
Everchosen Journey Of Heroes

In A world of modern society monsters from another dimension or even realm appear out of unknown reason. But with there appearence the new power's emerge in humans. These people become strikers who defend the humankind from the evils of these beasts.And with this a new era begins..an era of strive and continuous conflict between humans and monsters. The story follows one of these individuals.Genji Yamamoto a man who has been a victim of the first invasion. But his Power has more secrets then anyone else knows...

KaiserIvandrierch · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 16 Omega Class Aoi

The battlefield in the center was pure carnage. Everyone who was fighting around SUOF didn't knew about the white haired humanoid who emerged from the sinkhole. A few Alpha class were either brutally killed or injured in critical condition. Aoi stood in normal way staring at the humanoid who was in front of her. The leader of the cultists was grinning clearly insane. He began to speak:

- Well well well~. Omega Class Aoi! It's an honour to meet such a legend! Although soon you will just a corpse or just food for the monsters!

Aoi spoked fast as she looked with her sharp eyes towards the humanoid:

- I am glad at least you aren't some idiot. Since you are a lunatic I won't have to hold back. J am gonna kill you and everyone who dared to attack my class and fellow strikers. And to answer your question. You will be the one to become a corpse.

Her eyes shined red as the leader only grinned more insane. He spoke with a challenging voice:

- Oh really~!? What about all these deaths!? I am sure that the strikers of your ranking could use there power to stop them! Hahahaha! And yet you only fight here! Because you know if you didn't everyone else would be dead!

The leader laughed like a maniac. One of the cultists with green hair was flipping a coin she grinned and spoke:

- Maybe we should just kill her on the spot? After all who would care if another person died ~? You strikers would..but the government? Nah~

Aoi was just staring at the cultists and the humanoid. Haruto who was next to her spoke:

- We have to do something Aoi. The others are injured or dead.. We have to stop them right here and now. If that monster gets out. It's gonna take more then a few beta class to take him down.

Aoi spoke out with a cold voice serious:

- Alpha would have some problems too. That's why we are here Haruto. To help the students and show them who is the boss after all. We are the omega class . We fight as one.

The white haired cultist leader raised his hand point at Aoi and Haruto. He yelled out to the humanoid:


The humanoid grinned as various bladed tentacles emerged from his body. His arms turning to sword as he speedblitzed towards Aoi slashing instantly.

Aoi looked in a instance and dodged without making a single step. She spoke:

- You are far too slow for me. Monster. Are you even trying?

Humanoid slashed at both her and Haruto this time with a massive grin. Haruto blocked the slash forming a crater under him. Ali just grabbed the sword arm with her two fingers. Haruto spoke:

- Your movement set is predictable . You won't beat a single Alpha striker if they take you seriously.

The humanoid only grinned even more as he slammed his giant sword arms to the ground causing a giant shockwave. Both Aoi and Haruto managed to jump away. Aoi noticing the shockwave may hit the others spoke:

- Haruto keep him busy will ya!

She speedblitzes at maybe Mach 3 or faster grabbing all the heroes and getting them at least 10 miles away from the center. She arrived at the entrance because of that. She looked around quickly and asked one of the SUOF guardians:

- Is this the whole of every class? Or we missing some?

The guardian responded:

- Currently most students have been gathered here . Although Alpha course ... One student is missing. About your class they still must be in the SUOF grounds. But not here.

Aoi looked forward seeing buildings getitng slashed in half by Haruto as he fought the humanoid. She spoke out:

- I hope they are fine. We have to deal with these guys now..if we won't this won't be good.

She jumped causing a crater. Jumping from one building to another like a ricochet she arrived right at the center. Haruto was battling the humanoid. As Aoi flew through the sky in the SUOF she thought:

- "If I won't stop this thing...one of the students can get hurt... These Bastards...it's...it's like that same day."

Flashback 10 years ago Aoi was already a Omega Class hero climbing up the ranks. But she was way more kind and more soft towards everyone. This was the day she took one of her classes out to a park. She thought to herself as she lead them:

- "This day is beautiful. Can't believe I got such a nice day! I am sure my mother would be proud!"

