
Chapter 17 Rising Victory

The Leader got up barely and instantly froze in fear as he saw Aoi. He spoke with shaking voice:

- T..that...that form... THAT'S DEMON OF RAGE! WRATH!!

The Humanoid instantly appeared in front of Aoi throwing a strike wanting to kill her before she gets a chance to attack. It though instantly to itself:

- "I will kill this human and prove I am worthy of becoming a marshal! Or even better maybe even a baron! Hahaha! What can a single huma-"

Aoi in her wrath form punches the humanoid right in the gut sending it flying through the whole of SUOF destroying the whole city arena where it hits. The cultists rush at Aoi yelling:


Aoi stretched as she spoke snapping her head towards the cultists:

- Great... More corpses and blood to rip and spill!

Aoi dissapeared as she was already in the middle of the cultists biting on ones neck and piercing one with her hand. All the cultists looked in suprise as Aoi yelled:


She spinned many spikes arising from her body and blasts of energy shooting out. The cultists went flying everywhere. Some missing body parts or heads. Others even straight were ripped to pieces from the attack. Aoi spoke out loudly:


Aoi shoot out of the place right towards the leader of the cultists at insane speed. The humanoid has came back and slammed at Aoi causing a giant shockwave. It spoke with angered voice:

- You insignificant worm..how dare you hurt me.. one of the future barons of the-

Aoi straight up punches him across the face into the building saying:

- Oh shut up you annoying minion. You are nothing but a small peon to me.

The leader seeing this spoke to himself :

- This..is impossible..I though omega class was weaker then this..how can this be...HOW CAN THIS BE?!

He got up and run towards the hole yelling to his royal bodyguards:


Haruto flew out from the hole to the leaders suprise and yelled:


His attack cut the leader across the body causing veins to burst making a giant amount of blood to shot out. The leader coughed hard as he spoke:

- Impo... impossible...how..can this be.. you strikers..you are nothing!YOU ARE NOTHING BUT WEAK HUMANS!!!

The leader finally used his power shooting out massive bones tentacles at Haruto from the ground. Haruto quickly responded by spinning and yelling as his swords turned purple:


He instantly flew past the leader and all tentacles were destroy In a instance. A massive purple dragon head hit the leader sending him flying into the arms of the green haired cultist. She yelled to everyone:


All the other cultists expect bodyguards rushed at the two omega class strikers. The monsters also attacked the two. Aoi spoke stretching her arm:

- Haruto. You should had not came here you know it. I told you I can handle this by myself...

Haruto quickly punched her shoulder and said:

- You are a problem as always. We shouldn't just allow your to transform like that. You should remember that abilities based on emotional spectrum are dangerous.

Aoi spoke to him again:

- Has anyone seen Genji? You saw him right Haruto?

Haruto quickly responded:

- I was flying to him but I came here instead. Enforcer tho may be near his location.

Aoi cracked her neck and got into a stance with her six arms saying:

- Dont get In my way Haruto. Or I am gonna decimate you as well.

Haruto took his swords and got into a stance saying back:

- Trust me about this... You wouldn't be able to land a hit on me. Or any of those cultists.

Aoi grinned as he yelled with excitement due to her personality changing with Wrath:


Meanwhile minutes before we get back to Genji who was engaged this time with two humanoids out of the three that attacked them at the stairs. Genji was on the ground looking forward as he thought:

- "It's been solid 30 minutes already. I hope the other strikers are close. These guys aren't as weak as those that attacked us at the training."

He looked at his arms that had many cuts and wounds and his clothes were torn from the constant battle. He spoke to himself:

- Even with all this training I am doing on the sidelines. I still get injured. I am not suprised.

One of the Humanoids slashed with a massive sword at him. Genji quickly dodged as he rocket punched him right into the jaw. The sword wielder flew through ten buildings. The other one with massive whips flew at Genji sending them at him. Genji took a stance as he spoke to himself:

- Hah..I guess time for me to finally try something out.

He suddenly summoned a weird spear made from void into his right hand. As the humanoid flew at him he took a low stance.

The Humanoid yelled as it flew at him:


Genji began to spin the glaive he had actually created. The glaive speed to Mach 5 as he then stepped onward with one leg and pulled his arm backward with the glaive in it. He yelled:


Genji threw the glaive at the humanoid literally slicing him in half because of the spinning weapon that strike him through. The corpse fell as Genji caught the glaive using his left hand. He then spoke out with a sight of relief:

- That's one down. And another one left to deal with.

