

Rudy's curiosity persisted. 'What about Asura? Wasn't he the absolute power of the second reality?'

The kid affirmed Rudy's insight, "Indeed, and he was the overlord. He was… you. Well, your ghost, to be precise. He mastered the ability of the shadow and became void. Which is why you possess the power of void too."

Rudy's curiosity continued to unravel the complexities of his existence. 'But if I am the reincarnation, why don't I have memories of my past lives?'

The kid, in his unassuming wisdom, offered an explanation. "Well, that concept of reincarnation itself is flawed. It's not that you don't possess those memories, but it's more like… your soul doesn't accept them as yours because of the power of the overlord."

Rudy's mind was a whirlwind of revelations and questions, each layer of the truth only revealing more mysteries. 'So, the power of the overlord has some control over my own memories?'