Aoi smiled as she spoke to the students:

- Alright everyone! Please head inside of the park with caution! Just be sure to stay close to one another and don't separate from the group!

The students did as told going into small groups and exploring the park. It was beautiful summer like park with many trees,flowers and especially vines. The park was under a massive dome. As aoi walked she bumped into someone and quickly spoke:

- Oh god I am sorry ! I didn't meant to bump into you ....

The person turned around. It was no one else then Principal Chiyo of the Academy. She smiled and commented:

- I am surprised you are so happy Aoi. Most of the time you are so kind. And yet. You are so high in rankings. Maybe you really are someone else .

Chiyo laughed making Bushida embarrassed quite a bit. Aoi responded:

- No no ! It's not like that Principal! I am just doing my job as always! And besides being a striker or a hero as others call. Is part of my life.

Chiyo giggled as she handed her a ice cream and asked:

- So..tell me what are you gonna do with the students today?

Aoi took the ice cream and began to eat it. She answered her question:

- Well..mostly today I have planned this trip and after that maybe some training who knows. The kids need some free time as well!

Chiyo finished her ice cream and she commented:

- That's wonderful. We need more positive people like you. Not gonna lie. You are very important for our future of the academy Aoi.

Both the girls laughed as the sun shined on them. Aoi finished her ice cream she asked curiously:

- Why are you here... Principal? I thought you had a very important meeting today. After all it's Monday.

Chiyo responded with a smile:

- Well the meeting begins in 3 hours so I still have time Aoi. After all you gonna enjoy every minute of your life.

Aoi looked forward and commented:

- I see. I understand that very well Principal. I am very happy I have an occasion to speak so normally.

Principal then looking into the sky spoke:

- Interesting. As always you have nice views to show yourself Aoi Bushida. I am a bit jealous!

After a second Aoi realised that Principal meant her body and..Breasts. Aoi turned red and yelled in embarrased voice:


Aoi became frustrated Chiyo was laughing as she commented after wiping a tear from her eye:

- Oh gosh...hah. I am sorry for that. All women of Omega force are very nice to one another. Especially eachother body. Sorry for that .

Aoi answered still blushing:

- I..it's fine. Just don't do that again! People are nearby and it's embarrassing!

Chiyo giggled and with a smile began to walk away. She yelled while waving:

- Just stay safe Aoi! And make sure you enjoy this trip!

Aoi waves back and with a laugh she answered:

- I will Principal! I hope you have good day as well!

Chiyo walked off as Aoi walked into the park to go and find her students. She thought to herself:

- "Well the day is beautiful. Although that interaction was A bit suprising...I should head and find the kids!"

Aoi walked around and finally found her class. She looked around checking the massive zoo out. The class entered the zoo building because it was very nice and was part of the massive park. Aoi sat down on a chair as she spoke out:

- Ahh..at least for now everything is fine. No enemies. No monsters. Seems nothing is gonna go wron-

At that instance the whole building exploded with flames and massive roars. Aoi instantly knew it was the monsters. Her students began to scream. Those screams caused her to rush at full speed in pure shock. She yelled out:


A monster tried to smash on her but Aoi in anger punched it in dust literally with one punch. After this she run forward seeing many people laying dead or injured. She took her phone out and yelled to the person on the other side:

- " This is Aoi Bushida! I repeat! The park nearby the city center has been attacked! Many injured and many dead! I am trying to locate my class! Send help and other strikers now!!"

Many monsters tried to stop her but they were meet with fists and absolute anger. Aoi seeing this happen... thought to himself:

- "Why did I came here?! I should had stayed with the class in the Academy! Why did this happen?!"

As she entered the next floor...she was stunned in pure shock. Half of her class was there laying dead on the floor without a single motion. Aoi rushed over trying to give them CPR or even help. Unfortunately most of them were dead or ripped to pieces and she could barely recognise any of them. But even tho she tried..she was yelling..every second:

- Please get up! Please don't leave me! PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!

