
Eternal yearning : Shadows of Desire

In the realm of supernatural beings, young vampire Kwan seizes a rare opportunity to escape his secluded life and attend ‘all souls academy’ that welcomes witches, werewolves, and vampires. Eager to make friends after years of isolation, Kwan finds himself drawn to Gwanheok, the enigmatic alpha of the werewolf pack. Their connection deepens, defying societal expectations, but their forbidden desire is threatened by hidden secrets and prejudice. "Shadows of Desire" is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and the mysteries and conspiracies that might want to tear things apart.

S_Alii · LGBT+
9 Chs

Chapter 2 : All Souls Academy (the hidden and revealed)

Looking at the picture in front of him being shocked at the black door design, Its surface is painted a deep, lustrous black, giving it an air of mystery and elegance. The black hue seems to absorb the light, creating an aura of intrigue for those who approach it. The metal rods are seamlessly intertwined, forming an intricate lattice pattern that adds a touch of sophistication to the door's appearance.

It was an academy, a place of knowledge and enlightenment, yet its appearance betrayed a sense of desolation. Through the rusted metal door, Kwan's gaze penetrated the veil, revealing an old, dusty, and decrepit building reminiscent of an abandoned motel lost in time.

Disappointment washed over him, flooding his spirit with disillusionment. His expectations had been lofty, envisioning a bustling institution adorned with grandeur. Unique classrooms, meticulously designed to nurture the magic within, and hallways flowing smoothly with the footsteps of inquisitive minds. He had imagined a symphony of children's laughter, witches conjuring spells, werewolves engaging in exhilarating hunts within the academy's forest, and vampires immersing themselves in study or playing a game of supernatural speed.

Yet the reality before him shattered those dreams. The vision he beheld stood as a stark contrast to the vibrant tapestry he had painted in his mind's eye.

In the midst of his contemplations, Mrs. Yoon's voice broke through the silence, vibrant with excitement, as they made their way back from parking the car. She approached Kwan, her words infused with anticipation.

"Dear Kwan, I am delighted to announce that you have finally arrived at your destination. This, my child, is the illustrious All Souls Academy, renowned far and wide as the most prestigious institution for witches, vampires, and werewolves. It is a place where knowledge intertwines with the supernatural, and countless beings of diverse nature find solace in its hallowed halls. Many others, like us, have sought refuge within its humble abode of enlightenment."

Mrs. Yoon's words danced upon the air, an eager melody that sought to soothe her son's mounting frustrations.

Kwan's anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by a cascade of questions demanding answers. He looked upon his parents, their vampiric heritage shared with him, and struggled to contain his ire. His words, tinged with accusation, lashed out in search of truth.

"Why did you leave me with nothing but a piece of clothing? Why did you expect me to find this so-called academy on my own while you casually parked the car? And why, pray tell, did you arrive so late? Your excuses of fatigue or slow speed hold no sway, for we are vampires, bound by the eternal night."

His parents recognized the smoldering anger within their son's gaze, unsure of the specific trigger but fully aware of his disappointment. Mrs. Yoon took a breath, her voice poised and serene, a balm to quell the storm brewing within Kwan.

"We gave you the clothing piece as a testament to your vampiric nature, a test to gauge your readiness for this unfamiliar journey. Your father has diligently imparted his wisdom, training you to harness your potent vampire senses. Thus, we wished to witness if you possessed the strength to discern the academy's location from this mere fragment. And behold, someone has succeeded. We are impressed, dear Kwan, reassured by your readiness to face the weight and challenges of this new endeavor. As for our tardiness, we parked the car on the highway, for the academy lies deep within this forest, far from the reach of humankind. Its concealed location acts as a shield to safeguard our kind, and though the reasons for its seclusion remain a mystery, we can appreciate the wisdom behind such precautions. We sensed your presence once the car was settled, and with the swiftness of our vampiric nature, we hastened to join you. Walking through this forest on foot would have consumed centuries, were we not blessed with our immortal speed."

