
Ethan In The Omniverse

Ethan gets a lot of positive karma for inventing the cure for cancer. He gets OP wishes and is transported to Marvel. From there he travels around with his Girlfriend's in the. Omniverse.

SkullCrusherAsh · 电影同人
25 Chs

I am Ironman

---------Tony Stark POV-------------

I came back home with Yinsen . And Never have i felt so relieved coming back home and doing nothing for a while.

" Yinsen ,what do you want to do now. Would you like to stay here or I can buy you your own house next to me. We can work together. ??" I said

"Well thanks for the offer Tony, But my family are all dead. I lied when I told you they are waiting for me. I just don't think me living here would I be able to do the most good. So i would like to go back to my home town and be a doctor there. I believe I can do my best work there."

Yinsen was having a sad face when he said that.

" Well are you sure, if you are i will set up a hospital with all the facilities and doctors there and also hire security to help your people" i said.

" Well that would help a lot ,thank you Tony."

"Yeah , Jarvis contact pepper and cancel all the authority of Obediah Stane of you and search for weapons sale without permission inside his computer."

" Yes sir, and welcome back sir."

" Well thanks Jarvis , tell pepper to book a press conference and get me some cheese burgers. And don't inform Stane."

" Yes sir , but can i ask why sir, "

"Well because ,hes the one who kidnapped me. And he arranged for me to die "

" Ok sir, i will find out all the proof you need".

-----At the press Conference--------

" Are you sure you want to do this now Tony, shouldn't we go to a hospital first" asks pepper.

As he was eating his fifth cheese burger

" Hmmmm well ouummm , I am fine pepper and better than ever. Now i need to do this because I think it will affect the future of a lot of people. I been through too much in that cave to just stop now. Don't worry pepper , I am in the best condition , so don't worry."

Tony was walking to the podium and being congratulated for returning safe. He walks up to the stadium and says,

" Thank you all for coming . There will be no questions now this is just a statement being released regarding the future of the company.

Now i have always wanted to ask my dad if he was alive, would he be proud of the way our company turned out now.

When I was there I saw young American soldiers getting killed by the very same weapons that I made to protect them. I can't in good conscience allow it to go on. So effective immediately Stark industries is closing down the weapons branch . So that no more American soldiers die from our weapons."

" Mr .Stark, Mr .stark " the media started firing questions as Tony began walking away and Obediah started explaining that

" I think we should all appropriate Tony coming back and hes a little tired and let's see ."


"Mr. Stark I am from SHIELD, we would like to know how you escaped from there" Coulson said.

" Well you will get a statement from me and maybe later . Now I am very busy. "

Tony went back to his house and started collecting all the dirt of Stane from his office by asking pepper. He was now improving on Mark 2 design.

All the things happened exactly like in the film a but Stane didn't get to become Iron Monger . And Stane died on his way due to Hunt giving him a heart attack due to his reality manipulation.

But Tony did go and with the Ironman suit destroyed all the terrorist Warlords , and his weapons sold illegally. All of Stanes shares were in Tony name. He wanted to appear like a good uncle so he wrote all the shares to his name. Now Tony had 55% of the company and Ethan had 45% , because he bought back all the shares on the market and gave good offers to people when it was all going down.

Now because of a leak from the military, people began speculation of Who is Ironman and they believe it's someone for Stark Industry.

So Tony started giving his iconic speech when his one night fling reporter said

" I don't think you are a hero , i just don't believe your body guard wore the suit and helped those people . Do you really want us to believe that ????"

" I am not right , who would believe that, the truth is ........" He then looks into peppers eyes. He started having a serious relationship with her as soon as he came back . He realised she is the most important person to him. So when he looked into her eyes the cards in his hand didn't mean anything at all.

" I Am Ironman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The whole group of reportera went wild. And started asking all the questions but he didn't answer that and came out of the press conference.

In the evening when he went back home with pepper and opened his house

" I am Ironman, do you think you are the only superhero stark , really. We asked you to say that for your own safety. It's not like we get any pleasure in doing so."

A dark skinned and bold person with an eye patch like a pirate spoke to him. Now because of Gamer's Mind protecting him he knew this must be Nick Fury who Ethan talked about.