

Splicers: Mages of creation, capable of bending the laws of nature to combine the DNA of various animals together to make evolved creatures or Evos. In this world there are no cars, planes, boats or many of the advanced technological marvels that we take for granted. Instead people and countries rely on Splicers and Evos for things ranging from transportation to national defense. Being a Splicer is basically a ticket to the good life for most. But not just anyone can be a splicer; you have to lucky to be born with the magic in you and even luckier to have the talent to distinguish yourself among millions of your peers. Follow Chase Kingston; a young splicer that was born in the one country in the world that being a splicer makes you a second class citizen; as he attends Andromeda College, the world's foremost institute of splicing knowledge. Where he will rub shoulders with the world's elite and future leaders of society. Far from the simple life he knew Chase will be thrown into the deep end as he learns just how cutthroat and competive the world of splicing is. Where behind even the friendliest of smiles hides a dagger aimed at your back. If Chase is to survive he'll need to gain knowledge, strength, and grit to overcome any challange. Can he do it? Read on and find out [Evo-lution is my first novel and a side project of mine. I plan to release multiple chapters a week but don't hold me to that! If this becomes more popular I'll devote more time to it. ....HUTEXA-THE-DJINN]

Hutexa_The_Djinn · 奇幻
342 Chs

96: Star Child: A Keepers Loss III

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Logan screamed as he struggled to reload his rifle. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

"Logan shut the fuck up!" I snapped, snatching the rifle out of his hands and reloading it effortlessly then opening fire on the thrads.

'Don't think just fire! Don't think just fire! Don't think just fire!' I told myself as Grandma, Regan, and I all fired at the quickly approaching thrad hoard.

"Where are we going?!" Reagan yelled over the sounds of growling, gunfire, and crashing trees.

"Fuck if I know!" I yelled back.

"I thought we needed the splicer to control that massive evo, why are we running from it?" Abraham demanded.

"Because we don't want to die!" Logan shouted.

"SHUT UP!" Haws and I shouted.

Diamond-Breaker burst through another tree line and we found ourselves at the Spirit factory or rather the very edge of the compound. Diamond-Breaker headed straight towards a broken part of the wall.

"This is the factory! How did we end up here?!" Haws exclaimed as Diamond-Breaker climbed over the shattered remains of the wall and hurried into the compound.

"I didn't think we went this far up river!" I exclaimed. Diamond-Breaker ran towards the smoldering remains of the northern warehouse. As we neared the building hundreds of thrads emerged from the wreckage and growled hungrily into the air. I ordered Diamond-Breaker to turn and head towards the western warehouse. As we entered the main lot between the northern and western warehouse hordes of thrads emerged from hiding places in the wreckage of the western warehouse and the annex buildings that surrounded the lot. The swarm that had chased us formed a wide circle the size of the lot.

"It's a fucking trap!" Reagan exclaimed.

"They herded us here!" Haws growled and drew the Mastruck off his back.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" Logan cried.


Abraham didn't get to finish his insult as something slammed into him knocking him off of Diamond-Breaker's back and onto the lot, skidding several yards. We all turned in time to see what slammed into; a thrad; clamping his head in its jaws and thrashing around, flailing his limp lifeless body around as other thrads jumped in and tore his body to shreds.

I looked back to the direction the thrad had flown from and saw the ascended standing with its arm outstretched like it had just thrown something. It was just out of the range of my energy to control. I yanked off my leather glove covering my right hand. My star crystal glowed glowed as I sent as many tendrils of energy as I could muster to control the thrads nearest to the ascended thrad.

"FUCK YOU!" I roared as six thrads fell under my control. "TEAR IT APART!"

The thrads scrambled over their brethren as they tried to get close to the ascended. The ascended noticing I controlled the six thrads reared a clawed hand back and swung, cleaving all six of the thrads I controlled along with at least a dozen others in two with one strike. It then turned its gaze to me and grabbed another thrad next to it and reared its arm back.

"Chase move!" Haws yelled and pushed me out of the way as the ascended threw the thrad towards me.

I felt like time slowed to a crawl as I fell back looking at Haws worried and determined face and outstretched arm. The thrad rapidly approaching with its gaping maw full of razor sharp fangs aimed where my chest was, instead found Haws right arm. I watched his face exploded into pain as he was carried away with the momentum of the thrad and knocked off Diamond-Breaker.

"HAAAAAAAAWS!" I screeched as I fell on my ass. I quickly scrambled to my feet. The thrad that knocked Haws off had completely tore off his arms and was feasting on it. Haws was on his belly clawing his way over to the Mastruck that had been knocked out of his grasp. The thrad noticed that he was still alive and growled, attracting the attention of the thrads that killed Abraham. Without thinking I jumped off Diamond-Breaker and grabbed the Mastruck, stepping between Haws and the thrads I pulled the trigger. The recoil knocking me off my feet but turning the thrads into a pile of goo from the force of the shrapnel.