Mrs. Yoon's words cascaded like a gentle waterfall, the currents of calmness and understanding mingling within Kwan.

Like a veil lifting to reveal a hidden world, the truth behind their mysterious arrival began to unravel. Kwan's inquisitive gaze pierced through the fog of uncertainty, seeking answers amidst the swirling questions.

"How did you find me? How were you able to sense my presence here?" Kwan's voice quivered with a mix of curiosity and astonishment.

Mrs. Yoon's eyes sparkled with a mischievous delight as she responded, "GPS, dear! We may be creatures of centuries past, but we do keep abreast of the advancements of the modern world. We knew you had your phone with you, making it a simple task to track you down."

A chuckle escaped Kwan's lips as he marveled at his parents' ability to adapt to the ever-changing tides of time. "Great to see you both being ahead of your time," he mused, acknowledging their efforts to bridge the gap between generations.

Mrs. Yoon's laughter danced through the air like ethereal music. "Well, my dear, if we were still bound by the limitations of our era, communication with you would be a far more complex endeavor, wouldn't it?"

In the presence of their shared laughter, the weight of disappointment began to lift from Kwan's heart. They stood as a trio, facing the grand entrance of the academy, each lost in their own thoughts. Kwan's face, etched with lingering disappointment, spoke volumes, revealing the depths of his shattered expectations.

Mr. Yoon broke the silence, his voice laced with determination. "I believe it is time for us to venture inside, or perhaps, at the very least, knock on the door to announce our arrival," he suggested, his gaze fixated on the imposing gate.

A fire blazed in Kwan's eyes as he locked his intense gaze with his parents, his words loaded with the weight of his disillusionment. "Knock? This door, reminiscent of a black, spider-webbed labyrinth of metal rods? Is this some kind of twisted joke? Where is the academy you both spoke so highly of? All I see is a dilapidated structure, a testament to poor construction. Where are the children, the witches, the vampires, and the werewolves?"

His parents, perceptive to Kwan's unspoken emotions, understood that he had finally verbalized his shock and disappointment. The feeling of being deceived gnawed at him, threatening to overshadow the promises they had made.

Calm and resolute, Mr. Yoon sought to assuage his son's concerns. "That, my dear Kwan, is the result of the academy's invisible filter. All Souls Academy utilizes the powers of its resident witches for the protection of its secrets. They have crafted an invisible shield, an illusion that allows outsiders to perceive only the abandoned facade. It serves as a comforting veil, easing parents' worries about the safety of their children."

Mr. Yoon's explanation, delivered with conviction, aimed to soothe Kwan's troubled spirit.

Kwan's frustration surged anew, his desire to break through the barriers intensifying. "So how do we dismantle this barrier? We cannot afford to be any later than we already are! And what about the students? How do they gain entry?"

Mrs. Yoon, unflappable in her resolve, replied, "It's simple, my dear. We must offer a drop of our blood. The barrier recognizes our supernatural essence, our non-human nature, and opens up accordingly."

Kwan's questioning gaze shifted between his parents, yearning for further insight. "But what about the students? How do they navigate this invisible barrier?"

A knowing smile passed between his parents, a silent agreement to leave some mysteries for the academy's principal to answer.

With a shared glance, Kwan's parents collected a small amount of blood on their hands and placed it upon the door. In that instant, the world around them underwent a breathtaking transformation.

The abandoned building dissolved before their eyes, revealing the resplendent All Souls Academy. The walls radiated a deep shade of cobalt, a captivating hue that exuded a sense of mystery and magic. The once solitary structure expanded into a vast expanse of buildings, stretching into the distance like a sprawling city nestled within the forest.

Kwan's disappointment gave way to astonishment as he took in the magnificent sight before him. The true nature of the academy had been unveiled, and its grandeur surpassed his wildest imagination. The door, once a grim barrier, now opened into a realm of limitless possibilities.

Eager to explore the wonders within, Kwan stood alongside his parents, their gazes filled with anticipation.

