
Eternal yearning : Shadows of Desire

In the realm of supernatural beings, young vampire Kwan seizes a rare opportunity to escape his secluded life and attend ‘all souls academy’ that welcomes witches, werewolves, and vampires. Eager to make friends after years of isolation, Kwan finds himself drawn to Gwanheok, the enigmatic alpha of the werewolf pack. Their connection deepens, defying societal expectations, but their forbidden desire is threatened by hidden secrets and prejudice. "Shadows of Desire" is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and the mysteries and conspiracies that might want to tear things apart.

S_Alii · LGBT+
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9 Chs

New beginning

In a world of exploration and wonder, fear was nowhere to be found, overshadowed by the spirit of curiosity. Ambition stood at the gateway, and I found myself surrounded by my own desires.

Deep within Bijarim Forest, there stood a beautiful house atop a small hill called Creole. It had stood there for many years, untouched by time.

Oddly enough, no one else lived in the area. It seemed as if the house didn't belong there, in a place where no humans resided(cause it's a forest).

However, this area was perfect for creatures like vampires, werewolves, and witches. It may not have been suitable for humans, but it was an ideal sanctuary for them.

And so, Mr. and Mrs. Yoon made this beautiful house their home in the midst of the forest.

They were not ordinary humans, nor were they witches or werewolves. They were vampires, ancient and powerful, deeply connected to the vampire community.

But they were different from other vampires. They had chosen to live quietly, far away from the chaos and darkness that once surrounded them. Their main concern was their vampire son, Kwan.

They wanted to protect him from the negative influences they had encountered in the past. They didn't want Kwan to become like those vampires who showed no kindness to anyone.

And Kwan had grown up to be an amazing individual, just as they had hoped. Now, at the age of 18 (300 in vampire years), it was time for his parents to make some difficult decisions they had been avoiding for a long time.

They knew it was for the best, but they were apprehensive about how Kwan would react when they shared their plans with him.

Mrs. Yoon, also known as Myeong Yoon, had been turned into a vampire by her husband Minhyun 2000 years ago. They had lived together ever since, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. As vampires, they had faced many challenges and eventually found a peaceful way of existence.

They discovered that the key to peace was to remain hidden from humans and other creatures.

"I remember sitting together near the tree and sharing the ballads we had written. It was our love story in Hanyang," Mrs. Yoon recalled.

"Mum, it's Seoul now, not Hanyang. The city's name has changed," Kwan interrupted.

"Yes, you're right. I'm just trying to describe what it was like back then," she replied, understanding his perspective.

"We've talked about this so many times already," Kwan said, rolling his eyes before retreating to his room.

"He has quite the attitude for a boy. He's even sassier than some of the mean girls I knew," Mrs. Yoon remarked, approaching Mr. Yoon in his office.

"We need to approach him gently today. I have a feeling he won't be happy with our idea," Mr. Yoon said, his eyes fixed on the newspaper he was reading.

"Don't worry. It's normal for children to disagree with their parents until they understand it's for their own good," Mrs. Yoon reassured him, gently caressing his shoulder.

"You're right. We haven't always been the best parents, but we had our reasons for everything," Mr. Yoon admitted, placing the newspaper on the table.

"Let's hope everything goes as planned," they both agreed, holding onto hope as they prepared to share their news with Kwan. Hopefully Kwan would be understanding towards them.

Kwan found solace within the sanctuary of his room, the very space that witnessed the intimate dance of his emotions flowing from pencil to paper. With each stroke, he sought to capture the essence of his day, etching his frustrations onto the diary's pages instead of carrying them in his heart.

This ritual served a purpose. As he left his room, his thoughts remained, confined within the bound pages, granting him freedom from their weighty burden.

In the realm of his abode, Kwan meticulously maintained order, his vampire senses allowing him to effortlessly keep his surroundings tidy. The room exuded an air of regal elegance, awash in hues of royal purple. From the pillows to the bedspread, every element adorned with varying shades of this majestic color.

Perched on the upper floor, his window unveiled a sweeping panorama of the encompassing forest. It was here, before this breathtaking view, that he would pen his thoughts upon the diary's awaiting canvas.

Leaving his private sanctum, Kwan descended the stairs, his footsteps carrying him towards the anticipated reunion with his parents.

In the gentle morning light, his parents, as usual, shared stories of vampires and history. They also spoke of their love stories, which bored him quickly. Today, he wrote:

"Dear diary,

Hi there! I'm trying to find the energy to write on your canvas again Lately, I've been thinking about everything. Is there a special reason for my existence? Or any reason at all? I feel tired! I don't have the energy to keep going day after day, feeling sad and tired all the time. I asked my parents if they have any plans for me. Today feels different, and I just want something new. No, it's not about vampires! I've never met a human before. I want to meet one and see what they're like and how things feel with them.