I had the wind knocked out of me as I landed on my back next to Haws. I heard vicious roars and desperate battle cries as bullets started flying. I desperately tried to breathe several times before I finally managed to sick in a breath. After several deep breaths I was able to roll onto my stomach.

"H-H-Haws!" I croaked as I stumbled to my knees and crawled over to him. His arm was torn off just above the elbow and he was bleeding heavily. I quickly yanked off his belt and made a makeshift tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

"Fuck! T-that hurts!" Haws coughed.

"Hold on Haws! You're going to be okay!" I yelled.

"You know they only say that to the guys that are going to die right…" Haws muttered. I stood up and looked around.

It was compete chaos, thrads were collecting in a swarm in front of the ascended and then charging at us. Diamond-Breaker stood as a bulwark against them and was knocked away and crushing as many thrads as it could while Reagan and Grandma Lulu were flanking me and Haws and firing at anything that moved. Logan was curled into a ball behind Reagan and blubbering to himself.


"I just need to get closer!" I replied and stared down the thrad.

"Or it needs to be lured closer…" Grandma Lulu said softly. Before I could say anything Grandma Lulu ran towards the ascended, running at a angle to get around the wall of thrads that was being blocked by Diamond-Breaker.

"GRANDMA NO!" I yelled and ran after her.

She took aim and fired at the ascended, hitting it in its shoulder. The ascended grabbed the wounded limb and let out a furious roar then charged at Grandma Lulu. She turned her heel and ran towards the wreckage of the western warehouse making the ascended turn and run after her, trampling many of its minions in the process.

Before I could turn and follow after her I was knocked off my feet and sent flying a few feet. As soon as I hit the ground I rolled and just barely dodged a claw swipe from the thrad that attacked me. I jumped to my feet and quickly sent energy after that thrad and took control of it then sent the beast to attack the approaching thrads wanting a piece of me.

I turned in time to see the ascended thrad jump into the air and slam its fist down into the concrete, just barely missing Grandma Lulu but her into the air. With almost unnatural speed it snatched Grandma Lulu out of the air and held her in a tight grip.

'NO!' I thought as sprinted towards her. My heart beating loudly in my ears as a cold chill blanketed my body. The aches and pains I felt as my body protested didn't matter, the thrads swarming around me wanting to tear me to shreds, Logan's terrified screams, none of it mattered. All that mattered was Grandma Lulu.

The ascended lifted my grandmother to eye level and glared at her. It roared triumphantly and pounded it's chest with its other hand then watched as it slowly tightened its grip on her body. I watched helplessly as Grandma Lulu threw her head back and screamed, which only barely dorwned put the sound of bones snapping and crushing.

"GRANDMA LULU'NALA!" I screamed. I felt a surge of energy gather in my crystal, which glowed with a golden light. A wave of golden energy pulsed from my body and shout out as a wave and struck the ascended and every other thrad in the area. "STOP!"

Every evo froze in place as of turned to stone. I raced over to the ascended, running around the frozen evos. When I reached the ascended it's body twitched as it tried to resist my control. Our eyes locked and another pulse of golden energy washed over the ascended, it's eyes, which had been burning with defiance grew dull and blank.

"LET GER GO!" I ordered. The ascended lowered Grandma Lulu to the ground and gently set her down then took a few steps back and stood motionless.

I dropped to my knees beside her and started to look her over for wounds but froze when I saw some of her rib sticking through her skin and her arms were crushed.

"Grandma…" I said. My voice was barely a whisper as tears started to fall from my eyes. Grandma Lulu turned her head to look at me and smiled sweetly despite her injuries.

"Don't cry sweetie… Don't cry….Everything is going to be alright." She said in her sweetest voice, though she wheezed slightly with each word I shook my head.

"No Grandma you're…"

"I know starlight. I know…" She cut me off then turned her head and looked up at the subjugated ascended. "…I knew you were special…since before you were born I knew…"

Grandma Lulu started coughing, a wet and wheezing sound that rattled her chest and made the bleeding spread quicker.

"NO! HELP! REAGAN! SOMEONE! HELP!" I screamed and looked around desperately for help.

"No one here…can help me child. I'm sorry…"

"Don't apologize! You'll be fine! We can get you help! Just save your energy!" I exclaimed and started hyperventilating.

"Chase!" Grandma Lulu barked, her stern voice snapping me for my panic. "You're alive starlight so everything is going to be okay…promise me you'll see more of the world…that you'll go to college…that you'll be safe."


"PROMISE ME STARLIGHT!" Grandma barked insistently. I wiped away my tears and nodded at her.