The humanoid looked in complete shock seeing it's comrades destroyed body. But it didn't gave up as it went towards Genji at speed of sound. It's powerful sword prepared to strike at the human. Genji instantly swang his glaive to dodge but the humanoid laughed and let out a yell:


His arm suddenly multiplies and the new one slices Genji across the chest. Genji speaks while coughing blood:

- Hah seems I didn't expect that.

Genji instantly slashed at the humanoid. It instantly had to dodge speaking:

- Tch! You are not so weak. That attack would kill a normal human! Seems I have encountered someone who actually will pose a challenge!

Genji stood up as he held his chest. His eyes changed into red like crimson. He spoke:

- Oh trust me. You only have encountered your grim reaper. Say goodbye to your life you monster!

Genji rushed at the humanoid as both of them clashed . They fought in the air,flew through buildings and even caused shockwaves with each landed blow. But at one moment the humanoid heard the call to fall back,but Genji grabbed him and spoke:

- You aren't going anywhere. We still have to talk. What I mean is I still have to kill!

Genji slammed the humanoid into the ground causing a massive crater. But then Genji coughed blood and looked down saying:

- You...knew I would just jump at you... Bastard.

Enforcer arrived right to the scene seeing Genji wounded. He yelled:

- Yamamoto!!

He rushed forward to the two holding two massive guns. The humanoid laughed as he yelled:


Suddenly Genji grabbed the monsters face lifting it up and speaking:

- Who do you take me for....a dead man?

Humanoid was shocked as he tried to get free from the grip but Genji only tightened it slowly crushing his head. The monster spoke in rage:

- How dare you...HOW CAN YOU STILL STAN-

Genji punched the humanoid across the ground making him hit the SUOF off. Enforcer flew over and spoke:

- Oi oi oi! You are okay ? Can you stand fully and walk ?

Genji looked at him and...with a bloody mouth he answered:

- I...feel fine hah.

Genji felt to his knees coughing out blood from the stab wound. Enforcer instantly grabs Genji as he sees the humanoid getting up. He speaks to Genji:

- Stay here. I handle the rest. But good work Yamamoto.

Enforcer got up as he walked in front of Genji . The humanoid got up in rage . It began to speak:

- How ...dare you...how dare you mock me. HOW DARE YOU MAKE MOCKERY OUT OF US!??

Massive bursts of energy came out of the humanoid as it transformed into a massive beast with still humanoid like posture. But with four eyes,four arms and massive tentacles emerging form it's back. It spoke to Enforcer:

- You humans need to learn there place. No matter how many times you die you are persistent prey that we will finally end. No matter what it takes.

The monster began to conjure.. something in the center of its four arms. It spoke with a grin:

- You may be strong.. but you can't take a power of a black hole can't you!

Enforcer reached out to his back. And grabbed the massive item on his back and spoke back as a response:

- You may be powerful. But you monsters are all the same.. mindless beings. You all have the same weakness.

The humanoid unleashed the massive black hole towards enforcer. But he only pressed a button on his item putting it forward as he spoke:

- You all have intelligence but don't know how to use it.

The item expands into a massive shield that gets hit by the black hole but it doesn't suck him in. He actually grabs the black hole using his glove and throws it back towards the humanoid. The Humanoid gets hit as half of his body gets vaporised. He speaks with..a shocked half of his face:

- W..what..h..how is this possible...this..attack...had the same strength..as a black hole!!

Enforcer looked at the monster and quickly answered:

- Because My void Shard is called Matter and Steel manipulation. I can control steel and Matter how I want.. Including massive stars and even black holes. You didn't knew my shield could absorb a black hole. But that is why I said. Your weaknesses is your intelligence. Because you never analyse your enemy.

The humanoid felt down to the ground...becoming lifeless after getting hit. Enforcer turned to Genji and knelt to him and held his shoulder asking:

- You alright Yamamoto?

Genji had mixed feelings from this fight. Mostly because it was too quick and he technically lost. He answered:

- Alright if you ask about my soul..but my mind tells me that I failed since this fight was too short.