She didn't realised until a moment later that they all were already dead. Lifeless bodies scattered in the whole Hallway. A pair of screams came from the higher floor. She jolted up with insane agility and began sprinting up the stairs to the next level killing monsters along the way begging that some of her students were alive . The amount of guilt was just building up with each second,each minute in that state of mind. She thought to herself while crying:

- "This can't be..this can't be! They need to be fine! I ..I can't fail them I promised!! I promised to there parents! To there friends! To all of them! I WILL KEEP THEM SAFE!"

Her screams were loud as she was punching the monsters into pieces of flesh and meat. One of them slashed at her with full power of its arm. But Aoi didn't care about it because she literally kicked right through the monster rushing up the stairs not caring about them. There was some..yelling for help:


Aoi hearing this decided to jump through the ceiling and land on the second floor. She looked forward seeing two of her students with..bombs on there chests. Her eyes opened wide as rushed full speed trying to grab the bombs in time . She yelled to the two students:


Before she could finish the bombs exploded. Causing both her students to turn into a bloody mess. Aoi stood there frozen in place her hands shaking her pupils widen from the sight. Her tears pouring and yet she continued onward upstairs. She didn't stopped because she was thinking she can safe at least someone. She thought while she runned upstairs:

- "I have to safe them. I have to safe someone..What kind of striker I am if I can't safe a single student?!! I need to do my best! I need to safe them!!"

She runned up the building as she battled monsters . She straight up teared them apart with her bare hands. One of the monsters spoke as it blocked her way:

- You are an Omega class and yet you can't safe your own students.What a pathetic display! Not surprised tho your emotions and your kindness made you soft! Human!

The monster blasted at her but Aoi obliterated its chest with a single kick running forward in tears and commenting:


At the same time Principal Chiyo was preparing the omega heroes and the Alpha heroes to move out to the park. She spoke with one of the Alpha class:

- What is the status right now?

The striker answered:

- We don't know about the casualties. But we can be certain that class of Aoi Bushida has been caught in crossfire.. We don't know there status.

Chiyo held her glasses in anger as she spoke:

- Find them... Aoi will go Berserk if something happens to her students. I don't want to see any deaths today!

The striker replied:

- Understood Principal Chiyo!

Chiyo looked forward towards the flaming park and spike to herself:

- Aoi...stay strong. We are coming as fast as we possibly can.

Meanwhile Aoi finally made it to the top of the massive skyscraper. She saw all the dead people and multiple monsters. But at the end of the floor a monster that looked humanoid was holding the last of the students. Aoi seeing this was in fury and screamed:


The monster turned around seeing her and grinned commenting:

- What a suprise.The teacher of these brats and meat has actually came. You are not even able to stop is from killing them. How can you protect anyone else if you can't even protect a single child!HAHAHAH!

All the monsters laughed as Aoi clenched her fist and was about to blast off right at the monsters. The girl that was held by the monster spoke with weah breath:

- Sensei...don't...blame yourself. Nothing could..have expected this.

The girl coughed blood as she spoke with a smile:

- I am happy..I could have had been under your care.. Arigato Aoi Sensei.

Aoi froze as the giant monster ripples the girl in half throwing both of the remains to Aoi's feet. She looked at it and spoke to herself:

- ....Tensei..

The monster began to approach as it spoke:

- Your humans all are the same. Selfless,Judgmental and violent towards one another. Compare to you we don't need those emotions. We only need a reason to group together and accomplish such a goal!

It opened its arms as it spoke again:

- You humans or strikers whatever you call yourself are just a shell of what we are. We are the thing you aren't! We are the perfect creatures! The ones that will rule this planet after we destroyed your useless species out of this world.

It looked at Aoi and smirked. It yelled right into her face:


The monster swang it's massive hand at Aoi. The hand suddenly flew off his arm to his shock.. His eyes opened wide as Aoi spoke in this slow down time mode:

- Weak.... useless.... Pathetic... Do you have no better final words for yourself?

Aoi suddenly was surrounded with black and red smoke as she ripped the giant monster apart with bare hands. Her voice began to change as he body was changing as well:

- You all think you are stronger then us. Like you are some gods or beings above humans or our own kind. At the same time you think you stand a chance against the strongest of us only because you can exploit our weaknesses..?