I remember being with my parents since I was born, and we didn't always live in this house. We moved from our old house 260 years ago. I'm 300 years old now, but back then, I was just 40 years old. One day, some strange guests came; they looked like vampires but were different from the ones I know, like Uncle Jung.

I don't remember exactly what happened, but I fainted, and when I woke up, they were gone, and my parents decided to leave the house. Since then, we've been living here.

They said it was necessary. Anyway, I got caught up in my own life and stuff, as usual. My life is filled with activities that a child living with their parents would do. I'm always busy. I wake up early and go for walks in the forest with my mom. I read books in my dad's library, and we have long conversations (or lectures, really) about vampire history and ways. We also learn about werewolves, witches, and demons, mostly with my mom since my dad is usually out at night.

But ever since I turned 300 years old (which is like being 18 in human age), something feels empty. The lessons, the talks, the reading, and even the walks don't feel as fun as they used to. For the first time in my life, I feel like something is missing. Life felt complete with my parents, but now I want something new.

Maybe a new friend?

I don't care if they're not a vampire; I just want a friend!

I can't keep living this robotic life. Today, I'll tell my parents how I feel. I've been gathering the courage to talk to them about this for a while now.

Dear diary, wish me luck!"

Kwan's emotions swirled within him like a tempestuous sea, a tumultuous blend of excitement, nerves, and uncertainty. He had always known his parents to be kind-hearted, their love overflowing, and he had never before needed to ask them for anything. However, this time was different. This time, he mustered the courage to make a request.

With his heart quivering like a fragile bird seeking shelter on a wintry night, Kwan emerged from his room, feeling a profound shift in the air. Loneliness, which had burdened his heart until now, suddenly dissipated, replaced by an inexplicable energy that pulsed through the atmosphere.

Descending the staircase, every fiber of his being warned him against proceeding, yet an uncontainable thrill urged him forward, impelling him to cast aside hesitation. As he reached the bottom, he was taken aback, the shock freezing his face in a momentary chill akin to ice upon a warm surface. There, on the dining table, sat his parents, adorned in somber black attire.

His mother donned a hat and a long, flowing black dress, her ears adorned with dark earrings boasting blue diamonds. Rings encrusted with the same precious stones adorned her fingers, while her eyeliner, bolder than usual, framed her eyes with an air of resolute determination mixed with underlying nerves.

Kwan's father, ever stylish, appeared in his immaculate suits, often infused with a touch of androgyny, occasionally embellished with fur embroidery or delicate pearls in lieu of buttons, centered on his chest.

Together, they resembled guests invited to a grand affair, their appearance at once elegant and enigmatic.

Meanwhile, Kwan maintained his customary fashion sense, his adorable beret perched atop his head, a long-sleeved, dark blouse-like shirt adorning his slender frame, and slim-fitting chino pants accentuating his legs. His dark hair spilled out from beneath the beret, cascading gracefully on either side of his head. His countenance was both lovely and striking, characterized by sharp yet gentle features.

One might feel a hint of intimidation when he wore a serious expression, but the moment he smiled, he transformed into the most endearing child, his charm infectious.

Something peculiar was afoot. As Kwan descended the stairs, his parents' faces lit up, mirroring his own anticipation. It seemed they were as eager for this moment as he was.

"I..." Kwan began, but before he could finish, his mother interjected.

"Go ahead, son. Speak first," she urged, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Taking a deep breath, Kwan gathered his thoughts. "Mom and Dad, you both know that I love you dearly. I want to assure you that my intentions are not to imply that you haven't done enough for me or that I'm unhappy with my life."

Upon hearing these words, a veil of concern descended upon Mr. and Mrs. Yoon. Their expressions shifted from anticipation to worry, and they exchanged troubled glances.

"What is it, son?" Kwan's mother approached him with an air of concern, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Kwan. Take a sip of water, dear. Are you alright? What's troubling you today?"

"Yes! It's nothing, no! I simply want to express something that has been weighing on my heart..."

"Don't hesitate! There is nothing you can ask for that we wouldn't go to great lengths to provide. You have earned this, and your behavior has always been exemplary. You have been the epitome of sweetness, and it's rare for you to make any requests. So, dear, ask away. We are here, ready to listen."

Mr. Yoon's words resonated with sincerity and unwavering support.

"It's quite simple, really! I desire a friend. That's all! I acknowledge and appreciate everything you both have done for me, but I believe it's time for me to seek companionship beyond our family circle. Having friends would not only relieve the burden on you, but they would also help me better understand and express my emotions. It's difficult to put into words, but what I truly want is a friend..."

Kwan's outpouring of emotions gradually subsided, leaving a hushed silence in its wake. However, unexpectedly, laughter erupted from both Mr. and Mrs. Yoon, filling the room.

