I looked over my shoulder and sent him a bloodthirsty grin.

He was strong I would give him that much, but he was strong against weaker opponents. I'm sure the old man won't be too upset if let loose just a little bit on this stupid dwarf.