Outside the imposing gate, they stood, anticipation hanging in the air like a delicate veil. A guard, his vampiric nature unmistakable, emerged from behind the door. His pale complexion bore witness to his immortal heritage, while his voice, husky and tinged with a hint of intrigue, commanded attention. Adorned in a sleek black suit, his crimson eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity. A hat, adorned with a tiny belt, crowned his head, a unique touch that added to his enigmatic presence. His short black hair peeked out from beneath the brim, a glimpse of his human-like features.

"State your name," the guard spoke, his words carrying the weight of authority.

"We are the Yoon family, vampires hailing from Eternum Noctis," Mr Yoon replied with confidence.

The guard, upon hearing their answer, asked no further questions. Without hesitation, he swung open the door, granting them entry. Mr Yoon gestured for Kwan to follow, and they stepped across the threshold, embarking on their journey into All Souls Academy.

As they ventured deeper into the academy's halls, their steps echoing in harmony, Kwan's eyes were drawn to the extraordinary architecture that surrounded them. Each facet of All Souls Academy seemed to defy the boundaries of imagination.

The academy's grand structure rose before them, a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance. It stood like a symphony in stone, its spires reaching skyward, as if yearning to touch the heavens themselves. Centuries of secrets were etched into its weathered walls, standing steadfast like guardians of knowledge.

Intricate iron gates framed the entrance, inviting visitors into a realm of enchantment. Stepping through, they found themselves in a courtyard that seemed to breathe with life. Vibrant blooms burst forth in a kaleidoscope of colors, like an artist's palette brought to life. Sunlight danced upon the courtyard, casting playful shadows and bestowing a serene ambiance.

Within the academy's corridors, Kwan was transported to a world woven from legends and dreams. Arched ceilings, adorned with masterful carvings, whispered tales of forgotten lore and mythical beings. Stained glass windows painted the hallways in iridescent hues, casting an ethereal glow upon the polished marble floors.

The classrooms, sanctuaries of knowledge, embraced them with warmth and illumination. Tapestries adorned the walls, alive with the ever-changing dance of seasons. Leaves pirouetted like ethereal ballerinas, while flames crackled, casting a comforting glow. Chandeliers, reminiscent of constellations, suspended from ceilings, bathing the students in a celestial light.

Ascending the grand staircase, Kwan felt the weight of history and the promise of the future upon each step. The intricately carved banisters guided him, polished to a radiant gleam, as he embarked on a personal odyssey of self-discovery.

At last, they arrived at the principal's office, their ascent rewarded with the promise of guidance and wisdom. Welcomed by the staff, they were ushered into a waiting room, anticipation coursing through their veins like a dance of excitement and nerves.

Kwan couldn't contain his awe, his expression a mixture of surprise and delight. "This place is truly remarkable!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with wonder.

Mr Yoon and Mrs Yoon shared a tender laugh, their hearts swelling with parental pride at their son's innocent fascination.

Kwan, with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, fidgeted slightly, his gaze darting around the room in awe.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and the principal of All Souls Academy, a formidable figure known as Dr. Valeria Nightshade, entered the room. Draped in a flowing robe, her presence commanded attention. Her eyes, piercing and wise, seemed to hold a deep understanding of the supernatural world. She approached the Yoon family, a faint smile playing upon her lips.

"Welcome, Yoon family," Dr. Nightshade greeted with a voice that resonated like a melodic incantation. "It is an honour to have you here at All Souls Academy."

As Kwan's parents rose from their seats, Dr. Nightshade extended a graceful hand, a gesture of warmth and respect. They exchanged pleasantries, their words tinged with a mutual understanding of the extraordinary. Dr. Nightshade's eyes then shifted to Kwan, observing him with a keen interest.

"Kwan," she said, her voice laced with a gentle authority. "We are delighted to welcome you to our academy, a place where your potential will flourish. Here, you will have the opportunity to forge new friendships, to explore your unique abilities, and to discover the depths of your own strength."

Kwan's eyes met Dr. Nightshade's, a mixture of curiosity and hope sparking within them. He nodded, a sense of determination settling upon his shoulders. The principal's words echoed in his mind, filling him with a renewed sense of purpose.