"Minhyun, it seems we must have done something wonderful in our past lives," Mrs. Yoon exclaimed, a wide smile adorning her face. "This is precisely what we had hoped for. It's time we share our plan with him."

After their laughter subsided, Mrs. Yoon turned to her husband, still grinning from ear to ear, and addressed him.

"It seems we have made up our minds to enroll you in a rather extraordinary institution," she revealed. "It's called All Souls Academy, a renowned school that caters not only to vampires but also to demons, witches, werewolves, and even humans who possess the knowledge of our existence and assist us in our survival. It's a place where we can all coexist, forging mutual relationships."

Mr. Yoon anxiously awaited Kwan's reaction, hoping that this prospect would pique his interest.

"We were initially worried about your response, uncertain about how you would feel if we made this decision for you," Mrs. Yoon continued, providing more details about the academy and sharing their concerns. "But today has been a remarkable day, as you expressed your need for friends. And what better place to form lasting connections than a school?"

"Wow! So, wait... really? I mean, I'm at a loss for words. I do feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. No, I'm not thrilled about school itself, I'm not that insane. Rather, I'm eager to meet extraordinary individuals or just people in general, hopefully. There's nothing quite like the prospect of meeting new acquaintances," Kwan exclaimed, encapsulating his astonishment, enthusiasm, and a touch of his signature sass in a single breath.

"Well, if we're all in agreement and have no reservations, I see no reason to delay any longer," Mrs. Yoon declared. "Kwan, I have already packed all your belongings and prepared your dorm. You look splendid, and the car awaits outside. Yes, your parents will accompany you, my dear. I simply cannot allow my baby to embark on this journey alone."

As Mrs. Yoon spoke, they all nodded in unison. Kwan still had a few personal items, like his diary, to gather, so he ascended the stairs to his room.


Mr. and Mrs. Yoon occupied the front seats, with Mr. Yoon at the wheel while Mrs. Yoon delicately touched up her makeup. Meanwhile, Kwan sat in the back, a whirlwind of questions swirling in his mind. The most prominent one revolved around whether he had made the right decision for himself. The prospect of embarking on a school life, which he considered uncool, left him with a hint of uncertainty. Yet, his desire to venture into something new fueled his readiness to face any challenges that may lie ahead.

Finally, Kwan gathered the courage to ask the questions that had been nagging at him before their journey commenced.

"Will there be blood banks, or are we expected to drink human blood? I refuse to consume the blood of any human without their consent!"

Mr. and Mrs. Yoon burst into laughter at Kwan's adorable tone of complaint.

"Dear, it's quite simple. That school is highly civilized," Mrs. Yoon reassured him. "They would never ask you to drink human blood. They have blood banks for vampires and reserved meat for wolves."

"What about witches?" Kwan inquired.

"Oh, witches can eat whatever they please, even if it's rubbish. But apparently, they are also provided with regular human food," Mrs. Yoon responded, her laughter still lingering.

Kwan chuckled, finding humor in the idea of equality. "Well, that's nice. Equality, huh? I like that."

Seeking to tease her son further and evoke a mix of emotions, Mrs. Yoon playfully interjected, "So... you know, you might even find a charming vampire boyfriend there. Or girlfriend, if that's your preference."

Rolling his eyes in mock exasperation, Kwan retorted, "You know my taste, Mom, and that's precisely why you're teasing me. Boyfriend, seriously? Do you think I'll have time for that?"

Laughter filled the car as Mrs. Yoon replied, "Hahaha... Of course, everyone has time for love. Besides, some of the most epic love stories happen during school time. I expect you to find your own, no matter how stubborn you may be. Someone will love you for simply being yourself."

"Mom, did you just call me stubborn?" Kwan queried, feigning offense.

"Oh, honey, did I? I meant in matters of love. Look, if I had been as stubborn as you, I would never have found your dad," Mrs. Yoon clarified, and the couple exchanged affectionate giggles, punctuated by a tender kiss.

"Drive, you two. You'll crash into something if you continue kissing like that," Kwan interjected, slightly annoyed.

"It's alright. We're vampires after all. It's not as if we'll die," Mr. Yoon quipped playfully.

"But other forms of destruction matter too. For instance, this car won't survive for you to embark on your little trips anymore," Kwan retorted, attempting to bring some sense to the moment.

Throughout the car ride, a symphony of emotions and laughter filled the air. They conversed about various topics, indulging in lighthearted banter, before their son embarked on his momentous first step into the wider world.

Soon enough, Kwan found himself standing before a towering black door, crafted from iron rods. Adorning the door, in bold lettering, were the words:

"All souls academy"

new chapter everyday seeya guys 😊