
Red Strings Soulmates in the Web of Relationships

'Who else is reincarnated along with me?' Rudy asked curiously.

The girl offered a clear distinction, stating, "Just you and your harem. The girls you truly love with your heart, not the girls you have had sex with."

The kid expanded on this notion, adding, "There are your other soulmates whom you didn't get the chance to meet in this reality."

Rudy's thoughts swirled with these newfound revelations, and he sought clarity with the lingering question, 'How am I supposed to know if they are my soulmate?'

The kid's response was practical and direct, "I want to say you would see a red string attached to their bodies, but that's comical. Your life is not a fairytale. If you want them, you have to find them. It won't be easy, obviously. But there is one way to find out.