Dr. Nightshade's smile deepened as she observed Kwan's resolve. "All Souls Academy will be a home away from home for you, Kwan. We embrace the diversity of our students and foster an environment where all supernatural beings can thrive, learn, and support one another."

In that moment, a bond was forged, not only between Dr. Nightshade and the Yoon family, but also within Kwan's heart. As the principal and the Yoons delved into discussions of curriculum and future aspirations, Kwan glimpsed a world brimming with possibilities, a world where he could find acceptance and friendship.

And so, in the hallowed halls of All Souls Academy, Kwan's journey had begun, guided by the wisdom of his parents and nurtured by the enigmatic presence of Dr. Valeria Nightshade, the beacon of hope and opportunity in a realm teeming with magic and wonder.

The number on the door indicated that Room 507 was now his new home within All Souls Academy.

As the excitement swirled within him, Kwan couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness at the thought of being separated from his parents. He mustered the courage to voice his emotions, seeking solace in their understanding.

"Mom, Dad, even though I'm incredibly excited about this new chapter in my life, I can't help but feel that I'll miss you both."

Mrs. Yoon embraced her son, her warmth and reassurance enveloping him. "I understand, my dear. It's natural to feel that way. But remember, as you make friends and immerse yourself in the academy's community, that sense of longing will gradually fade. And don't forget, you can always call us anytime, and we may even come to visit you often."

Kwan's voice quivered slightly as he continued, "That's reassuring to hear. I hope everything goes smoothly. And promise me, Mom and Dad, that you'll call me every day until I feel more settled."

Mr. Yoon, with an affectionate smile, held his son tightly, his words laced with unwavering support. "Don't worry, even if you settle in completely, we will continue to call you every day."

Mrs. Yoon, though inwardly feeling a tinge of sadness, managed to put on a brave face for her son. With a smile and a heartfelt hug, she whispered, "Goodbye, dumpling! Mommy is going to miss you!"

Soon, Kwan's parents departed, leaving him to navigate the halls of the academy. Armed with an introduction guide, he soon encountered a friendly staff member who would serve as his guide, leading him through the intricacies of his new home.

She began by sharing tidbits about the academy :

You have Stepped into the enchanting realm of All Souls Academy, a place where magic and mystery intertwine, and extraordinary beings find solace. As you enter the hallowed halls, an intoxicating aura embraces you, caressing your senses with whispers of ancient secrets and the palpable pulse of raw power.

Picture the walls adorned with tapestries that unfurl like ancient spells, each thread telling a tale of mythical creatures and forgotten legends. Crystal chandeliers, like suspended stars, cast a soft, ethereal glow, illuminating your path as you traverse the corridors. Here, every step feels like a dance with destiny, as if you're tiptoeing between realms, your heart alight with anticipation.

The Werewolf Wing, with its classrooms bathed in the silvery glow of moonlight simulators, echoes with the primal energy of untamed spirits. Within these sacred spaces, young werewolves learn to embrace their wild nature, to ride the ebb and flow of their transformations with grace and control. The air crackles with anticipation, mirroring the exhilaration coursing through their veins as they uncover the secrets of their true selves.

Now, let us wander into the Witches' Wing, a haven of ancient knowledge and enchantment. Here, dusty tomes and weathered grimoires line the shelves, their worn pages whispering forgotten incantations. It is a realm where the very air thrums with the rich scent of magical herbs, where the flickering candlelight dances upon the pages, illuminating the path to arcane mastery. It is here that aspiring spellcasters ignite their inner flame, weaving their desires into existence with every elegantly spoken word.

In the Vampire Wing, darkness takes shape, and shadows become companions. Within the velvety embrace of these hallowed halls, vampires unravel the intricacies of blood magic. They delve into the depths of their immortal souls, grappling with the duality that accompanies everlasting life. The air, heavy with the scent of ancient lineage, carries a sense of elegant danger, reminiscent of the seductive allure of moonlit nights and crimson desires.