Enforcer looked at Genji confused and answered in a very questionable tone:

- Young man. You don't seem to understand the severity of the situation. I don't think you noticed that we are fighting for you all right here and now. You should calm down and allow us to do our job.

Genji stood up although with his wound bleeding profusely. He quickly answered to enforcer:

- You..think I need any form of protection or something? Just allow me to fight with them. I have my god..given right!

Enforcer was about to use his strength to knock out Genji but. A giant monster burst out of the ground roaring at the two. Genji quickly asked:

- And that? I thought you knew there was more of them...

Enforcer got up and quickly asked:

- How did you knew it was right in front of us and underground to even add?

Genji only smiled and answered:

- It's simple..I just knew

Genji got up as he stretched and grinned saying:

- You think I will allow you to mock me ...Omega class striker? You may be high rank but that doesn't mean you are worth something in my eyes. THIS IS MY FIGHT!!

Genji jumped towards the monster although bleeding from his wound he summoned a massive sword that he held with one hand. He swang at the monster and managed to cut it but suddenly the monster punched him into the ground. The monster roared as enforcer spoke:

- This brat is gonna get himself killed..

Enforcer was about to go and help but suddenly army of smaller monsters appear all around him. He instantly got out two massive metal blades as he spoke:

- I guess I got fight with these filth first?

As he said that he sliced one monster apart already and looked at the rest with his visor turning red. He spoke:

- Come to me. I will rip and tear you apart!!

Genji in the same time was battling the massive beast slashing it constantly but seeing it barely budge. He spoke to himself:

- How hard can it be to kill this fucking bastard?!

Genji was getting frustrated from this problem. Suddenly the massive beast sended a powerful beam right into Genji sending him flying into the massive ruins of a skyscraper. Genji's screamed full of pain and agony. His body was damage in multiple places. The wound on his side was the worst of all. He spoke to himself as he coughed up blood:

- I can't just loose.. I just can't. All this hard work of mine...

His eyes flashed his two colours as he jumped from the rubble propelling himself towards the beasts head as he screamed:


He then punched at the monster causing it to crash through multiple buildings. But Genji knew the monster wasn't dead as he landed onto the ground beneath him and spoke:

- Dammit.. If this goes on. I will reach my limit. Although I took powerful attacks before. It's only because I can take a lot. But in reality I can't use even twenty percent of my potential!

The monster got up using its massive arms. It roared at Genji and then proceeded to send massive blasts of energy at him. Yamamoto smiled as he got into a stance and spoke:

- That doesn't mean tho. My limit will stop me...FROM KICKING YOUR FUCKING ASS!!

In this very moment Genji had a flashback. A few years prior to even meeting Haruka. It was a day in the middle of spring. Genji who was way younger then current version of himself was training . Right now he was doing push ups as he counted:

- 890! 891! 892! 893! 894! 895!

Genji continued to count. He was sweating profusely as he continued to do the push ups. He thought to himself:

- "I can't stop.. training now! There is another one thousand push ups to do! I only managed to use half of a percent more since five days of training!In this speed I won't ever become strong enough!"

From the time since Genji was separated from his sister many things have changed about him. He has found out about his void shard power. The power called itself"Everchosen" and it was one of the emotional spectrum related void shards. Such voids shards posse's ability far beyond of a normal void shard. Capable of massive destruction or body enchantment. But at such a power and strength comes a cost as in training. The shards are so unstable that with a single wrong use without training such a void shard would cause death or self destruction of its user , due to the immense power of the shard. Genji had to train as much as ten, twenty maybe even fifty martial artists or even wrestlers. He continued to speak:

- 1589! 1590! 1591! 1592! 1593!

His muscles were slowly giving up from the amount of training. Although he was training more and more harshly then before the results would have stayed almost the same. It was clear to him that normal training wouldn't do anything for him. He spoke after he finished:

- I...did it..and yet I don't feel anything . I don't even... Feel like I gained anything.

Genji sat on a bench and spoke to himself again:

- What is happening. What I am missing? Am I missing somekind of item? Or training?

Genji was puzzled as he heard some voice nearby. He spoke in a confused way:

- Huh...what was that voice? Wait. It came from behind me.