Aoi stomped out of the smoke her feet changed into demonic like and hee body became red like hellfire. Her hair was literally flames as hot as the sun to some extend. She had six arms which the additional ones had metal all over. She had ancient like clothes on herself. Her face changed into a more metalic with her eyes black with red pupils and teeth as sharp as steel. She spoke out with a deep voice:

- You...all shall pay for what you have done. You worthless..TRASH!!

She instantly jumped at the monsters as the building and even the whole city felt the impact of the attacks although she was still holding back a lot. Chiyo rushed to the building and spoke:

- Everyone stay out of the building!

The Alpha class were confused as one of them spoke:

- But Principal! We can't just stay here and don't go and hel-

Aoi suddenly was seen out of one of the windows. The Alpha strikers were shocked by her look. As Chiyo commented with clearly..sad voice:

- That's her True form that she gains powers from. It's called Wrath. It is inspired by legendary Asura from the Asia and from what I know maybe Hinduism. That power puts her above her current spot. There is a reason you don't fight her in close quarters.

Aoi was roaring like a beast as one of the Alpha class,no one else then younger Green Maiden asked:

- ...But she is still on our side right?

Principal looked at her and commented:

- Even tho she became a powerful being . She still has bee humanity deep inside. That's what helps her stay alive and not go insane.

Meanwhile...Aoi at the top has killed all the monsters and was holding the corpse's of her students. She was hugging them hoping that all this was just a dream. She spoke:

- How...how could this have happened... I..wasn't strong enough?I .failed because of my nature...I won't fail again. I won't fail again anymore... Never

Back to the present.Aoi flew through the battlefield heading for the humanoid and the others. She saw the other special humanoids flying back. She spoke:

- Did they came for what they want..? If that's the case I am gonna have to stop them no matter what.

Suddenly the cultist leader got angry as he spoke:

- What do you mean you can't find that student?!I thought I was clear! Ability to control the life of the others! Is it that hard to find a single brat?!

Aoi realised who they thought about she speed up and in one swing she landed a strike on the monster this time with what more force saying:

- I am not gonna allow you to even escape from here. Good luck trying.

Humanoid got hit and coughed out blood as one of its organs was hit. It generated a powerful blast from its mouth:


It send a powerful attacks right into Aoi's face. The heroine went flying through many buildings and yet stood went flying really without any form of scratch as she spoke:

- His attacks are strong. But they won't really hurt someone who was hit by something worse.

With a single step Aoi literally flashed with such speed that caused multiple buildings to literally crumble. The monster grinned and spoke one again:

- You are fun human...I never had such a great fight before..it seems I have became lucky!HAHAHA!

It rushed instantly towards Aoi but one of its hands was cut. It looked and noticed Haruto next to him:

- Spin Slash Void Dragon!

With a single move Haruto slashed the humanoid across its whole body leaving a giant hole in its body. The monster vomited blood as it spoke:

- You damn humans. You actually think you stand a chance?! You are nothing bu-

Aoi had enough as she rocket punched The humanoid in the face sending it flying through the whole of SUOF and even almost breaking the dome. Haruto commented:

- I sense all the students. Expect one. It's the new girl that came yesterday. I didn't saw her with the rest of the class.

Aoi spoke as she float down with Haruto:

- Find her. I will deal with them by myself.

As they landed Haruto took out his second sword and asked her:

- You had another flashback. I can tell. Is that the case why are you serious?

Aoi just responded:

- Go and do your part. I deal with the rest.

She began to advance as Haruto spoke to himself with a long sigh:

- She needs to stop remembering the past. That only will hurt her in the long term.

He speed runned back to the strikers who were injured as Aoi advanced towards the cultists with her gloves still on. She thought:

- "Should I use a bit.. no no that's too much. I don't have a reason to use my void shard power just for some cultists."

The cult leader was getting impatient. He yelled to one of his subordinates in black cloak and purple hair with sharp teeth:

- What do you mean you can't find her ?! Find her that's an order!

The purple haired cultist spoke with a growl:

- Why should we even find her! For all we know she is just another one you want to sacrifice! "Leader"!