"I promise!" I exclaimed. Grandma Lulu smiled at me. For the first tike in my entire life she looked old and tired. The normally vibrant and lively woman now clung desperately to life.

"Chase…remember that song I used to sing to you when you were young…can you sing it with me? You always had such a beautiful voice…" She asked. I nodded, and sniffled tjen wiped my tears away again and cleared my throat.

"Black crescent moon so high in this dark and lonely sky. An ocean of obsidian tangled in your light…so make a wish now upon this shooting star…and watch it fly across the night into heavens arms…" The two of us sang softly to each other, our voice rising and falling as pure emotion poured from us. But as the song went on Grandma Lulu's voice got weaker and weaker until it was barely audible. As we reached a certain part of the song She raised a mangled hand up and pressed her fingers to my lips silencing me.

"I only wish I could see, take a glimpse at all you'll be. Those smoky eyes like stars will shine, blessing this cruel world…." She sang softly then smiled at me. She let out one last breath as her hand fell and her eyes glaze over.

"B-B-Black crescent m-m-m-moon so h-h-high in this d-d-d-dark and lonely sky. An ocean o-o-o-of obsidian t-t-t-tangled in your light…s-s-s-so make a w-w-w-wish now upon a s-s-s-shooting s-s-star and watch us fly across t-the night into h-h-h-heaven's arms…"

I sat there staring blankly at Grandma Lulu. She died with a smile on her face I clenched my fist and threw my head back and roared at the sky. I screamed and cursed until my throat grew hoarse. Then taking a deep breath I cried until the tears stopped flowing. Then I just sat there staring blankly at the distance.

I wasn't sure how long I had been staring off into space but I suddenly sensed movement around me. The shuffling of shoes, the muffled barking of someone behind me. It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I realized someone was screaming my name. I lazily looked up and saw my dad standing over me.

"Dad…" I muttered and then stood up then broke into tears. "…I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect Grandma Lulu…"

"I see Chase…but I need you to focus…" Dad said.

"But Grandma Lulu…"

"Forget your grandmother! She's dead Chase! Focus on what you're doing right now!" Dad snapped. The harshness of his tone made me flinch and step back from him.

It was then that I finally noticed what was going on around me. There were dozens of soldiers surrounding me and Dad through the swarm of frozen thrads. All of them had their guns pointed at me and looking freaked out. It was then that I remembered that I took my glove off and my star crystal was still glowing with that golden light.

"I had to use my powers. It was the only way to stop the thrads…" I said softly.

"I know! It's incredible! Controlling so many at once! Even a ascended…!" Dad exclaimed then walked around me and stepped over Grandma Lulu's corpse to get a better look at the ascended thrad.

"Hey!" I snapped but it fell on deaf ears. Dad continued with his examination of the thrad.

"It's injured but not badly…I'm sure it would still be worth tens of millions even damaged like this…" Dad muttered to himself.

"Dad what are you doing?!" I demanded. Dad scowled and turned to face me.

"I'm working Chase. What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied.


"Watch your tone boy!" He said in icy tone.

"Lulu'nala is dead, nothing I can do about that. However I can turn her sacrifice into a opportunity."

"Opportunity?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! A glorious money making opportunity!" A voice behind me exclaimed in a deep southern accent.

I turned around and saw a tall white guy, in a crisp military uniform walking towards me. He had bright silver-grey hair slicked back to cover the balding spot on the top of his head and a bushy handle bar mustache curled to perfection. There were at least a dozen medals that were pinned to his chest and gold General bars on his shoulder. The general pushed past the soldiers that were pointing guns at me and scowled at them.

"Lower your guns boys! One of you accidently shoot him and all these here evos will be free to attack us." He ordered. The soldiers all lowered their weapons without question but kept a watchful eye on me and the thrads.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"General Beaufort T. Justice of the Atlanta Justice's." He said delivering a elaborate pantomime then walking around me and Grandma Lulu's corpse to stand beside Dad. "So if we can keep it contain could we sell it for much?"

"We could sell it for hundreds of millions! Just the blood of this thrad alone is worth a few hundred thousand!" Dad exclaimed.

"Well, well Dr. Kingston that is good news indeed!" General Justice exclaimed happily. "However we don't need all of these…extras. Say boy can you do something about all these thrads?"

"Do something about them…?" I muttered then looked to Dad. "Dad what's going on?"

"What's going on boy is that you have been caught using your splicer powers while within the boarders of the United States, releasing a horde of evos on a unsuspecting techno-splicing town. By Federal law you were taken into custody but resisted arrest and was tragically killed. Your brother Logan fought bravely and was able to kill the ascended evo that you used to help coordinate your attack."

"I did what?!" I exclaimed. "Since the attack began I was trying to save as many people as possible! I even warned the people in town and got the shit beat out of me for my troubles!"

"Chase by the time this day is over you will be declared dead officially." Dad said, finally turning away from the ascended to look at me. "It's all part of the deal I worked out with the General here."


"Yes boy, a deal." General Justice parroted. "Your father sent a message to me privately when the attack began and told me of the Ascended thrad attacking. He guessed that it was the thrad that had escaped the techno-splicing facility in New York. He also believed that you would be able to capture it for us."

"Wait…that's why you had me go warn the people in town! You didn't care about Grandma and Grandpa! You just wanted to force me to fight the ascended!" I snapped then looked down to Grandma Lulu.

"Yes. But look at this from my perspective Chase. The factory is destroyed, my livelihood going up in smoke, the only way I can continue to support this family is the ascended."

"So you sent your sixteen year old son to fight a horde of monsters by himself!" I snapped.

"You're a splicer Chase! Controlling evos is the only thing you are good for! It's the only reason I didn't drown you while your mother was asleep!" Dad snapped. His words cut deep. He'd never talked to me like that. There were times he had been distant or cold when ge was working but I never felt like he hated me for being born a splicer.

"Did Mom know?" I asked softly.

"I told her shortly after you and Louie flew off. She was pissed, naturally but she understood why I had to do this. She's known for years how much I despised you, how hard it was for me to tolerate you living in my house. All those years I suffered was for the one day that you'd be useful to me and bring me a big payday. Today…is that day." Dad replied.

"What's going to happen now is you are going to die officially, but unofficially you will be taken to Fort Vaultworth where you will help us control this incredible specimen until we fond a buyer…" General Justice said looking happily up at the ascended. "…after that we'll see…"

"I see…" I said softly then looked down at Grandma Lulu. The promise I made to her flashed in my mind. I couldn't honor it if I went along with Dad and General Justice's plan. They'd probably kill me the moment the thrad was sold. I clenched my fists tightly then looked at Dad and the General defiantly. "Every thrad here except for the ascended…tear your throat out."

Dad and the General both looked confused until every thrad reached up with claws extended and ripped their throats out. The sounds of ripping flesh and gurgling breaths filled the air as one thrad after another followed my command and fell to the ground to bleed our.

"Well that's surprising…" General Justice said.

"Ascended, tear your own throat out in two minutes unless I tell you otherwise." I ordered.

"Wait what?!" Dad exclaimed then spun around to look up at the ascended. It reached up and placed a clawed hand against its throat and prepared to slash it open. Dad quickly turned and looked back at me. "What are you doing thinking?"

"Turning Grandma Lulu's sacrifice into a opportunity…" I replied mockingly. "I made a promise to her and I can't keep it if you two have your way. So here's what's going to happen: you're going to blame the attack on another splicer, one you didn't know existed then you'll hold off on selling the ascended until I graduate high school and head off to college, then you'll never have to worry about seeing me again…Dad."

"Boy…why the fuck would I agree to that?" General Justice said then snapped his fingers. The soldiers all raised their weapons and pointed them at me. "Dead or alive the ascended us useful to me."

"However dead, it's only worth a few lousy hundred thousand. Alive it's worth hundreds of millions." I countered. "As long as it's alive and in your custody you can sell blood and tissue samples to foreign military or even private splicer researchers. However if you refuse…"

I snapped my fingers like the General did and the ascended tightened its grip on his throat until its claws pierced the scales and a trickle of blood flowed down.

"…you'll have a short window to collect and preserve samples before they start to decay and become useless to anybody. It's along way between here and Fort Vaultworth. Do you think you can make it there in time?"

"CHASE!" Dad roared and took a step toward me.

"Forty-five seconds General! What's it going to be?" I barked. General Justice looked between the ascended and me then gritted his teeth.

"You're brother is still the one who killed the ascended." He said.

"Don't care." I replied.

"And you have to stay at fort Vaultworth until the ascended is sold. You can only leave for school."

"Fine! As long as I can leave for college I don't care what you tell the press about this fucking disaster or where I have to go!" I snapped. "Twenty seconds!"

"You have a deal boy! Now call it off!" General Justice snapped.

"Don't tear your throat out! Though if I don't check in on a regular basis…do it." I ordered. The ascended lowered its claw and stated blankly into the distance. General Justice snapped hos fingers and his soldiers lowered their weapons.

I looked down at Grandma Lulu, her eyes still opened staring off into the distance. I knelt down and pushed them closed then crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'll see the world Grandma…I promise…."

World Fact: The island country of Hawaii which consists of the Hawaiian island chain has been under the control of the Kamehameha dynasty for well over two hundred years. Starting with King Kamehameha the 1st.

[HUTEXA_THE_DJINN HERE! The sad conclusion of Chase's Waloiki is here...more chapters on the way. hope you'll continue to support with comments, reviews, and power crystals! thanks for all the love!]

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