As he turned he noticed a women standing right behind him and with crossed arms. The women was in a pink outfit that looked like a ceremonial kimono with the skirt cut off and massive legs exposed. The massive arms with white gloves on he hands. E women's face beautiful with pink eyes and smooth skin. And in addition. Massive bunny tail and ears that wiggled. She spoke to him in excited voice:

- And who may you be ehh?

The girl was actually way smaller then Genji. She was clearly twelve or eleven. Benji responded:

- Name's Genji Yamamoto. Who are you? Do you need anything from me?

The girl instantly laughed and smiled speaking back:

- My name? It's Miria! Miria Ultir! I am the future omega class hero! Or striker however they say.

Genji looked at her clearly suprised but spoke back:

- You sure about that? How can you just train to get to omega class? And besides you are still a chi-

Before Genji could finish he was gut kicked by the twelve year old girl with such force he broke through a tree and felt into another coughing. He spoke out:

- Hah..I guess I was wrong. You aren't some ordinary child. An ordinary can't send a person flying through a tree.

The girl laughed and answered to him:

- You may be older! But that doesn't mean you can win! I am not so weak as I look!

The girl continued to speak this time walking around:

- I am Miria! And I will become the best female striker of the world! I will be the top of the magazine's! Maybe I will even become a billionaire!

She rose her hands but suddenly lost balance and felt backwards. Genji looked at her and thought to himself:

- "Dammit...a girl younger then me is this strong? I don't understand this..how is this possible...how..just how?! What I am doing wrong.."

The girl looked at Genji seeing the puzzled face of his and asked:

- You wonder why I am this strong? Am I right!

Genji looked at her and the with a big sigh answered:

- Unfortunately yes.. I am training for so long and the results are not noticeable. My power is very unstable. I can't use too much or I die. Or explode. Or even kill many people by accident...

Genji got up and spoke again holding his head with one of his hands:

- No matter how much I try. I can't get to enough power or even to required strength to beat a monster.. I am a failure of a son.

The girl clearly didn't liked that as she came over and spoke out loud:

- Why are you giving up? Maybe something that you need is company? Or I don't know... something like. Reason to fight for? Something more then normal goal. Something like love or maybe even family creation?

Genji looked at her obviously confused as he then asked:

- What do you mean ..Love? Or even another goal..? I don't have such desires. I only desire justice and revenge for my parents death..

Genji let out tears as he has spoken that . The young girl came over and kneeled to him. She then proceeded to speak:

- I am sorry for not being very clear. What I mean is. Not everyone can accomplish everything by being alone. I learned it the hard way. I wouldn't like someone like you to fail in that regard too.

Genji looked at her and answered to her words:

- I see..but..when will I find that person? Is there any chance to predict it even? Or is it all just random?

The girl confused after a second laughed. She then explained to him:

- What I mean is this. The time will come and you will find someone you can rely on. Just like I did. Although it took me .. a lot of things to happen. But hey my life is now the best one I could ever had.

The girl smiled as Genji looked and then at his own hands and spoke:

- Thank you. I will definitely use that advice. Miria.

Going back to the present. With Genji yelling with blood coming out of his mouth with his eyes flashing:


Genji's arm enveloped in dark flames and ignited with massive amount of power. His fist broke the sound barrier as he jumped dodging the energy blasts. His smirk was bigger then ever. As he then yelled:


His massive punch landed onto the monsters head causing it to instantly hit the ground causing a massive Shockwave. The impact sended many monsters and rubble flying. Enforcer stood impressed as he dealt with the last monster. He looked towards where the monster was. Genji was standing in front of it. His mouth covered in blood as his arm literally was bleeding from every possible blood vessel. He coughed out blood as he spoke:

- I am not gonna give up. So easily. Accept it you piece of shit.

Genji kicked the monster and then turned fainting onto the ground where enforcer appeared quickly catching him. He then spoke to him:

- Cant believe. Such a man can fight a monster that shoot out black holes..Aoi really has a unique class. I need to admit.

Enforcer noticed massive explosion's in the center and then head right towards the exit running and speaking to himself:

- Dont worry Yamamoto. The rest of the class should be safe by now. I hope Aoi and Haruto are doing good on there position. I wish them luck.

Meanwhile Aoi and Haruto had eliminated every single cultist. With Aoi transforming back into her human self. She then responded:

- Is this a new conflict... Amazan has spoken about? After all this women had a foresight ability.

As Haruto looked at her he spoke:

- You aren't gonna grief a lost of a student?

Aoi then responded to him picking up a rock:

- She died...and it can't be reversed. It was my fault . I didn't wanted to use my strength because it's too dangerous to use it while there is so many people nearby. And I think that may have been the reason I failed to safe her.

Haruto was about to speak. But Anya who was clearly not injured rushed over and stopped speaking:

- You both are fine?! I saw explosion's and all that I wasn't sure you guys are okay!

Aoi stood on the pile of bodies as she spoke:

- The cultists escape... But we got the symbol so we can maybe get something out of it. Unfortunately. We got one body

Anya hearing that froze in shock. She then asked to make sure:

- S..student?

Haruto nodded to her as he then spoke:

- Unfortunately. They were after the kid. Supposedly. She died at the hands of another monster of a humanoid features. Not the one you think.

Anya held her hammer with tears in her eyes and asked with her russian accent:

-There was no chance to safe her?

Haruto then responded:

- The only way was to use higher speed. And that could mean harm to the others or to the environment. Although we are masters at that. I was busy fighting off the monsters and cultists at my side. While Aoi...

Anya understood what he meant and looked at Aoi speaking:

- Aoi. It's not your fault. You couldn't have predicted! No one could that this would have happened!

Aoi looked at Anya with her eyes flashing red as she spoke:

- It was my fault. If not for me being a coward and not using higher percentage of my power. I would have saved her from being eaten by that monster. But I couldn't which shows that I am weak.

Anya had no words she only could look down and cry with tears. Aoi grabbed her jacket and head back to the students at the entrance walking. Haruto followed soon after as he spoke to Anya:

- Don't worry about it. It's not your fault or the SUOF security. After all. No one could even predict appearance of these people.

Anya sat down on a brick in tears. She was devastated after hearing this but. He little sister runned up crying and hugged her and spoke:


Anya looked at her sister and got up. She carried her back while putting her hammer on her back. She patted her sister as she spoke:

- Shhhh. It's okay. We are going home after this. You don't have to cry.

As the two of them head to the entrance many paramedics already were inside at the staircase and reception. Helping those that needed medical aid. Chin-Sun was laying on a stretcher as Kyo and Hisashi meet up to speak:

- Are you okay Kyo?! I hope you aren't hurt!

Hisashi spoke with worried voice but Kyo just punched him saying:

- I am fine you idiot.

Hisashi held his face yelling:


Kyo them turned to him and asked:

- Have you seen Genji through this whole thing? I remember him fighting those monsters but after that he wasn't visible.

Hisashi stopped and then thought and answered:

- Actually I saw him take him out on a stretcher .He looked like he was pummeled by a goddamn truck.

Kyo stood silent for a moment and then asked:

- Is it possible he thought againts a third threat level? Do you know the details?

Enforcer suddenly walked up and spoke:

- Genji managed to kill a monster that was considered Monarch threat. But a high Monarch since his attacks could easily melt even through some of my shield as I blocked one. Genji that friend of yours really is strong.

Hisashi asked immediately:

- Monarch?! But I thought SUOF was made to stop any attack. How is that possible?

Enforcer then responded:

- The only weakness is the underground. But that will be dealt with in a few days or weeks even maybe. After all we need to wait for the rest of the omega class to arrive.

Kyo then asked with a serious gloomy face:

- What about the new student? I didn't saw her-

Enforcer then spoke with serious tone:

- She's dead.

Kyo and Hisashi froze as they clearly were shocked. Enforcer then followed up:

- But her sacrifice and death won't go without any additions. We will make sure to avenge her in the name of this school.

Enforcer walked off to the other strikers to make sure they are fine. Hisashi then spoke out:

- I...can't believe it. A student has died. I wonder how young she was.. younger then us?

Kyo with..a small tear forming answered:

- We won't know..Until we won't learn about it. But what happened is in the past. Now we can only go forward.

Aoi who stood nearby overhead the whole talk and she clearly wanted to cry but her emotions because of her mental state were limited. She then looked into her hand and spoke:

- How many life's.. will I need to see flash and die before my eyes?

She then looked forward as her hair flown up revealing her massive long hair. She then spoke in her own mind:

- "This event...was just the begining..."