Venture deeper, where the Demon Wing resides, shrouded in swirling shadows and flickering flames. It is a sanctuary for those daring to explore the forbidden arts, their spirits aflame with unquenchable curiosity. Here, they paint the canvas of their existence with hues of darkness, summoning forgotten powers from the depths of their beings. The air crackles with electricity, a symphony of darkness that dances on the edge of temptation and liberation.

Yet, All Souls Academy is not only a place of academic pursuit, but also a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of camaraderie and unity. The Grand Hall, a bustling centre of life and laughter, unites the diverse supernaturals in shared meals, celebrations, and jovial gatherings. It is here that friendships flourish, their roots entwined like ancient oaks, providing solace and strength as they navigate the intricacies of their extraordinary lives.

Beyond the academic corridors and communal spaces lie hidden gems waiting to be discovered. The sprawling gardens, teeming with enchanted flora and whimsical creatures, offer a sanctuary for quiet contemplation and exploration. Each step reveals hidden nooks and crannies, secret meeting spots where whispers of mischief and dreams intertwine. The very air teems with a sense of untapped potential, as if the leaves and petals hold secrets waiting to be unravelled.

All Souls Academy is not just an institution; it is a sanctuary for the extraordinary, a crucible of emotions and growth. It is where dreams take flight on the wings of possibility, where hearts beat to the rhythm of endless potential. It is a sanctuary where souls, once fragmented, find solace in the embrace of kindred spirits.

Kwan and she went to whole academy tour:

They went to the following locations too :

The library, a sanctuary of knowledge, where endless rows of books beckoned the curious minds of students.

The enchanting courtyard, resplendent with blooming flowers and serene seating areas, inviting moments of relaxation and contemplation.

The magical garden, where herbs and plants thrived under the care of the academy's green-thumbed witches.

The Great Hall, a majestic space where students gathered for meals and important events, its high ceilings and grand chandeliers lending an air of grandeur to every occasion.

The training grounds, where aspiring witches, vampires, and werewolves honed their skills, embracing their unique abilities under the guidance of skilled instructors.

Eager to immerse himself in the vibrant tapestry of supernatural life within All Souls Academy, Kwan embarked on a journey through the different wings, exploring the habitats of various supernatural races. All eyes turned towards him as he walked, curiosity and intrigue gleaming in their gazes.

When he stepped into a class in the werewolf department, he couldn't help but notice the prominent presence of athletic students. The boys exuded an aura of strength, their well-built bodies a testament to their werewolf lineage. The girls sat with poise, their eyes shining with a fierce determination.

The teacher introduced Kwan to the class, emphasizing that he was a visitor, not an actual student. The teacher's words resonated with kindness, urging the students to treat Kwan with the same respect and warmth they extended to their fellow vampires.

As Kwan absorbed the classroom scene, he became aware of the gazes fixed upon him. The girls and boys alike seemed captivated by his presence. Yet, amidst the sea of curious eyes, Kwan's attention was drawn to a figure at the back of the room. The boy, hidden beneath a large, dark hoodie that seemed to strain against his broad chest, locked eyes with Kwan. His pale complexion belied his wolf-like appearance, giving him an air of mystery that could be mistaken for that of a vampire. With off-white hair, a sharp nose, and a clean jawline, he possessed a striking handsomeness that stirred something within Kwan.

Their connection, however brief, was abruptly severed as the guide lady intervened, pulling Kwan away from the classroom. "Hey, Kwan, are you ready to explore more classrooms in the vampire wing?" she asked, her voice snapping him out of his trance. "Since that's where you'll be studying, I should have shown you there first. But since you insisted on seeing the whole building, we went along with it. Now, we're free to continue. Follow me!"

As Kwan was guided away, a sharp pain pierced his head, causing him to wince and grasp his temple. The sudden wave of dizziness momentarily clouded his vision. Shaking off the disorientation, he glanced back at the spot where the mysterious boy had sat, but he had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Curiosity lingered within Kwan, a tinge of intrigue about the enigmatic figure who had captured his attention.