The white haired shortie was getting angry as he heard Aoi speak:

- Oi. Brat just so know.Your place isn't gonna be prison. But straight up graveyard. Normally all the villains go to prisons but for you I give you an special offer.

She cracked her knuckles loudly and a grin appeared on her face . A demonic one as she finished:

- I will give you a one way ticket straight to hell!

The leader instantly backed away and yelled:


Two cultists the one in green and the one in purple rushed at Aoi with there blades and other weapons. Aoi spoke out:

- Asura ....speed release.

As the two were about to strike at her:

- 5%!

Her legs turned red as she suddenly kicked at the two instantly. The barrage of Kicks exceeded March 7 or even 10 breaking the sound barrier. Both the cultists got absolutely bodied as Aoi yelled:


She grabbed both by there legs and slammed them over herself right into the concrete road in SUOF. The shockwave caused many windows to literally explode. The leader yelled:


All the other cultists backed off. Aoi threw the two cultists to them as she got into a fighting stance. She spoke:

- I guess time for me to finally finish you off kid and this stupid cult of yours.

The leaders face was a bit worried. But then he heard something and grinned:

- I think you are.. a bit late Aoi Bushida!

Aoi heard a scream and looked into the air. The girl they been trying to find was held by the humanoid who was chocking her. Aoi spoke:

- ....You...dare to hurt her...and You are dead.

Her eyes flashed red for the first time. The Humanoid only laughed as it grabbed the girl by her legs and arms and spoke:

- You humans have one weakness. You care about one another. This child was so easy to get..she was too scared to even fight! HAHAHA!

The leader angrily yelled to it:


The monster only laughed and spoke to both Aoi and the leader:

- Shut up or you will suffer worse then her . And you...Omega striker. What will you do? I know you can kill me in time . But in that way you destroy the whole SUOF and kill everyone won't you? That's why you are holding back!AND NOW YOU PAY THE PRICE!

Aoi's eyes opened wide as she hears the girl cry and say:

- Sensei.... I didn't had time. To thank you for accepting me into your class. I am sorry.

Her voice cut as the girl was ripped apart. Her organs are by the monsters in the same instance. Aoi stood silent as Haruto saw the scene and spoke to himself:

- She is gonna transform.. Everyone get out of here that's an order!

All the strikers rush to the main entrance as Haruto jumps into the air almost to the ceiling of the dome. He speaks again to himself:

- She will absolutely go berserk. I should have seen that coming. I hope at least this girl didn't had any relatives. Huh?

He looked to his right seeing a giant battle in the other part of SUOF . He instantly realised who it was:

- Genji...

With a single step in the air he flew towards the fight. Meanwhile at the center the cultists began to gather with what was left of the monsters. Aoi was just standing there with her eyes slowly forming a symbol of a serpent in them. The leader began to laugh maniacally as he spoke:

- I don't know why I am laughing! But I know one thing! That I showed these stupid humans and strikers that they are still mortals! They can still die like insects!

He grabbed his face with one hand while grinning and continued:

- You can't do nothing anymore hero! You can't even save a single student! WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU WHOLE CLASS IS IN DANGE-

At this very moment the leader's eyes went wide as he coughed out blood. He went flying into the building with such an impact and speed no one noticed until a few seconds later. The humanoid spoke in shock:

- What is the meaning of this...?! I didn't saw..a single move. Who did this. WHO ATTACK HIM?!

A voice spoke with a rather devilish tone:

- It's pretty simple if you think about it. I did.

The monster human turned right back as it's eyes went wide. All the cultists including the bodyguards of the leader looked with pure fear there eyes. Aoi suddenly transformed causing the whole of SUOF to shake from the massive energy outburst. Four new arms spread from her chest as her body changed colours into red. She spoke as this continued:

- You monsters always say the same thing..just like those heretics. You will kill more people. And yet we Omega Strikers and those brave people... Humans are ready to give out there lives to stop you.

A pair of horns pop from her head as they flash with golden rings. She continues to speak:

- You actually think you are close to killing us. You think you are above us in every single way. But you aren't above us in one single way. We are able to express emotions. And Now..

Aoi rose her head now with red skin and serpent like eyes she grinned saying: